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  1. sawillia

    Burgandy Linkia issue

    I just got this guy in my 90 on Tuesday. I acclimated him from 9am to 5pm. From the time I started floating his bag till the time I put him in the tank. I floated him till about 2 then I took him from his bag and put him in a container... every 25 mins or so I'd add another cup of water from...
  2. sawillia

    Light Conversion ??

    Last one. I've got a crappy came... This one is with the Halogen lights (my effort at dusk lights) 25w halogen pucks (under cabinet lightening)
  3. sawillia

    Light Conversion ??

    1or 2 more
  4. sawillia

    Light Conversion ??

  5. sawillia

    Light Conversion ??

    There isn't much room up there with the 4VHOs... I can't get a good pick of it. I made it as big as the room and bedroom would allow... HMM (MasterBedroom view)
  6. sawillia

    Light Conversion ??

    Can anyone help with this idea. I've got 4 48" VHO lights above my tank now... I've built a hood over the tank... and the lights are approx 12-18in abouve the water of the tank now. I want to upgrade the lights and as you can tell I'm a DIY for just about everything. Will 250w MH lights work...
  7. sawillia

    OT- How old is everyone here

    < [hr] 31 :jumping: I'm an old man
  8. sawillia

    Feather Duster Question

    Crumb snatchin little..... He keeps that up and I'm going to wait till he molts and feed him to the file fish.... If he indeed is doing it... :D
  9. sawillia

    Feather Duster Question

    Would my Hermits eat them? Would a Coral Banded shrimp eat them? Crap
  10. sawillia

    Feather Duster Question

    Salinthy 1.022-1.023 (no refractometer yet) PH 8.2-8.4 Alkalinty is High according to my cards (no numbers just "High" Nitrates/ites are Blue... and my cards don't show blue on the Red Sea.. I've tested the RO water and they are the same... Ammonia is 0 Temp flcutuates between 78.1-79.7 after...
  11. sawillia

    Feather Duster Question

    Can anyone tell me if my Feather dusters will Return? I noticed about 2-3 weeks ago my live rock was covered with small water filtering feather dusters and tubes... I haven't seen the feathers out and about and I'm wondering if they've migrated to the big duster patch in the sky? Ideas? The...
  12. sawillia

    PPT or Salinity

    This might be a little beneath you... There are several companies looking for AD and exchange 2002 folks... No user interface... just setup deploy and so on... You interested in the Southeast? Job market is slowing turning back around down here...
  13. sawillia


    Sorry to butt in ... How old are you lights? I've read sevreal articles on shifted light emission ratios and algae growth over time... I just replaced the VHOs and that with the changed light on schedule seems to be winning the battle...
  14. sawillia

    PPT or Salinity

    Much Thanks! As usal good solid information... Keep up the good work... Thks -sw
  15. sawillia

    PPT or Salinity

    I'm reading and seeing a lot of opinions on refractometers as the way togo to check salinty... I currently use a hydrometer and on the gauge of the hydrometer there are .020-.026 or so best range??? Now on the outside there are whole numbers on the gauge. I assume they are PPT... The range...
  16. sawillia

    Can you have multiple types of shrimp?

    :confused: Can I get a couple of cleaners and a couple of peppermints if I have a coral banded Shrimp? 90gal, File Fish. Queen angel, SF Eel...Chromis and Clowns... Thanks in advance... :jumping:
  17. sawillia

    people over 35 should be dead

    Six Feet Unde is another one... how about this. At a recent afternoon at the Theatre, we called the cinema that cause we didn't know any different, I ran into a group of 6-10 teenagers. They all stormed the ticket lady yelling and screaming as if English wasn't thier first language. Some were...
  18. sawillia

    Nitrate/Rite question

  19. sawillia

    Nitrate/Rite question

    Here are two more
  20. sawillia

    Nitrate/Rite question

    Here is the best my crappy cam can do....