Search results

  1. ryanlee

    Frickin' Sea Lice???!!!

    I found lots of these crawling/swimming around in my tank. Does anyone know what they are? They were too small to take a good photo of so here is an illustration. Sorry for my poor art skills.
  2. ryanlee

    Fish Suicide Rate

    So, how many of your fish killed themselves (accidentally or intentionally). My flame angel killed itself swimming up to the surface really fast to grab some food but instead flew out of the water and smashed its face on my light fixture, fell back into the water and sank to the bottom. It was...
  3. ryanlee

    Pink Floyd Fans

    How many of you are Pink Floyd fans? I've been for a while now even though I wasn't even born when they were still around and I was only in the first grade when Division Bell was released. I own all of their albums and Dark Side of the Moon being my favorite and Division Bell being my least...
  4. ryanlee

    Any Issues With Using A Bubble Wall In A Marine Aquarium?

    I've heard that very fine bubbles can get stuck in fishes gills causing them to suffocate. True?
  5. ryanlee


    I once saw three yellow tangs in one of their smallest display tanks. Yikes.
  6. ryanlee

    Yay or Nay on this.....

    I am thinking about adding a copperband butterfly fish in my tank however, I have a yellow tang already. I understand that if you add a fish that looks similar in shape with another fish they will fight. Has anyone done this? Thanks
  7. ryanlee

    Copperband Butterfly Fish

    Has anyone here kept or is keeping a copperband butterfly fish in a soft coral reef tank? Please list any good or bad experiences. I'm trying to decide weather or not to add one. Thanks
  8. ryanlee

    About Dosing Kalkwasser....

    Should I leave my skimmer on while dosing kalkwasser? Or would it just be safer to turn it off until its done?
  9. ryanlee

    Pinguin Bio-Wheel Filter

    Gaaahhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This thing is a nitrate factory. :mad: Would it be safe if I just remove it?
  10. ryanlee

    Calling all Laptop Owners! (Opinions Needed)

    Being an IT professional and enthusiast, I would say Lenovo Thinkpad all the way. Sure, you'll need to sell a kidney or two to afford one but they are definatly worth it. Shock resistant hard drive, drainage system, light weight.... Just a few of its many great features, It's pretty much the...
  11. ryanlee

    Calling all Laptop Owners! (Opinions Needed)

    Being an IT professional and enthusiast, I would say Lenovo Thinkpad all the way. Sure, you'll need to sell a kidney or two to afford one but they are definatly worth it. Shock resistant hard drive, drainage system, light weight.... Just a few of its many great features, It's pretty much the...
  12. ryanlee

    Sump Plumbing

    Thanks for all of the replys, very helpful . Do you have to some how seal the pipes/tubing together or can they just screw on together?
  13. ryanlee

    Sump Plumbing

    Is flexible tubing like the hose on a vaccume cleaner? Can I get this at a hardware store?
  14. ryanlee

    Sump Plumbing

    What kind of plumbing for a sump do most of you use? Is PVC pipe easier or do people use vinyl tubing as well?
  15. ryanlee

    Any Windows Vista Beta Testers?

    Not personaly but a buddy of mine has. I use XP Pro on my laptop at my job and it seems fine the way it is but Vista I'm not so sure about. It seems that they have stripped away everything that was so promissing about it the first day that it was announced (WinFS etc.) now it just seems like XP...
  16. ryanlee

    Any Linux Users Here?

    Suse 10.1 After a few years of having to shell out money for annual anti-virus/firewall subscriptions, random crashes due to poorly written software drivers, and software activation a friend of mine introduced me to Linux( it was a Slackware distro) and fell in love with it. I pretty much took...
  17. ryanlee

    Any Linux Users Here?

    Just Curious.
  18. ryanlee

    Removing Mechanical Filtration

    I've read a few past threads about people removing their mechanical filtration and relying entirely on their live rock. I've had high nitrate readings for about a week now and suspect that it is my power filter (pinguin 350). I have a 55 gallon tank with 45 lbs. of live rock and 5 fish. Would...
  19. ryanlee

    New Yellow Tang

    My yellow tang gets frightened easily. Every time I walk into the room or even stand up he hides behind the rock but then he slowly peeks out from behind the rock to check everthng out. It's like he's watching my every move. I've had him for a day now and he seems healthy and eats properly. I'm...
  20. ryanlee

    Clown fish very hungry?

    Although I feed my clown fish four times a day, it seems like they are always swimming around looking for food. Is this normal?