Search results

  1. ck_503

    Bio-spira: Thoughts? Too good to be true?

    no, they have bio-spira for saltwater tanks now. I've seen it in person. It's out.
  2. ck_503

    Whole tank fish+ shrimp died in 24 hr

    I had the exact same thing happen to my tank a few months back. I lost it all. I had the same kind of experience. I did nothing abnormal to the tank nor added anything new. All my fish were suddenly gasping for air and trying to swim to the top. I did everything I could but lost them all in 24...
  3. ck_503

    Bio-spira: Thoughts? Too good to be true?

    I think the "cutting the time in half" theory makes sense...
  4. ck_503

    Bio-spira: Thoughts? Too good to be true?

    hmmm....that's interesting. Thanks for the story!
  5. ck_503

    pics of zoos pleaseeeeee

    looks like I'm the only one here to have purple/pink zoos....
  6. ck_503

    Bio-spira: Thoughts? Too good to be true?

    I agree but I'm still curious about it.......
  7. ck_503

    Bio-spira: Thoughts? Too good to be true?

    Has anyone heard of Bio-spira? It's sold at a few LFS here in town and it promises that after putting in your saltwater tank overnight in a new tank, that you will be able to start putting fish and corals in the next day without having to wait for your tank to cycle in 4 - 6 weeks when it's just...
  8. ck_503

    Going to rebuild new tank...need skimmer suggestions

    thanks....I'd love to hear more from some others have had long running skimmers that are hang on's. Thanks.
  9. ck_503

    Going to rebuild new tank...need skimmer suggestions

    any one else with comments?
  10. ck_503

    Going to rebuild new tank...need skimmer suggestions

    yes I do have a saltwater tank...or did....but I'm starting it up again. That picture is just a stock picture from a website. I'm using it to show you guys the limitations b/c it's a hexagonal tank. I just wondered if those hang on the back skimmers are just for convenience rather than...
  11. ck_503

    Going to rebuild new tank...need skimmer suggestions thoughts?
  12. ck_503

    Going to rebuild new tank...need skimmer suggestions

    I have a 42 gallon hex tank that crashed back in June and I lost EVERYTHING. I still never found out what caused the levels to spike like they did as it ran for almost 2 years without incident. Anyway, I'm starting over again and last time I had one of the over hang skimmers that hung over the...
  13. ck_503

    2000 Gallon Project has begun...

    man that would suck to go through all that and 1) either get tired of it down the road or 2) imagine losing everything in your tank due to a spike in your chemicals on that massive of a scale. Too risky.
  14. ck_503


    go buy some joe's juice from your LFS. It works wonders against aptishias.
  15. ck_503

    What are these things killing my tank?!?

    well, at least I know what it is. I have a very good feeling that I won't have a reef tank come tomorrow morning. I have changed out half the water and adding some prime nitrate lowering chemicals but not a large amount, just the recommend amount. My nitrite level is about normal again. I just...
  16. ck_503

    What are these things killing my tank?!?

    how do I "run carbon"? I don't know if I've done that before....
  17. ck_503

    What are these things killing my tank?!?

    well, I still have my xenias and sponges andleathers and a clam but they're all doing poorly. I fear I might have no tank by morning. What else should I be doing to save it?
  18. ck_503

    What are these things killing my tank?!?

    thanks but I'm too depressed to laugh. :needhelp: