Search results

  1. sunysideup

    Great Deal or Not???

    Hello. This guy is selling a : 12 gallon Eclipse saltwater tank. Stable for 3 years. Six diffrent kinds of mushrooms, tree coral, Anemone, purple stripe feather duster, marroon and yellow stripe clown, two damsels, 25+ pds of live rock, many mushrooms and crabs. Full testing supplies, Lifegard...
  2. sunysideup

    Need help for a light question...please read

    also how many watts or lumines do I need for a 75 gallon?
  3. sunysideup

    bubble tip anemones

    I feed my bta frozen squid. But you can pretty much feed it anything. Put a piece of food on a feeding stick and touch the tenicles and it will grab it and digest it in the middle of its body (mouth) Its weird and neat. :happyfish
  4. sunysideup

    Need help for a light question...please read

    email is
  5. sunysideup

    Need help for a light question...please read

    what is 5-lighting exactly...please bare with me, i'm pretty new with some of this..and where do you get it?
  6. sunysideup

    how fast does ich set in?

    I have a 75 gallon with a dog face puffer, lion, panther gropper, urchins, etc....anyhow one got ich and they all got ich really quick. We gave a couple of our fish a fresh water bath for 2 minutes and we also turned up the heat in our tank and droped the salinty down a bit. We also got this...
  7. sunysideup

    Need help for a light question...please read

    yes I would like to start a reef tank in one of my tanks.....but the other tank is just basic. I need help on both tanks. thanks so much.
  8. sunysideup

    I need purple on my rocks and can't get it. Any suggestions.

    Thanks everyone....any more suggestions?
  9. sunysideup

    Need help for a light question...please read

    :help: Please help....I have a 75 gallon with live rock, and I'm a bit confused when it comes to what kind of lights to use in my tank. I heard that florecent lights are a waste of money and they don't help your live rock grow much. I heard that haloide lights are the best lighting sorce but...
  10. sunysideup

    ***lights For My Tank ??? ***

  11. sunysideup

    Bubble Anemone ?

    Hey everyone! This is my second bubble anemone and this is the second time it got sucked in the overflow. My first one did not make it and my new one, I just got a few days ago, got sucked in also! I have in quanintine and hopefully it survives. What is going on here with these guys that they...
  12. sunysideup

    ***lights For My Tank ??? ***

    any more suggestions out their? thanks. :thinking:
  13. sunysideup

    ***lights For My Tank ??? ***

    :help: Please help....I have a 75 gallon with live rock, and I'm a bit confused when it comes to what kind of lights to use in my tank. I heard that florecent lights are a waste of money and they don't help your live rock grow much. I heard that halogen lights are the best lighting sorce but...
  14. sunysideup

    Live Rock Question....If it dies, does it put out nitrates in your tank?

    lol...I am aware what live rock is. This rock has actually been in my tank for over a few years. We had alot of hair alage and then it finally disapeared. I was just more concerned if the rock turns white in some areas does that mean it died off and does it cause nitrates to rise in my tank...
  15. sunysideup

    I need purple on my rocks and can't get it. Any suggestions.

    I have a 75 gallon. And I tried purple up. And nothing really happened expect my calcium spiked up. Is there another product I need to try. Also it might be my bulbs. What kind of bulbs do I need for the beautiful purple to grow on my rocks. Thanks for the help. :notsure:
  16. sunysideup

    Live Rock Question....If it dies, does it put out nitrates in your tank?

    I've heard if your live rock ends up turning white in your tank, it is now considered dead rock and it puts out nitrates in your tank. Is this true or false. Also why does it turn white in some patchy areas. Thanks for helping answer this question. :thinking:
  17. sunysideup

    Estimate on selloff of 2 240gal setups

    Hello. I am really intrested in this 240 gallon. Is it an all glass aquarium? Let me know what you are selling it for. I'll buy it for $550.
  18. sunysideup

    F/s, Nj: Prizm Skimmer

    I'm really intrested. Could you let me know what model it is and send some pics. thanks.
  19. sunysideup

    Looking for 200 gallon tank in PA, NJ, MD, VA

    oh thanks, I was just there the other day looking on craigs list and did not see anything. I will check again. thanks again.
  20. sunysideup

    beautiful 90 gallon reef ready setup

    Very intrested in LR. Are you willing to sell LR by itself? and How much for? I live in PA also. Where abouts exactly do you live?