Search results

  1. kevtheiris

    reef lighting

    2 questions 1) is Orbit a reputable company? 2)would 8 54w bulbs be ok for corals on a 55g tank? overkill?
  2. kevtheiris

    qt/hospital tank q?S

    ty much ;)
  3. kevtheiris

    DIY Fuge help

    I HAD 2 55g before the move, now i have 1 and 4/5 of a tank. The one tank boke (end glass), the other one I am using in my current setup. I was thinking of using my broken 55g for the fuge, and adding another compartment or 2, since it will fit nicely under my current 55g (on an iron stand)...
  4. kevtheiris

    qt/hospital tank q?S

    For starters, i have a 55g tank, 2 damsels maroon clown cleaning crew want to start a QT/Hsopital tank, just in case, but unsure on a few things. Does it have to be connected to the exsisting system or would a seperate system be better? can i just steal some live sand from my exsisting? or is...
  5. kevtheiris

    Explain where your user name originated

    Originally Posted by Clown Boy Whoah... this is STILL going??? Wow, I think this thread has officially set a record!!! FWIW, we have one going stong @ 43 pages on one of my other boards, have seen a few 100+ pages ;)
  6. kevtheiris

    brand new 48" light

    how are those lights for reef tanks?
  7. kevtheiris

    Explain where your user name originated

    kevtheiris = Kev The Irish... but there wasnt enough letters avail, but by the time i noticed... :(
  8. kevtheiris

    48" light for sale

  9. kevtheiris

    pod help

    Tank has been up since April, first fish was 2 Damsels in late May/Early June. As of right now I have a 55gal w/ aprox 35-40# LR. Livestock: 1 maroon clown 1 yellow bellied Damsel 1 blue Damsel 1 b.a. (big a$$- forgot what kind) snail 4 red/blue leg hermets 1 emerald crab Bunch of cool looking...
  10. kevtheiris

    pod help

    i think I have a few of these runnning around in my LR after looking thru PAGES of hitchikers, those are the closest i have found to what is running around, only I cant remember if they had antenna or not :( are they good/bad/problems? If bad what can i do to help get rid of them. BTW they are...
  11. kevtheiris

    Unkonown Hitchiker Crab with Photo

    Originally Posted by Isaac in general, any crab that its hary. NO GOOD. wait, i have an emerald crab, he's hairy, i was under the impression, that he was alright, as long as i dont stock sponges???
  12. kevtheiris

    Got my tank up today! My first salt set up

    Originally Posted by Hocky Oh, she already has to deal with my car hobby and wasting crazy amounts of money, so what's a little more? haha ;-) X3!!!!!!!!!!!!
  13. kevtheiris

    LF fish suggestions

    was looking into mandrin goby, but from my understanding the tank should be up at least a year before he gets put in correct?
  14. kevtheiris

    LF fish suggestions

    55G, restarted about 3 weeks ago... going to wait another 2 weeks or so for tank to continue cycling, has been looking good so far, tank was cycled w/. 20# LS, and I add about 1 decent sized piece of LR/week (aprox 5# ea.), right now theres is about 20# of LR, want to get up to around 30-40#...
  15. kevtheiris

    learn from my mistakes

    Sorry to hear about your losses, but just a few q?S for those more experienced readin this, Whats the rule of thumb for fish size to tank size? How often to add fish? Is one a month a good rule or too cautious?
  16. kevtheiris

    SWF.COM ever shipping to Canada?
  17. kevtheiris

    SWF.COM ever shipping to Canada?

    dont hold your breath... check out the canadian customs site, the fish are either classified as agri products r livestock and need to be inspected by customs, my LFS has tanks set aside marked "QUARNTEENED FOR CUSTOMS" and "HOLD FOR CUSTOMS"
  18. kevtheiris

    Restrating my 55G (56k grab a beer)

    cant seem to get a better pic ofit sorry, its pretty small, but now theres 2 it isnt moving but for lack of better description, looks like a pinkish/purple slug w/ feather dusters sputing out of it. It doesnt move... its a little more pink/red than my coralline (sp?) algae and is prob 1 cm long...
  19. kevtheiris

    *** is this thing?

    ok, getting a pic of it that turns out decent is next to impossible for me, so please bear w/ me ;) It is attached to the live rock i just bought. Best way to describe it is about a dozen "fiber optic hairs) that appear to illuminate red on most, but a few green, it's about an inch or so long...
  20. kevtheiris

    Lost Ca test card

    TY! appreciate it!