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  1. reeffanatic

    good price on 175w MH Ushio 10k??

    just ordered 2 bulbs today from they have the Ushio 175 watt 10,000k lamps for $65 and the Aqualine Buschke 175 watt 10,000k lamps for $56,but they had to backorder the AB lamp and it was going to be wednesday before they could get that one out to me,,not so bad considering...
  2. reeffanatic

    removing a condalactis anemone

    yeah,,i might give that a try,,i just heard from a guy that i could also use ice cubes,,,but that seemed to be a bit severe and seems also it could harm it as well...
  3. reeffanatic

    removing a condalactis anemone

    i have a condalactis anemone that i purchased about a year ago, i was told by my lfs that it is reef safe and would be ok to start off my reef with,,,,well,,,as you can imagine,,it has grown quite well an has become too large for my 29 gal. reef... i am having problems in trying to remove it...
  4. reeffanatic

    supplementing my ro/di water ??

    'cuz i was wondering if i needed an additive like RO Right,or something like that to add the good things that a ro/di unit takes out
  5. reeffanatic

    supplementing my ro/di water ??

    am planning to buy a ro/di unit,,but in the meantime i am buying di water from my lfs.. my question is ,,should i supplement my di water before i mix the salt??,,or is it ok to use as it is ?? and if i do need to add,,,what should i add ??
  6. reeffanatic

    detatching my condalactis

    my condalactis anemone has gotten too ig for me 29 gal. reef.. anyone have a good idea on how to detatch it so i can trade it at my lfs ??
  7. reeffanatic

    hermits in my refugium ??

    could anyone tell me if it would be a good idea to ad a few blue legged hermits to my refugium ?? was wondering if they might help keep it "tidy" and clean up the decaying bits and pieces of macro algae and detritus (from the snails and brittlestars) i have found over-populating it in there...
  8. reeffanatic

    drilling my own tank

    anyone give me any pointers on drilling a bulkhead in my own aquarium...?? am building a refugium out of a 10 gallon glass tank and need to know the "hows" and "how nots"...
  9. reeffanatic

    refugium question

    just wondering if anyone knows if the whole volume if my aquarium needs to run through a refugium for it to be effective ?? am considering using a 10 gallon tank to make a refugium and plumbing it to flow into my existing wetdry sump.. if i do it this way,,i cannot be confident the whole tank...
  10. reeffanatic

    anyone use C-balance ??

    anyone ever used C-balance ?? Has anyone here ever used the product called C-balance ?? its by a company called "two little fishies".. just curious if it was worth the price and if the ratios of strontium an magnesium were as advertised,,or if i'd still have to suppliment my reef.. my reef is...
  11. reeffanatic

    bent sleeper goby

    i agree,,but i am not sure that causes this
  12. reeffanatic

    bent sleeper goby

    I have had a goldenheaded sleeper goby for about 1 year and in the last 2 weeks he has developed a "bend" in his body,,halfway between his head and his tail.. He is not lethargic at all and eats well,,he also sifts sand as he has always done..he doesnt seem to have any symptoms other than the...
  13. reeffanatic

    bent sleeper goby

    have a goldenheaded sleeper goby that is about 1 year old.. about 3 weeks ago he developed a "bend" in his body,,about halfway between his head and tail,, he is not lethargic,,nor does he have an eating problem and seems to sift sand as usual,,,he doesn't seem stressed in any way,,,anyone know...
  14. reeffanatic

    beckett pumps ?

    wonderin' if any of you know if beckett pumps are saltwater safe... came across on ,,but it only states it can be used in freshwater.. dunno if it is worth the try to see if it'll fail or not
  15. reeffanatic

    identify this coral ?

    try this link instead.... <a href="" target="_blank"></a>
  16. reeffanatic

    identify this coral ?

    Went to my lfs and notice a coral that one of the employees claimed was a red open brain coral,,, i went online to try and find any info on this coral,,but all of the red open brain corals were quite different ,, therefore i cannot find any info on this oddity..... went back and took a picture...
  17. reeffanatic

    copeapods and something else

    my mini reef has been up and running for about 4 months,,,i noticed that copeapods are in abundance now,,especially after the lights go off,,but i also notice other creatures that look simular to tad poles ,,,i also have these things growing on my back glass that look like tiny spiral shaped...
  18. reeffanatic

    What should I get to stir my sand?

    i bought a golden head sleeper goby to go along with the few blue legged hermits and sand snails for my 29 gal..the goby turnes the sand over nicely by himself,and is a joy to watch,,he picks up a mouthful of sand and filters it out through his gills... i believe he was a "steal" at $14.00 :D
  19. reeffanatic

    Any ever use a Dosing Systems any luck or should i stay away from one.

    if you are dosing kalkwasser or other trace elements try using an I.V. setup...i bought one at a hospital supply store for 8 bucks and use it to dose kalkwasser,,i adjust the drip valve and drip over nite ,,then shut it off during the day so i dont have any PH spikes.. just a thought
  20. reeffanatic

    bio balls and ls..dont mix ?

    the only problem i have heard of with bioballs is that the proliferate the growth of nitrate in your system,,but have never heard of taking them totally out of a reef setup,,as some nitrates (in reef systems) acceptable 'cuz some corals actually need some nitrates to thrive... just a thought