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  1. roggy23

    LR in QT?

    is it a good idea to cure LR in a hospital tank as long as no fish or corals are in it? Also after a water change will it be ok after the rock is removed to Quarantine fish after?
  2. roggy23

    soft vs hard corals?

    is a long tentacle anenome considered a soft coral and which requires more lighting hard or soft?
  3. roggy23

    is this my anenome pooping?

    if so how much waste do these guys produce?
  4. roggy23

    4 55 watt compact Fl?

    what kind of corals/anemones can iget with this kind of lighting for a 60 gal tank??? Also, if u guys recommend an upgrade is it ok to just switch out the lighting?? also how many hours should lights be on?
  5. roggy23

    adding LR to a reef setp?

    the spike is bad for corals as well as fish i take it?
  6. roggy23

    adding LR to a reef setp?

    is i t safe or a bad idea to add LR to an established tank with anemones (only 1actually) not knowing if the LR is cured or not?
  7. roggy23

    too much flow for coral???

    ok cuz at one point he sprouted even higher which i guess is normal i dunno.
  8. roggy23

    too much flow for coral???

    this is my new anenome and im wondering how it should be positioned? do i have too much water flow, is that why at times it seems upright or should its limbs be layed down towards the sand??? this pic has it pushed up is it coming for food whats normal? i just wanna make sure i dont have too...
  9. roggy23

    anyone have a reef safe porky puffer?

    yeh sounds too risky
  10. roggy23

    anyone have a reef safe porky puffer?

    ??? ok who can answer my question???
  11. roggy23

    maracyn 2 killing my trigger?

    no elf he still has the hazy eye :nope:
  12. roggy23

    maracyn 2 killing my trigger?

    beth, i use 2 drops of kent garlic extreme in the 20 gal a day and i have soaked the frozen foods in guarlic guard sound good?
  13. roggy23

    1 light wont turn on???

    no bulbs worked in that endcap, and i noticed 4 balasts in the fixture whihc probably means each endcap has its own balast right? i believethe wiring is ok but who knows, how do i check if somethings wrong with the ballasts???
  14. roggy23

    maracyn 2 killing my trigger?

    i decided to stop the treatment after day 2 anyway beth, but it seems like the water changes helped. Puffer back to normal :cheer: :cheer: :D
  15. roggy23

    lighting question?

    whats the difference between 2 55 watt compact florecent bulbs one having 10,000K and the other having 7100K both daylight?
  16. roggy23

    maracyn 2 killing my trigger?

    oh those look more like spotted blotches mine seemed to have covered an area (small area) like it was smeered on like butter??
  17. roggy23

    maracyn 2 killing my trigger?

    thanks for the pic beth, wow that fish is in bad shape, anyway with enough water changes the puffer made it and is acting normal again, the blotch seems to be fading as well i can barely see it. i just dont understand why the antibiotics effected the trigger the way it did. think ill think...
  18. roggy23

    1 light wont turn on???

    i have 4 55 watt compact fluorescent bulbs for my 60 gal. one of the light sockets is not powering on my light bulbs. is this a ballast problem? I dont know what to do the bulbs work just not in that socket... heres a pick
  19. roggy23

    bio load and fish???

    hypothetical question BETH
  20. roggy23

    Strange Puffer behavior?

    yeh its soo cool, my puffer started to do that after he got better acquainted with the tank i would come home and my other fish are swimming and hes just laying there with his chin on top of my rock... they are just resting and sometimes even sleeping... remember puffers are nocturnal :)