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  1. roggy23

    best vitamin soak

    r u supposed to refrigerate zoe after using?
  2. roggy23

    lighting question?

    i have 4 - 55 watt bulbs for my 60 gal... There is a plastic cover that slides in the light fixture to protect the bulbs, my question is if that plastic cover has salt creep all over it does that effect the lighting and will that effect cause algae problems? also, whats the best way to scrape...
  3. roggy23

    sump/ refugium questions?

    gotcha, you da man! :happy:
  4. roggy23

    powerhead positioning?

    thanks how about the rest of you? im very curious...:notsure:
  5. roggy23

    sump/ refugium questions?

    is there a correlation between algae growth and bio filtration? more LR + LS = less algae??? is that safe to say?
  6. roggy23

    PowerHead/ water movement

    does the powerhead attached to the skimmer count as water flow?
  7. roggy23

    powerhead positioning?

    ALSO. is it bad that the 2 powerheads that i have setup is shifting my sand?
  8. roggy23

    tough decision

    maintanance on a 180 will add up be prepared!!!
  9. roggy23

    powerhead positioning?

    are PH's best effective if placed where the water flow hits the surface of the water or should a PH be place lower in a tank(like middle) underneath the water surface, which method is most effective against algae and cyano?
  10. roggy23

    bad idea?

    is it a bad idea to put your hand in the tank? Does that deteriorate water quality?
  11. roggy23

    QT water change?

    how about a weekly water change of 3-5 gal?
  12. roggy23

    QT water change?

    how much of a water change (%) is best for a cycled 20 gal QT?
  13. roggy23

    Clown with pop eye

    is it possible to have 1 eye hazy or cloudy and not the other?
  14. roggy23

    10 gal QT tank

    i guarantee your salinity will be off once you measure with refractometer, they are very useful GET ONE!!! makes life and hypo easier
  15. roggy23

    Hypo Helped :)

    ok i first bought my puffer and trig I qt'd them both. a week ago i noticed my puffer had many distinct spots on him. its been 2 days now in hypo and garlic feedings and my puffer is spotless :cheer: so look slike even though i qt's my new arrivals they still got ick. Must have been poor...
  16. roggy23

    keeping a stable temp?

    makes sense guys thanks
  17. roggy23

    keeping a stable temp?

    How do you keep the temperature stable. I mean when the lights come on it gets hot, when the lights go off the temp drops. My heater is rarely on becasue the temp doesnt drop enough since im in cali. Temp is usually around 80 but like i said it fluctuates... what's the best method?
  18. roggy23

    porc. Puffers Food?

    i feed my puffer brine shrimp, krill, and squid all soaked in garlic and Zoe for multivitamins. He loves the squid :) Also its important to feed your puffer hard shelled foods so his teeth dont grow out of his head. good luck with your puffer, they are the best! Variety is key!
  19. roggy23

    adding LR for better bio filtration?

    i have an established FOWLR setup. i want to add LR and right now my fish are in my QT, they will be in there for 1 month is it safe to add LR without curing them?
  20. roggy23


    BTW the package i bought says freshwater on it, shoudl i retunr it and get the one for saltwater fish even though it says u can use it on saltwater???