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  1. jsteph24

    What do you wish you never added to your tank?

    three stipe damsel, not very nice and picking on my percula!
  2. jsteph24

    Multiple Clown Fish?

    thanks for the replys!!! I have the one perc and recently added another and they are doing good so far. A little picking went on at first, but now they are swimming together and getting along. They are about the same size, one is a little bigger, so I hope I do not run into problems later on...
  3. jsteph24


    meaning they can be kept in pairs, can I add another perc to my tank with my exisiting perc? thanks for the info!
  4. jsteph24


    moved discussion to lighting, equipment thread!!
  5. jsteph24

    lighting for anemones

    I have a 55G tank that has 60 pounds lr and 60 pounds ls. The tank has been running for two months and I would evetually like to have anemones, but I need to upgrade my lighting. At this point I do not think I will be adding corals for awhile, I want my tank to be more established before that...
  6. jsteph24


    I started a discussion under the clownfish/anemone thread but have not gotten many replies yet, maybe I will get more replies here! I have one perc clownfish, I have read on that they can be kept in groups, and then I have heard if you have more than one of the same clownfish in one tank...
  7. jsteph24

    Little Starfish came out of LR!!!

    All of the rock has been in the tank for almost a month, we had 12 pounds in to start the cycle, and added 45 pounds shortly after. We didn't add all the rock at once because we didn't find before we bought the 12 pounds. We ordered 45 pounds from and can not be more pleased with it!
  8. jsteph24


    any suggestions :thinking:
  9. jsteph24

    Little Starfish came out of LR!!!

    A little starfish (I think), measuring 1/4'' came out of my LR yesterday. It has six legs and has attached itself to the glass and has moved all over the tank all day long. Lots of little snails have also come out of the rock as well. any one else have this experience? I will post pics soon.
  10. jsteph24

    Multiple Clown Fish?

    I have one perc clown fish right now, and I have heard mixed reports on mixing more than one of the same type of clown or mixing the different breeds of clowns. On under the fish description, it says that perc clowns (and some others) do well with one or more and often like groups, and...
  11. jsteph24


    Quick question- I have a 55G tank with 60 pounds of LR and 60 pounds of LS. The tank has cycled and water parameters are great. Tank has been up and running for two months. Just added our first perc clown and was wondering about adding an anenome. How long should I wait before I can add an...
  12. jsteph24

    Live Rock

    I bought 45 lbs of the Live Fiji Rock from Couldn't have been more pleased with the rock! It was about a dozen good size pieces. All had good color and full of life! Keep seeing something new everytime i look at them. Highly recommended.
  13. jsteph24

    Beginner Fish

    thanks for the info on sweetlips, I did some researching online and read the archive about what fish to stay away from, and know I see why sweetlips are not a good choice- they get huge!
  14. jsteph24

    Invertabrae- is this enough?

    I was wondering if this would be an ok amount of invertabrae for my 55G tank: 10 scarlett crabs 10 hermit crabs (blue legged) 1 coral banded shrimp 1 cleaner shrimp 2 queen conch 10 nassarius snails 10 turbo snails would this be sufficient? are there better invertabraes to purchase versus...
  15. jsteph24

    Beginner Fish

    I was looking at the anglefish and was really interested in the coral beauty. The care level says easy, but is this a fish I should get down the road? and is it safe for invertabraes? Does anyone have any insight on the pajama cardinal?
  16. jsteph24

    Beginner Fish

    I have a 55 gallon tank that has 60 lbs of live rock and 60 lbs of live sand in it right now. It has been cycling for a couple weeks and I am just wondering about what might be some good fish to start out with. Low-maintenence might be good to start with. I was thinking 2 clowns. Are some fish...
  17. jsteph24

    Beginner Fish

    I was wondering what are good fish to start out with. I have heard that clownfish are good for beginners, but I was wondering about other fish. Any ideas? Does anybody have any Spotted Sweetlips? Thanks!!
  18. jsteph24

    live sand options?

    Not trying to hi-jack this thread, but where did everyone else get their "dead" sand? Is it standard playbox sand?
  19. jsteph24

    Powerhead ?

    Thanks for the info! Sounds like I am going to go with the MJ1200's then. What is this mod that I can do to them?
  20. jsteph24

    Post questions that don't need a thread here!

    Ok i just asked this in my own thread and thought maybe it could just go here instead. [hr] I am going to order a new powerhead from here and have a quick question. I currently have a 55 gallon tank but am planning on upgrading to a 90 or 125 probably in a year. What powerhead(s)...