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  1. jsteph24

    I need help!!!

    One more question, I have one FW snail, can I add him to the treatment or leave him alone?
  2. jsteph24

    new buddies

    very cool, I love it when the shrimp molt. We have a cleaner shrimp in our tank and they are so fun to watch! Nice maroon by the way.
  3. jsteph24

    Sick Clownfish...

    check out some of the archived disease threads, it may be ich or brookylena (spelling?) you will find what you are looking for there.
  4. jsteph24

    I need help!!!

    thanks for all your help, I will let you know how things are going or if anything else strange happens. Can sw fish get parasites from coral, or is that just a plant thing?
  5. jsteph24


    I have a question about refractometers, which one would anyone recommend? Is the cheap forty dollar one just as good as the more expensive ones?
  6. jsteph24

    I need help!!!

    they are the standard lights that came with the tank, from what I have read I think I need to upgrade! What kind would you reccommend for a FW tank?
  7. jsteph24

    I need help!!!

    would it be a good idea to take the plants out all together? I heard they are good for the tank, and the fish really like them, not sure what to do! Is there a treatment I can do for the plants? How do these things occur? is there anything I can do to prevent it?
  8. jsteph24

    I need help!!!

    thanks for the advice! Should I do something with the live plants? If all the fish have the parasites on them, can I do the treatment in the tank, or do you still reccommend doing this in a bucket? thanks again, sorry if I seemed impatient!
  9. jsteph24

    I need help!!!

  10. jsteph24

    I need help!!!

    ok, so I took another look at the fish today and noticed that the spots were a whitish turning green color. I caught one of the fish with a net and one of the "spots" fell off. I picked it up and it was alive! It is flat and you could see its legs, but it moved on my finger by sucking. What the...
  11. jsteph24

    210g Complete in DC/NoVA

    let me know how much it would be to ship 25-30 pounds, our zip code is 51201, thanks!!!
  12. jsteph24

    210g Complete in DC/NoVA

    do you still have rock available? if so, are you willing to ship? I am really interested and would pay shipping if it is still available.
  13. jsteph24

    Do You Name Your Fishes?

    haven't named my fish yet, I've only had them for about three weeks. Want to make sure they survive first!
  14. jsteph24

    I need help!!!

    I wish I could post a picture but I can't, my little boy had my camera the other day and took the memory card out of it, and we still can not find it!!! reading are 0 and the temp is between 68 and 70. There are only goldfish in it, so I can get away with the lower temp. About two weeks ago my...
  15. jsteph24

    I need help!!!

    I know this is a saltwater message board, but I have a question about freshwater fish diseases. My wife and son have a 30g freshwater tank with goldfish. I noticed today that the goldfish have patches of "something" on their fins. At first I thought it was Ich, but now I am not sure. The black...
  16. jsteph24

    SWF Live Rock

    I purchased 45 lbs of the fiji live rock from It is great! I got a variety of pieces that were good sized. Great color on all of the pieces and lots of life in the rock. I am considering ordering another 45 lbs for my tank. A++++ highly recommended. -Joe and Melody
  17. jsteph24

    clown acting strange

    I caught the little damsel and put him in a seperate bowl, and the clown is doing better. He is still breathing with his mouth open but is swimming well around the tank. He has joined his buddy and looks better. That is a good idea though, I had to move my lr around to get the little thing...
  18. jsteph24

    clown acting strange

    good idea, the clown is acting better after I turned the lights off, he came out from under the rock. The other percula is hanging around him as if he is trying to be his buddy, they really like each other so I hope he makes it!
  19. jsteph24

    clown acting strange

    will do on monday, lfs is closed on sunday, thanks!
  20. jsteph24

    clown acting strange

    I have a 55G with two perculas, one lawnmower blenny, one three stripe damsel, one cleaner shrimp, and an assortment of blue legged hermits and snails. Water parameters are stable. Recently the clown has been swimming in one spot under a rock ledge and has his mouth wide open. He is still...