Search results

  1. jsteph24

    Live Rock

    Two of the pieces were fully cured, had all sorts of coraline algea growth and smelled like cured rock should. The other piece was a giant (12 pounds, biggest piece so far!) piece of "base" rock, and smelled fine as well. I made up a batch of saltwater and put the rock in that with a powerhead...
  2. jsteph24

    Daddy's Room

    Your tank is amazing! I am so jealous, one day I hope to have a huge reef tank. Finally upgraded my lights (sooner than expected!), and am going to start corals in the near future. Love you tank, awesome job.
  3. jsteph24

    Live Rock

  4. jsteph24

    Live Rock

  5. jsteph24

    Live Rock

    ok I was hoping i would be able to add it tonight but i guess I will play the waiting game . btw my tank is 55 gallons and already has 50-60 lbs in it plus some livestock. Even 3-4 hours would have enough die-off to create an spike? If I put it in the tub of saltwater How soon would I expect to...
  6. jsteph24

    Live Rock

    I just purchased about 15-20 lbs of Live rock from the LFS today. My question is that it was fully cured when i bought it. However, it was out of the water in a cooler for a few hours before we just got home now. Will it be safe to add to my DT? Do you think it has too much die-off? Should I...
  7. jsteph24


    sheldon, IA... about an hour and ten minute drive. We were just up there today! We go up to Sioux Falls quite a bit, and I am going to be up there on thursday in the late morning. Let me know if you are interested!
  8. jsteph24

    Aqua C Remora question.

    it got better today. The skimmer is only just a week old. I pulled about a cup full last night. The problem was that i wasnt really pulling out a ton foamy stuff it was lots of water. Think Ive got it all figured out now though. Thanks for the replys!
  9. jsteph24


    I will get a pic on here later. Have to find my cord for the camera!
  10. jsteph24


    I have a CC starfish and when I bought it, I did not realize they were not reef safe (impulse buy, and it was cute). I just recently upgraded my lighting and want to start corals soon. Anyone interested? He is easy to feed and makes laps around the tank all day. I am not experienced with...
  11. jsteph24

    Aqua C Remora question.

    Maybe I wasn't clear enough i guess. My skimmer came with the drain fitting which i put a hose onto and ran it to a bucket under the tank. My rubber band thing is all the way down so that my cup is as high as it can go. It still pulled a gallon of water out overnight. Also I don't use any kind...
  12. jsteph24

    Aqua C Remora question.

  13. jsteph24

    feeding and equipment question

    should you feed with everything off (filter, power heads, etc), or does it matter? Will that eventually run out the motor on the powerheads quicker? thanks!
  14. jsteph24

    Aqua C Remora question.

    I bought the aqua c remora skimmer for my 55 gallon last week and I have a question. I have the collection cup as high as it will go so that the rubberband thing is touching the drain fitting. It is still taking out a ton of water though. I went to bed last night and woke up to find that the...
  15. jsteph24

    175w Metal Halide Retro Kit Complete With the Bulb

    How long are the bulbs? I have a 48" tank, a 55G, would that work? Let me know, you can email me if you like,
  16. jsteph24

    so many lights to choose from...

    ok, I'm retarded, I meant the LPS, and the mushrooms and polyps. Sorry, It's late!
  17. jsteph24

    175w Metal Halide Retro Kit Complete With the Bulb

    how much for shipping to 51201?
  18. jsteph24

    Blenny ?

    Thanks for the replies, I think I am going to not go with the midas blenny. I do not want to two to fight! That is to bad that the different types do not get along, I love my LMB. He is the funnest to watch, he actually has a special place to sleep every night. He is my favorite fish so far....
  19. jsteph24

    so many lights to choose from...

    I have a 55g tank and is has been up for three months (almost four!). I EVENTUALLY want to have corals. I like the SPS corals a lot, I was wondering if 2x54W-Dual Daylight /2x54W-Dual Actinic by Current USA would be a good choice. Any suggestions would be good. Is this a good brand? Is there...
  20. jsteph24

    Blenny ?

    I have a lawnmower blenny right now and was thinking about getting another blenny in the future such as a midas blenny or a bi-color blenny. Is this advised? Do they get along with each other? Thanks for any help.