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  1. hearn


    I have no prob with nites, with very little water changes. Don't remember what the whispers were rated for, would have to look them up again. I think I will be ok with one filter and my skimmer until I get my LR built up. I'm fixin to go to town and check on some LR. Thanks for all your advice...
  2. hearn


    Maybe start with 30-40 lbs, and increase as money allows. My main concern is Ive been running 2 whispers. one died. If I start adding live rock now, hopefully theres no need to replace the dead one. I also have a seaclone skimmer. and as you can see a small bio-load.
  3. hearn


    Thanks reefnut, any idea on a ballpark time for a good bacteria buildup.
  4. hearn


    OK let me make sure I understand. Even with CC I can start adding LR, and finally do away with my hangon filters. And if I get LR, will I have to get rid of my red & blue legs. Please say yes to the LR. And no to losing my crabs. :)
  5. hearn

    filter help

    I've been doing the wiggle thing for a while now. I guess it's past that now. Thanks, now I know it a problem with the wispers.
  6. hearn

    filter help

    I have two whisper hang on filters on my 75g FO. woke up this morning and one had quit. Should I go get another whisper, or do ya'll suggest something new and/or better. Just stared work after a 3 month layoff. So money is really tight. P.S. I ain't been on the sight for a while, But in a time...
  7. hearn

    snail babies

    I hope this is a good thing. thanks for the reply
  8. hearn

    snail babies

    A few months back I bought 3 Turbo's. They are all dead now, but I seem to have 13 or 14 baby snails that stays on my filter and tubes. Is it common for snails to breed like that. THanks Ya'll
  9. hearn

    Dazed and confused about Temps..Help

    I've was running mine at about 72, after reading where alot of people run higher, i took it up to 78, after a few days I started to get a brown alge type stuff on my CC, just to try, I dropped it back to 72. Now it seems to be going away. who knows? It really is to each his (or her) own. Good luck.
  10. hearn

    Check out this tank!

    One of these years!!!
  11. hearn

    what type of eels stay small and wont eat every fish in the tank?

    Yes, a green wolf eel will eat anything he can get in his mouth. Mine does anyway. But he is a very cool eel. (actually a fish I think) Thats why I still have him instead of going with smaller fish, like my wife wants to do. But she loves ole nessy too.
  12. hearn

    a little reading
  13. hearn

    Just Wondering

    Thanks ya'll, and thats a good point about the minute detrius wamp. But would'nt my skimmer take care of most of that?
  14. hearn

    Just Wondering

    I have a 75g with CC. With no more than I have in it, (see below). keeping the water stable is no prob. But I still get so much build up in the CC, that I do water changes just to vacum it. Is there something that will vacum the CC and return the water to the tank? I do plan on going DSB one...
  15. hearn

    Southdown Playsand

    HEY! I'm a peppermint shrimp now. First time I ever smiled at being called a shrimp. :)
  16. hearn

    Southdown Playsand

    I ain't been able to find southdown downsouth. Any one know where to find it in N.C.
  17. hearn

    coral cleanig

    In my 75g,FO,CC, I have 2 of the white corals, you know, the dead ones you see in LFS, When they start turning green, I take them out and spray off, and set them in the sun till they turn white again. Is this good or bad. Thanks ahead of time.
  18. hearn

    just thought you might like to see it
  19. hearn

    Non-Suicidal Eels

    I have a green wolfe eel thats never been carpet surfing. He's a great eel to watch, always a swimming around, not hiding like alot of eels. He's about 8in long. would like to go with smaller fish, but I hate to get rid of him. He's my buddy
  20. hearn

    Wanted to share ich cure....

    ja-c, why did you raise the temp if it makes them multiply faster? If your going to change the temp would'nt you lower it? Just curious