Search results

  1. infanterene

    Is this a ggod solution for ick?

    My 2.25" tang has ick. It happened in a matter of hours. At about 5:00pm yesterday he had 1 or 2 spots. When I got home from having dinner with my girlfriend one side had like 30 spots mostly on one side. They were everywhere, around the eyes and all over his body. They looked like grains of...
  2. infanterene

    Do Huma trigger eat LR?

    he is tiny, maybe 2.25".
  3. infanterene

    Do Huma trigger eat LR?

    he is tiny, maybe 2.25".
  4. infanterene

    Do Huma trigger eat LR?

    I just bought one and i think he is eating my LR.
  5. infanterene

    What is this stuff?

    In my Nano tank I have this stuff that looks like lint, it is white or grey in color. Its on the rocks. What is it? In my 55 which just finished cycleing i have this green slime on the rocks. It has just started. What is it? Should I be worried?
  6. infanterene

    Looking for 150+ in S. FL.

    I saw a used 150gal at exotic aquariums yesterday for I think $150. They are on bird and 74st.
  7. infanterene

    OT: Other Hobbies

    Nice. I am hoping to get into the 8's in my chevelle soon.
  8. infanterene

    Whats easier

    I just had a fish sandwich at McDonalds.
  9. infanterene

    OT: Other Hobbies

    Hey rybread, how fast is that vette?
  10. infanterene

    OT: Other Hobbies

    Drag racing cars and bikes. I used to race shifters. Shooting IPSC. Why are so many of us into racing? Its kind of the opposite of this hobby, isnt it?
  11. infanterene

    Can I have too much LR?

    No fish just corals.
  12. infanterene

    Can I have too much LR?

    Before everyone gets jealouse, this is only a six gallon nono reef. I converted my sons eclipse 6 into a nano reef and was wonderind if 18lbs is to much. I want it covered side to side and only leaving about 4" empty to the top. Will this work?
  13. infanterene

    Do snails eat coraline?

    Are urchins poisonous? This thing is black with inch long spines. I wont touch it, it looks nasty. Will it sting future corrals? I have since started adding calcium, iodine and strotium. Its seems to be helping.
  14. infanterene

    Do snails eat coraline?

    I have a black urchin that came with the LR but I rarely see him. He ussually hides under the rocks. Do you think that the temp rising could to 83 would couse this?
  15. infanterene

    Is this star fish reef safe?

    I found two that came with my LR but now there are probably ten.
  16. infanterene


    here mine after 2.5 weeks.
  17. infanterene

    Do snails eat coraline?

    I think my snails are eating my coralline. I bought them to eat the detrous and to keep the glass clean. I have noticiced that my LR looks bleached in some areas. The snails are seldom on the glass and ussually on the LR. My roomate left the A/C of for 2 days while I was out of town. When I got...
  18. infanterene

    6 gallon reef tank?

    I have a 6 gal. eclipse tank and a mighty might light lying around. The lfs said I could add some LS and LR from my other tank and make a tiny reef tank. No fish, just a few corrals. He said that the might mights actually have like 45 watts. What do you guys think?
  19. infanterene

    Is this ick?

    Originally posted by Beth No, its too big. Is there any aggression going in the tank? Yes there is aggression. But he is the top fish. I have five damsels in a 55gal. Ever since i added the LR they seem to fight over diffrent spots and this guy want all the spots.
  20. infanterene

    Tap water?

    I am still cycling my tank. I used tap water because I started the tank before I knew about this forum. After my tank is cycled can I do water changes with RO water to correct my blunder. Maybe 10% evry week for 20 weeks? I dont want to start all over again.