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  1. oba97

    something on my glass???

    Today I noticed a few tiny whit spots on my glass. When I took a closer look it almost looks like they are very small worm-like things curled up. Any ideas?
  2. oba97

    coralife ro unit for sale 24gallons a day

    how many stages is this? does it come with a tank?
  3. oba97

    wtb R/O

    looking for a R/O unit...
  4. oba97

    coralife ro unit for sale 24gallons a day

    how much?
  5. oba97

    Kole tang compat...

    55 with lots of rock, I dont plan on having any corals
  6. oba97

    Kole tang compat...

    I have a Kole tang and am looking to add one more fish...would like a yellow or blue color. Any ideas? I dont want any damsels and I think that putting in a yellow tang would be a bad idea.
  7. oba97

    Reverse Osmosis 4 Sale(Best Offer) much are you looking for?
  8. oba97

    Reverse Osmosis 4 Sale(Best Offer)

    does it come with a tank? will you ship to michigan?
  9. oba97

    R/O in an apartment

    ya the apt does have washer hookups...good idea, I'll look into that. Thanks
  10. oba97

    R/O in an apartment

    do you know where you can get one?
  11. oba97

    R/O in an apartment

    I going to be moving to an apartment so I think installing a R/O unit is out of the question. Any other ideas for water? I know I can buy it from a store.
  12. oba97

    should I change my filtration??

    my buddy just gave me a "sump kit" I call it that because im not sure what it is. It comes with the H.O.T. part with the U and that goes down to a cube that is made to go into another tank. All the cube does is have three layers to hold bio balls. he also gave me the return pump. Right now I...
  13. oba97

    red sprouts

    Im getting small red sprouts on one of my pices of live rock. Not sure what it is. they almost look like very very small cactus's (Sorry about the spelling) Any ideas? I'll try and post a pic. Im having a hard time getting a clear picture. My tank is about 3 weeks into it's cycle and has just...
  14. oba97

    looking for a better lighting system for my 55

    I currently only have NO lights on my tank. I want to be able to have mushrooms and other hardy soft corals. Anything is better than what I have now let me know if you have anything.
  15. oba97

    question for Thomas712

    is midland water safe to use? folrls tank
  16. oba97

    question for Thomas712

    do you use midland water straight from the tap to top off your tank? if so what, if any, treatments do you use? Thanks
  17. oba97

    skimmer wanted in michigan

    I may have just bought one on ---- by mistake, the store I got it from said they cancled it but im not sure yet. If it was cancled and you are willing to take 45 shiped than im in. Jesse
  18. oba97

    made a mistake

    I ordered one of those jebo 182 skimmers not knowing that it is for in sump. Anyone know if I can make it a hob? I wish they would have advertised that in was not hob a little larger!
  19. oba97

    10 gal sump

    I know a lot of questions have been asked about diy sumps. Heres one more. I have a 55 gal tank and want to use a 10gal glass tank for a sump jsut to hold my skimmer and some live rock. Does anyone have this setup already? if so or if not what is the best way or setup to get the water from my...
  20. oba97

    another lighting question

    I would like to have some mushroom and other hardy soft corals. would two 24" Zoo Med Reef Sun 50/50 Bulbs (17 watts) set up side buy side be ok for a 55 gal tank. I only have a perfecto hood and not too much money left to upgrade to a pc or vho. Can you run HO on a perfecto hood? Sorry if I...