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  1. teamsleep

    new BTA

    is that amount of wattage enough in a 55 for a BTA?
  2. teamsleep

    new BTA

    55 gallon
  3. teamsleep

    new BTA

    260 watt (4-65 watt) that is what I have now
  4. teamsleep

    new BTA

    how m uch lighting should I have?
  5. teamsleep

    new BTA

    also what is the best time to feed them?
  6. teamsleep

    new BTA

    I have a new bubble tipped anenome I have had for about 5 days. Basically as of now it is in the same spot I placed it in when I added it to the tank. Also the clown is not going near it but that is a whole nother store. Anyways, when I bought it he said he needed to be fed about 3 days from...
  7. teamsleep

    Anenome and Clown

    I have the Coralife Lunar Aqualights Compact Fluorescent Strip Lights. Which is 260 watt (4-65 watt) I believe?
  8. teamsleep

    Anenome and Clown

    everything is zeroed out and my PH is at 8.4. I also have been adding the marine and reef Kent supplements.
  9. teamsleep

    Anenome and Clown

    alright that was actually my next question... the anenome hasnt attached to anything yet... it is kinda just chilling at the bottom. Is that normal?
  10. teamsleep

    Anenome and Clown

    I just bought a bubble tip anenome and I have had it in my tank for about 3 hours now and my clown fish hasnt even gone near it... I am afriad it wont host it? What should I do?
  11. teamsleep

    Cleaner Pack Question

    I have a 55 Gallon Tank that is having some algea problems. It is a brown film all over the glass as well as going onto the sand bed. I know it was caused by the tap water, but I have replaced the water with distilled but it still continues. At this point I have 3 Demsils a Clown bunch of live...
  12. teamsleep


    I have switched to Distilled water... but I still find the saem problem... I mean I cant do a full water change... I can only do so much so it seems like there will always be traces of the tap water? There are no suppliments or invertabrates or coral that feed off of this substance?
  13. teamsleep


    My sand and rock and glass are getting a brown color to it. Now I understand this is using tap water that is high in levels of something... dont remember what exactly, but I know it wont harm anything etc... but it is very annoying to have to keep cleaning it so often. I have done a half water...
  14. teamsleep

    What the heck is this?

    Nope actually he sang on the team sleep album but I would rather not get into that much... dont need that publicity... hehe
  15. teamsleep

    What the heck is this?

    Well I dont think I need to go there... but a band member of mine has joined him on a few songs. So aside from his family problems he is an alright guy.
  16. teamsleep

    What the heck is this?

    I know Chino well... I would rather not go into the details but he is cool. Thanks for the information guys.
  17. teamsleep

    What the heck is this?

    I have read good things and bad things about them... what is the general consensus?
  18. teamsleep

    What the heck is this?

    I have looked at picture of peanut worms and of this... the different I see is the thing in my tank has legs... a bunch of very little ones. Almost looks like a water centapeed
  19. teamsleep

    What the heck is this?

    I was just walking past my tank today and saw this thing in my tank. I have no idea what it is or where it come from. What is it? and is it bad to have?