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  1. teamsleep

    All you UFC fans!

    i just think he has a issue with only fighting at the top of his game. I agree with you about him getting hurt all the time but with him I think if he is not 100 percent healthy he just wont go ahead with it. Sucks for his opponents that he may have to drop out of a few fights but they will get...
  2. teamsleep

    All you UFC fans!

    GSP is my boy so I feel bad for him to a certain extent but Serra has to earn the belt. In my opinion though he has no chance. As for "The Natural" I wish him all the luck against Sylvia I hope he puts tim in his place becuase I wish Sylvia never got the belt from Arlovski.
  3. teamsleep

    Best temperature.

    Anyone can answer not just the expirienced aquariast.
  4. teamsleep

    Best temperature.

    I am farley new at saltwater but have read alot of different points of view on what temperature to try to keep your tank at. Through all of your expiriences what is the best that a tank shold be kept at?
  5. teamsleep

    Looking for as many answers an possible.

    How much flow do you have in your tanks and what kind of corals are kept?
  6. teamsleep

    Pet Store Manners.

    If you want me to get into details about the store in my area your going to be furious. Close to three years ago now they had a different location but one of the owners wasnt doing good business I dont know if it was making bad decisions moneywise or not but he had a pretty sweet store. Anyways...
  7. teamsleep

    All you UFC fans!

    As for GSP he is the best in my mind at 170 and his domination of Hughes just proves that he is going to keep his belt for a very long time just as long as that bum kneee holds up. The only reason he didnt have the belt a long time ago is becuase he was afraid of Hughes and gave up an arm almost...
  8. teamsleep

    All you UFC fans!

    In my opinion if you look at fighting styles Sylvia is one of the worst fighters in the UFC. I also agree with you on the Silva comment he could very well lose to Lutter. Silva is still a unknown really in the UFC he pounded Leaben which everyone seems to be doing as of late and then a quick...
  9. teamsleep

    Flow question

    In a tank full of Soft Corals what is the flow rate that would be the least accepted and the flow rate that would be the most? In a 45 would a flow rate of 720 GPH be comfortable for the coral or would it be better at 560 GPH? Want to make sure I have the best enviorment for the coral. Thanks, Bob
  10. teamsleep

    Flow question

    In a reef what exactlly is low, medium and high flow? Whats the lowest flow allowed in a reef tank?
  11. teamsleep

    Coral lighting

    36" 2x96W Coralife LUNAR Aqualight Deluxe Series 1x Actinic and 1x 10,000K, 2x 3/4W Blue LEDs on a 45 gallon tank, with 55 lbs of live rock and about 35 lbs on live sand.
  12. teamsleep

    worst nightmares

    Listening to Fran Dresher laugh for 3 minutes and 37 seconds.
  13. teamsleep

    Pet Store Manners.

    :mad: How many of you either have been into a store or have one near you that everytime you walk in you cant help but be disgusted in the way it looks and the way that they treat and have all of thier animals. All animals included not just fish. Fish are my favorite but every animal deserves the...
  14. teamsleep

    Coral lighting

    I dont have the access to a store where I could buy to much that is really needed for a high quality aquarium but I do have a semi reef in progress with the little money I have and I was wondering a couple things. What are some less maintenace corals that dont take alot of care and dont need to...
  15. teamsleep

    All you UFC fans!

    With all the belts that have been switching hands as of late who do you think is the next one to lose thiers and to whom? My answer is Liddel to either Keither Jardine or the worst fighter in the UFC Tim Sylvia to Mirko Cro Cop. I just hope the old Pride fighters dont take over. Rampage is also...
  16. teamsleep

    Flow for Mushrooms

    I am also interested in what other coral and fish would be good for my setup. On the tank I also have a Seaclone skimmer along with 55 lbs of Fiji live rock and about 30 to 40 lbs of live sand among hermits and snails.
  17. teamsleep

    Flow for Mushrooms

    I am just curious on how much flow is to less or too much for mushrooms? I want my water to be well circulated but I dont want the shrooms to be thrashed back and forth to much to aggrevate them. In the next week I am going to have two Maxi Jets 600's and a Emperor 400 in a 45 gallon tank. I am...
  18. teamsleep

    SeaClone Bubbles

    I have the same skimmer and the little line you have to adjust the air with the valve on top. You want to cut it alittle shorter so that you have less air going through it. It limited my bubbles and allows the skimmer to work more efficientlly.
  19. teamsleep

    Is My BTA a goner

    here it is...
  20. teamsleep

    Is My BTA a goner

    I had a simular problem... however his mouth is pretty wide open... anything I can do to save him?