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  1. teamsleep

    50 Gal

    Does the Maroon pick on any of the other clowns in the tank. I didnt think having two different clowns in the same tank would be a good idea especially of a tank of that size? If your having success with it then no reason to change what your doing.Tank looks very nice.
  2. teamsleep

    Penguin 350

    45 gallons with about 50+lbs. of live rock and about a two inch live sand bed.
  3. teamsleep

    Here is my baby

    Do the sponges you have effect the water at all with nitrates or nitrites? I would think it would trap some detrius but I could be wrong.
  4. teamsleep

    Here is my baby

    Were did you get the foam pads becuase I dont really have any local fish shops around here that carry anything to good and as for the bio-wheel information thanks Ill have to look into doing something like that.
  5. teamsleep

    Here is my baby

    I am also using a 350 on my 45 and I was just wondering how often you run the carbon and when your not running it is it just empty for the flow? With the 350 it also comes with the bio-wheels are you using them in your set up?
  6. teamsleep

    Penguin 350

    For my tank I currentlly have a Penguin 350 running on the back for my filter. I have read different things on this site but I am curious on what would be the best way to run the filter. I was recentlly informed that I should run carbon for about 48 hours and then take it out, so that is a tip I...
  7. teamsleep

    Here is my baby

    Three questions, how much flow does your tank have?
  8. teamsleep

    Here is my baby

    That is a nice tank you got going there and after 2 months, I am sure it has come a long way. Two questions has the Flame Angel gone after any coral and what kind of HOB filters are you using?
  9. teamsleep

    Running carbon

    Bang Guy you have alot of answers for everyones questions I want to thank you. Not for my questions but for everyones it seems you have helped alot of tanks out.
  10. teamsleep

    Running carbon

    I have a HOB filter and I have heard that it is bad to run the filter bags in there 24/7 becuase the carbon can only do so much and leaks intot he water over a period of time, is this true? If so how lon should i run the bags in there for?
  11. teamsleep

    Inverts dying

    I have had my crabs and my snails for about 4 months I got them right after my cycle was fully through. I have about 30 extra shells in there for them to choose from and I see them going through them every so often and finding new ones. I know I have heard of people thinking thier snails are...
  12. teamsleep

    Inverts dying

    I have to leave my bedroom door shut becuase of a crazy cat I have and on one of these posts there is something about opening a window or a door and it changes somethign to do with the water becuase of air in the room. Just looking for any explanation becuase I dont want to get a fish and have...
  13. teamsleep

    Inverts dying

    I have had my tank running for about 6 months now and my mushrooms have doubled in size all my inverts seem to be doing ok. Awhile ago I had a LMB but after about 3 weeks I havent seen him since and that was about 4 months ago so he is believed to have died. My question is as of late I have had...
  14. teamsleep

    Seaclone skimmer users

    In your opinion for all of you that have a Seaclone skimmer does it work better for you with the foam on the intake or without it? I dont want to mess with mine becuase they are so unpredictable but I would just like to get everyones opinions.
  15. teamsleep

    Best Movie of all time!!!

    I cant believe none of you said Braveheart or Good Will Hunting as for you Demartini good choice on the fear and loathing Ive had soem wild nights witht hat one.
  16. teamsleep

    Cleaning tank

    When you clean your tank, or tanks, how many of you just clean the front and leave the sides? Is there any certain positives or negetives in leaving the sides.
  17. teamsleep


    I found out.
  18. teamsleep


    On the temperature thermometers you stick to the outside of your tank which coler do you go by and being the right one? If 78 is blue and 80 is gree and then 82 is alittle orange which one do you go by for the actual temp?
  19. teamsleep

    Fish choices

    i dont have the money to buy fish all the time so i dont know if i would be able to put another fish in for awhile and I dont want the maroon to get terretorial. so most likley i will go with two ocelleris clowns hoping they will become a pair.
  20. teamsleep

    clown choices

    2 Ocelleris Clown or 1 Maroon Clown?