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  1. teamsleep

    Post Your 72 Bow Front Tanks

    Do you do anything special for you tank as of dosing or anything to keep them growing like that? You may say it is overstocked but I think it looks amazing. Have you expirienced any of the coral dying becuase of each other? Any information on your tank would be great. I absolutley love it. Water...
  2. teamsleep

    Tank Temp

    Yep anywhere around 80. Like the above thread said some parts of the ocean are at temps around like 88 but it is not reccomended for your tank. The most important part is trying to keep the temp your going to keep it at constant. Try to find out what range your tank goes from with lights on and...
  3. teamsleep

    Kenya tree may have poisoned my tank!!!!

    How much is to much to do in a water change throughout one day? I just did 2.5 gallons on my 45 and I am going to do another 2.5 in about an hour. Could I do more or should I wait until the morning?
  4. teamsleep

    Kenya tree may have poisoned my tank!!!!

    All of my levels are good that I tested for. Ph - 8.2 Salinity - 1.025 Nitrite - 0 Nitrate - 0 Ammonia 0 Alkalinity - normal as far as the test shows I forget the reading though. other then that I dont test for anything else. The reason I said that my fiji looks like its dying is becuase it...
  5. teamsleep

    Kenya tree may have poisoned my tank!!!!

    The worst part about the whole skimming thing is my skimmer recentlly broke so I have no money to buy a new one so i am stuck trying to deal with ym tank without a skimmer. Hopefully things work out. Thanks for your input, anymore?
  6. teamsleep

    Kenya tree may have poisoned my tank!!!!

    My kanya tree recentlly died and when i was getting it out of the tank it just went everywhere. Now my fiji leather and my toadstool arent opening anymore for the past two days and it seems that at the base of the fiji there is a white goo and it seems to be sliding down the rock it is on. It is...
  7. teamsleep

    New Coral Beauty!

    Im interested in getting one keep us posted on how the little guys doing. Nice fish , great colers.
  8. teamsleep

    if you could have one coral???

    Fire and Ice Zoos
  9. teamsleep

    Pair of Maroons?

    Could I get 2 Maroon clowns and put them in the same tank if they are tank bred? The site says that they are around an inch so I think it would be small enough for them to pair up but not quite sure. I am new to clownfish too so I was just wondering what types of food the Maroon would take to...
  10. teamsleep

    Which baking soda?

    I forgot to answer the calcium is at 470 I believe what the test read earlier.
  11. teamsleep

    Which baking soda?

  12. teamsleep

    Zooplankton for leathers.

    I didnt read your last post correctlly. That must suck pretty bad having to wait that long to do something you knew couldve been done by now and you could be sitting there watchign it. LOL The next few days are going to seem pretty long for you.
  13. teamsleep

    Zooplankton for leathers.

    Did you lose anything when transfering the tank? Any input you can give me on your leather would be greatly appreciatted considering I dotn knwo to much about them as of yet but have been doing alot of research. Its always good to get as many views as you can.
  14. teamsleep

    Zooplankton for leathers.

    How did your tank turn out with the stand and evrything, transfering it all over? Finished product picture? ***)
  15. teamsleep

    Zooplankton for leathers.

    I have 192w of PC. Its a coralife 10,00K 96w and then Actinic 96w and all the other ones are doing great. The toadstool I have the poyps are about a centimeter off the mushroom itself on both heads and everything else seems to have thier polyps out for most of the day besides th colt. Thats why...
  16. teamsleep

    Which baking soda?

    Ill search for my problem witht he Ph before I add anything. As for the ALK I am getting a test for it tomorrow I never tested for it before so that right there could be the problem. The flow is 22x's. As for the skimmer I have given up on it for now becuase I had the Seaclone 150 and it just...
  17. teamsleep

    Zooplankton for leathers.

    45 gallon tank, all the leathers are about 4 inches close to 5. No fish at the moment and I have about 5 mushrooms. 22x's the turnover. Just wondering how much to feed becuase my colt hasnt really polyped up at all and I was thinking that if I fed them tomorrow he would open up alittle. Just got...
  18. teamsleep

    Zooplankton for leathers.

    I have some zooplankton coming in tomorrow from an order and I was just wondering what would be the best way to feed my leathers and how much would be accepted by them? Also what would be the best way to make sure they all get some? Should I turn off anything while I feed them? Thanks for your help.
  19. teamsleep

    Which baking soda?

    What kind of baking soda do you use to raise the Ph? Mine is around 7.8 and I would like to raise it to aorund 8.2. Any pointers? Thanks.
  20. teamsleep

    Kenya Tree fell between two rocks!!! Need help.

    Thanks I have them about 6 inches apart and have the yellow fiji and the toadstool on opposite sides of the tank as someone reccomended. As for the colt I heard they were pretty aggressive and I know they get quite big it is going to be a problem?