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  1. teamsleep


    I think if you change the carbon every two weeks and dont constantlly keep the same filter cartridge in the filter youll be good. As for the surface aggitation I would point a powerhead at the surface on the opposite side you have the filter. Just to be safe. What other equiptment are you going...
  2. teamsleep

    Kenya Tree fell between two rocks!!! Need help.

    Now with the other leathers I got, Yellow Fiji, Colt, and Toadstool, which one would it be best near. I dont want it to kill anything and I dont want there to be any chemical warfare going on to harm anything else. Would it be fine between the rocks or do you think it would be better placed...
  3. teamsleep

    UFC tomorrow night!!!!

    You cant say that the Couture Sylvia fight was boring. I was on my feet the whole time screaming everytime Randy did something good. You have to admit that in the first 5 seconds you did not see that coming, either did Tim. LOL Other then that Franklin looked back on his game, Babalu got knock...
  4. teamsleep

    Kenya Tree fell between two rocks!!! Need help.

    My Kenya Tree just got blown between two rocks and from what I see there is branches on the ground behind the rocks. I just got it three days ago , is this to soon for it to be doing that? Is it dying? The majority of it is stuck between two rocks is that going to hurt the coral and how would I...
  5. teamsleep

    Corals releasing chemicals?

    When corals die do they create alot of ammonia? Release any chemicals into the water or anything?
  6. teamsleep

    Gave up!

    I finally gave up on my skimmer. I bought the dredded Seaclone when I first got into the hobby and at the moment I dont have the cash to invest in a new skimmer. I just ordered a cheap but rather effective filter, Penguin 350, to help with the extra filtering and go witht he other one I have...
  7. teamsleep

    UFC tomorrow night!!!!

    Whos looking forward to the nice line up of fights tomorrow night?
  8. teamsleep

    Witch salt do you use?

    Coralife....Free T shirt
  9. teamsleep

    Kenya Tree help!!!!

    I just added mine yesterday and it is still open and full. I am just worried that they are hard to take care of. I didnt really read up on the Kenya tree so it is kind of new to me. What do you feed yours what lighting do you have? Not to be dumb about it but if you can tell me anything at all...
  10. teamsleep

    Kenya Tree help!!!!

    I recentlly put a Kenya Tree in my tank and it seemed to be doing well the first night. Now the tips are somewhat white and it seems to be a little limp. Its in a decent flow area right under my HOB filter. If anyone could give me any input on this coral. Good pointers and bad would be greatlly...
  11. teamsleep

    Skimmer really needed?

    Anyone with any pointers on how they got thiers to work right, if it is possible.
  12. teamsleep

    Skimmer really needed?

    I have had this skimmer for a few month it is a piece of junk, you guys may know it as the Seaclone.
  13. teamsleep

    Skimmer really needed?

    Any input would be greatly appreiatted.
  14. teamsleep

    Skimmer really needed?

    I have the crapiest skimmer of them all that I have to constantlly adjust. This morning I woke up and all it was doing was spitting micro bubbles everywhere clouding up my tank. I have just recentlly recieved a Toadstool, Yellow Fiji, Kenya Tree, and a Califlower Colt all of which are about four...
  15. teamsleep

    How close is to close?

    How close is to close for leather corals? What can go near them and what cant? Is it safe to put two next two each other?
  16. teamsleep

    Leather Coral Question

    Im interested in some pics also. I just got a toadstool, colt, yellow fiji and a kenyan tree today. I dont have a camera to take a picture but I would still love to see yours.
  17. teamsleep

    Leathers need light?

    So what you saying is now I can go turn on my light all togethe and let them go? Is that going to shock them at all?
  18. teamsleep

    Leathers need light?

    Need some help on this one I dont want to rush into anything or dont want to deprive them of any lights they should be getting.
  19. teamsleep

    Leathers need light?

    I just got some new leathers today. I recieved a Toadstool, a Fiji Yellow, Califlower Colt, and what seems to be a Kenya Tree. I just acclimated them and I was just wondering how long I should wait for the lights to go on, and should I just do Actinics tonight or just my moonlights. How long...