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  1. teamsleep

    clown choice

    2 ocelleris clown(sp) or 1 maroon ?
  2. teamsleep

    Fish choices

    Would you prefer to have two ocelleris clowns or a maroon clown?
  3. teamsleep

    what salt to use...

    I use Coralife salt and have yet to have a problem with it. I use to use IO but I found that it clumped together and didnt really desolve all that well. Coralife works better then IO in my opinion but I am farley new tot he hobby and only tried the two.
  4. teamsleep

    Sea-clone 150

    I have the 150 on my 45 and it worked ok for awhile but then I read something about shortening the tube that has the adjusted valve on the end to make it so less air is invovled. After I did that it worked alot better then before but I still have to adjust it every now and then.
  5. teamsleep


    My tank is a 45 with about 55 lbs. of live rock with handful of snails and crabs with a few individual mushooms. i just added 2 maxi jet 600's and I have a total of 670gph. I wasnt sure if I had enough flow thats when you guys come in.
  6. teamsleep


    Are frogspawn hard to take care of? Any advise would be great becuase I'm getting taxes back soon and the lady says I can have some cash. I have 2 96 watt 1 Actinic and 1 10,000 K Coralife light fixture would that be enough light?
  7. teamsleep

    Calcium levels.

    how much should they fluctuate? Usually I test at random times but tomorrow I have off of work so I will do what you say. Tomorrow I am going to do a water change and clean the inside glass and add one or two powerheads depending on how much my mushrooms blow around. Is that going to effect any...
  8. teamsleep

    Mma Fans

    Ill have to check that out.
  9. teamsleep

    Calcium levels.

    My Ph seems to be at a constant 8.2 so I dont see any fluctuations there. I might have to order a test for it becuase it seems that I need to know more about my water and test for more then what I have. As for the life of the powerhead what do you mean becuase I had an Aquaclear 50 in it and no...
  10. teamsleep

    Adjusting SG.

    How much is a refractometer and what would be a good brand to get?
  11. teamsleep

    Who has fish tank in the bedroom?

    My tank is rather quiet but there are times when a snail gets near my powerhead and pinched between the powerhad and the tank and vibrates like crazy. Kind of scares the crap out of you in the middle of the night. Other then that the water is relaxing and makes me got o ebd easier. I have had...
  12. teamsleep

    Who has fish tank in the bedroom?

    I have a tank in the bedroom. It's a 45 gallon and my girlfriend cant stand it. All the lights being on timers and waking her up and shining in her eyes, she loves to bother me about it. As for the tank smelling for some reason would you have anything that couldve died behind any rockwork or...
  13. teamsleep

    Adjusting SG.

    I do use a hydrometer I am just wondering what you guys use.
  14. teamsleep

    Adjusting SG.

    By adding the salt water as my top offs would I have to mix it and let it sit for a day like doing a water change or just add the salt to get the level to where I want it to be then pour it in right away, well in time to let it mix alittle.
  15. teamsleep

    Calcium levels.

    I dont have the access to any stores in my area and have to order things online but never have the cash to so I have no way of finding out what my ALK is. Is there any problems that come with low or high ALK and there any signs of having problems with the ALK without having a test for it. Other...
  16. teamsleep

    Adjusting SG.

    I have been running my tank at a SG around 1.023 and have yet to have a problem with any of my inverts or mushrooms. Latley I have had a couple of Astrea snials that have been staying in the same spot for long periods of time but they dont seem to be dead becuase everytime I put something near...
  17. teamsleep

    Calcium levels.

    I am trying to regulate myself to get into doing water changes on schedule but sometimes it is so hard. I have had a couple problems with algea and so on but they seem to pass in time. I am about to do a water change and the calcium in my tank reads about 440 but the water I am going to add to...
  18. teamsleep

    Unusual weather? I wan't your thoughts

    You have never expirienced a cold winter unless you live on the St. Lawrence River with the wind and how cold it gets. Sometimes I think it is to cold for snow.
  19. teamsleep

    Unusual weather? I wan't your thoughts

    I live right next to the St. Lawrence River in Northern New York I could throw a rock at Canada. Ill tell you what the past three years I have seen just about everything come winter. Not to long ago we had the biggest Ice Storm ever no power for over a week schools closed for almost a month. We...
  20. teamsleep

    My new additions

    has your coral beauty gone after any of your mushrooms or nip at anything that you have seen? Im interested in getting one but I heard they were hit or miss.