Unusual weather? I wan't your thoughts


First, sorry about the misuse of punctuation in the title to this thead (was a typo)!!! I am from NY, and it has been unseasonbly warm here. We have had a total of 5 days since OCTOBER that have been in the thirties. It is January, 13th! It should be at least near zero at this point. I was just watching the weather channel (yeah, I am a gezzer! lol not realy) It is colder in Cali right now than in NY. Anyone but me see a problem with this? It is snowing like mad in the southwest. I have not seen a drop of snow. I want to know what people in states that are getting colder weather than normal think about this. Anyone think the "green house effect" is comming into play here? That is my thought.

mandarin w

I have thought the same. This winter is not normal. 65 degree in Dec and Jan. It will be like that for weeks, then almost overnight the weather will change the freezing ice storms. Then a couple days or a week later it is right back at 60. I think we are in for a very hot, hot summer. Something definately has the weather alittle screwed up. If it isn't green house, then maybe it is little green men, up in thier spaceship. They are using lazer beams to mess up our planet so they can take over.

Just haveing fun, It 3 in the morning, what did you expect.


Try having no power in your city. We are having a Ice storm for 3 days then today starting at 5:00 pm we are expecting 3-5 inches of snow. I am sure this storm will be headed your way. So, do not count your blessing to soon. In Missouri we have had about five years of warm winters. So, it was bound to happen that we have a bad winter.


I grew up in Queens NY and when I was growing up we use to get snow days when i went to school. I don't think they have gotten a snow day in 30 some odd years! If i am not mistaken, i think they stopped planning for school snow days in the schools budgets there. It just doesn't happen anymore. I now live in upstate NY and when i first move here about 20 years ago we use to get so much snow that i remember having to shovel a path from my door to the road and the walls of snow were at least a foot over my head. again we don't get that kind of snow anymore either. now Last winter wasn't bad either until the end of Feb. I remember because i had to move then and were praying the weather would hold out and it didn't. We had to move during the coldest days of the whole winter. Now to me it has been a pleasent winter so far. None of us like the cold so this has been nice but according to the news it is about to change!! My husband claims it is all global warming. We want to move to florida down the road some but i told him if we wait long enought we just might not have to! Soon we won't have any winter if this keeps up.


We don't don't usually get the bad winters that you northern folks get,but they ( the winters) here in the southeast havn't been getting cold as I remember them being as a kid.
Yesterday we had a high of 70,actually turned the A/C on.
I could be wrong,but if look back at the records you'll see the the weather runs in patterns, 5,10,even 100 year cycles. I personally think were just going into a pattern of warmer more screwed up weather. Just Mother Natures way of keeping us on our toes. Thats just my 2 cents worth though.


Active Member
Sep. I fixed the punctuation in the title. (Doesn't show the change on the board until you open the thread) HA!
Yes, I have been seeing a great change in our weather systems and patterns. Okla. use to be in the tornado belt; now that belt area has moved several hundred miles east.


Originally Posted by ScubaGuy
Try having no power in your city. We are having a Ice storm for 3 days then today starting at 5:00 pm we are expecting 3-5 inches of snow. I am sure this storm will be headed your way. So, do not count your blessing to soon. In Missouri we have had about five years of warm winters. So, it was bound to happen that we have a bad winter.
Hey, ScubaGuy. Anywhere near Branson? We bought a condo at the Landing and property at Stonebridge so I keep tabs on the area. Heard on the news that the extreme cold weather is a ten year pattern. Any thoughts? Really don't know what to make of weather patterns, but our lives span only a minute part of the earths existence and only a very small part of that has ever been recorded. So, how do we know if it's a normal pattern or pending trouble caused by global warming? Scientists can't even agree. Just my thought, of course. I don't know which it is and I don't have ANY experience in this field but feel compelled to give my .02.


Active Member
Florida can be warm at times in the winter, but it's unusual for it to the this warm this long. I can't complain though as I have been out riding the Fireblade (Honda 1000RR) a lot lately and the leathers are warm but still comfortable comparing to wearing them in 95 degrees.


I can remember people saying that we don't have tornados here in the lower applichans ,then about 7 years ago one touched down just a 1/2 mile down the road.
Some place in the area gets hit every spring. Then theres the issue on earthquakes.
We had a small one last year,and another small one about 2 weeks ago.
And this is in North west Georgia.
Mother Natures changing, Its just the natural cycle of things.


Active Member
This weather is insane!!! Maybe the earth has tilted on its axis a little more lol I don't know. It is sooooo cold here. about a week ago we had 70 degree weather (beautiful) then we were at freezing temperatures in the last few days, which is really unusual because we stay around 60-75 degrees all year around. People who come in to my work were telling me at this time of year Canada is supposed to have tons of snow, but they have none!! (I'm not sure where in Canada the customer was talking about) someone was also talking about how New York is not getting snow like they should be getting...weird...we screwd up our earth. That's why temperatures soared to 112 degrees in San Mateo, Ca over the summer.


I live right next to the St. Lawrence River in Northern New York I could throw a rock at Canada. Ill tell you what the past three years I have seen just about everything come winter. Not to long ago we had the biggest Ice Storm ever no power for over a week schools closed for almost a month. We were ice skating to were we needed to go. It has got to as cold as almost 30 below with the windchill and now, this year, it is up around 50 and 60 with only about three days of snow. I dont know if it is El Nino or global warming. Makes you wonder if we all need to start listening to Al Gore.


Active Member
Originally Posted by teamsleep
I live right next to the St. Lawrence River in Northern New York I could throw a rock at Canada. Ill tell you what the past three years I have seen just about everything come winter. Not to long ago we had the biggest Ice Storm ever no power for over a week schools closed for almost a month. We were ice skating to were we needed to go. It has got to as cold as almost 30 below with the windchill and now, this year, it is up around 50 and 60 with only about three days of snow. I dont know if it is El Nino or global warming. Makes you wonder if we all need to start listening to Al Gore.
now that you mention El NinO.... I did hear someting about la NinA, but I'm not sure


You have never expirienced a cold winter unless you live on the St. Lawrence River with the wind and how cold it gets. Sometimes I think it is to cold for snow.


Originally Posted by teamsleep
You have never expirienced a cold winter unless you live on the St. Lawrence River with the wind and how cold it gets. Sometimes I think it is to cold for snow.

I forget what magazine it was but I saw an article on what shape/type of snowflakes fall in each temperature. There is a certain range for normal flakes and then there is a point where it forms a more cylinder like shape.


If any of you get a chance read up on the Gaija Hypothosis, interesting stuff... the older versions anyways, they help explain the warm and cold cycles of the earth and some of what we are experiencing now. We have yet to reach the average temperature- sort of still coming out of the last ice age...but the cycles are changing faster now than normal (human intervention?) Also talks about how the majority of the earth's oxygen isn't produced by plants on land but rather by photosynthetic organisims in the top few inches of ocean water. As the earth warms the ice caps melt, thus increasing the size of the ocean and the surface area for the photosynthetic organisms to grow thus increasing the over all oxygen prodcuting thus increasing ozone production thus shielding the atmosphere from ultraviolet radiation thus cooling the earth and sending it back the other direction again into a cooler climate. It also compares the earth, on some level, to a single living organism and that (as some suggest) we as humans may be a kind of virus to the earth, making it "sick". And thus I am the king of run on sentances.


Active Member
here in central indiana i think we've gotten....one day of snow...that melted by the afternoon....how depressing


Depressing is right. The last decent snow we had here was back in march of 93. I love winter,love snow. Theres just something magical about sitting on a ridge top covered in snow and watching the natural world wake up.
Just don't happen much any more.


Active Member
Originally Posted by DeMartini
now that you mention El NinO.... I did hear someting about la NinA, but I'm not sure
this year is an el nino
and were supossed to have cooler wetter summers in the SE but it has not been that way at all