Unusual weather? I wan't your thoughts


Still no snow near the Nations capital. :mad: I already have flower bulbs coming up :scared: The weather has been so warm that I'm having to feed the goldfish in the pond :happyfish But they say we are supposed to get hit with cold weather today. Still I wouldn't wish for the ice storms others have been experiencing & my heart goes out to them


Originally Posted by yote
Depressing is right. The last decent snow we had here was back in march of 93. I love winter,love snow. Theres just something magical about sitting on a ridge top covered in snow and watching the natural world wake up.
Just don't happen much any more.
I live in Lafayette, GA just about 10 mins from ringgold. I do remember the blizzard of '93. We had 26" of snow, in rocksprings. I wish we'd get a decent snow before the end of the season.


Originally Posted by COWFISHRULE
im not concerned about global warming.
life will adapt, and when nature has had enough, *boom*
it'll toss us another ice age.
nature is all about cycles and adaptation.
Yes but more and more Polar Bears are drowning due to breaking up of the arctic and not being able to find solid ice to climb up on, enough so that they are being put on the endangered list. We'll see more hurricanes like Katerina, Reefs are being effected, sea levels will rise. Its definately having an effect on our system.


I want to thank you all for your thoughts. I check this board often and it is interesting to see what other people's perspectives are. I studied anthropology and have to agree that everything goes in cycles (still no snow here, but starting to get chilly). Science is an amamazing thing and ever changing. Nothing is ever absolute. Same as fish science. Things change to adapt to their environment. Diseases live in conditions it was once thought they could not. Conditions change, but the species living in that climate change to adapt. Thanks again for everyone's perspective on this. It was very interesting to observe.


San Antonio, TX here. Most schools, universities, and some business were closed today and are closed tomorrow due to excessive ice everywhere. It has not snowed this winter, and does not usually down here, but this ice thing seems a bit unusual. The temp. has been just below freezing for the past couple days. It does occasionally during the winter get below freezing here, but is mostly quite nice, with temperatures anywhere from the 40's-70's. This week however has turned out to be really nasty... cold, rainy, icy. I don't like it.


Yeah, I work for Accuweather, and this whole global warming debate is, for lack of a better term, heated. To be honest, if the earth wants us off...there's not a damn thing we can do. If this is the normal cycle, guess what chumps, also not much we can do. If we caused it and want to keep inhabiting this planet of ours, either fix it or advance technology so we can live in it. One thing IS for certain though, the Earth is going to outlive us.
On the original topic, the yahoos I work with are so interested in what's going on, it's pretty aggravating. Something about the jetstream bringing in warm moist air from Hawaii. I do feel bad for the fruit farmers in Cali and the decimation of their crops.


Active Member
6 degrees this morning. my nose hairs and eyelashes froze together while taking the dog out :) and, my cold seems to have subsided... coincidence? :)


New Member
Originally Posted by DeMartini
This weather is insane!!! Maybe the earth has tilted on its axis a little more lol I don't know. It is sooooo cold here. about a week ago we had 70 degree weather (beautiful) then we were at freezing temperatures in the last few days, which is really unusual because we stay around 60-75 degrees all year around. People who come in to my work were telling me at this time of year Canada is supposed to have tons of snow, but they have none!! (I'm not sure where in Canada the customer was talking about) someone was also talking about how New York is not getting snow like they should be getting...weird...we screwd up our earth. That's why temperatures soared to 112 degrees in San Mateo, Ca over the summer.

I gess im one of the few Canadian on this site so ill ad my 2 cents. yes our weather is very screwy im a carpenter so i work out side this weather is great for work
but i live 1h 30min north of Toronto. Any canadian would know thats cottage countrey up here. up untill last 2 weeks no snow all ski hills closed and a big egg for our winter turosim, needless to say i havent but 2 many hours on the sled
not to mention the ice and water, some of u northern yanks (not being mean) might know our perch fishing turny on lake simco and couch in september.
anyways because of no ice the perch arn't scooliing where the always have. this time last year had my hut on the ice
catching all kinds. limt 50 in 2h per person. this year no ice so we went in boats 4hs till i had it 4 people 2 fish. you think somthings wrong with that i do.


Active Member
Originally Posted by COWFISHRULE
im not concerned about global warming.
life will adapt, and when nature has had enough, *boom*
it'll toss us another ice age.
nature is all about cycles and adaptation.
Adaption, like the extinction of species like humans? You're right, when nature has had enough of us not taking care of it, BOOM, we are gone.


Originally Posted by ScubaDoo
No.....it is El Nino
I agree that it's El Nino. I had to do a report not to long ago on El Nino and it's not something that happens over night or goes away over night. It happens every 3-10 (varies from source to source) and lasts for a while. El Nino in December around Christmas time. From what I found on the NOAA site it's starting to gain strength in the next few months.
El Nino comes first and it's a weakening of the trade winds (normally blow East to West if I remember right) over the Pacific that causes the eastern Pacific to warm. When it warms more clouds form and some of the deserts in South America get rain and flood. When the Western Pacific cools places like Indonesia get less rain and have droughts. Something happens to the temperatures on the East and West coast of the US but I don't remember exactly what.
After El Nino runs it's course La Nina comes. When La Nina occurs the trade winds over the Pacific strengthen casing warmer water to pushed further west. This causes the Eastern Pacific to cool off more.
That's what I remember off the top of my head. I had to do the report last semester so it might not be quite right.


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Join Date: Jan 2006
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Originally Posted by COWFISHRULE
im not concerned about global warming.
life will adapt, and when nature has had enough, *boom*
it'll toss us another ice age.
nature is all about cycles and adaptation.
Illeagal immigration will ruin this country before global warming will.
Sorry, I haven't had time to read all the posts yet, but I would definitely say the weather is evidence (not proof) of global warming. I'd like to add to that that
1) How do you know immigration issues will break up this country before global warming
2) Even if it does, does that really mean we should just turn our heads and pretend like it's not happening or say it's not our problem because our grandchildren will have to deal w/the mess, not us
3) Stop thinking about just this country and consider the entire world. Global warming is a huge issue and if we really are the most powerful country in the world we should act like it, step up to the plate, and admit that we are causing more harm than almost anyone else as far as per capita emmisons are concerned.
Now that my rant is over, I'm not a scientist (yet!) and I don't think that anyone can claim that the change in weather patterns is absolutely due to global warming. What I can say is, it is a concern that I would very much like to be taken seriously. And I'm excited to have seen a number of discussions on this topic on this board.


Originally Posted by yote
Yesterday we had a high of 70,actually turned the A/C on.
I could be wrong,but if look back at the records you'll see the the weather runs in patterns, 5,10,even 100 year cycles. I personally think were just going into a pattern of warmer more screwed up weather.
They're called the Milankovich cycles. They happen because the Earth wobbles on its axis and orbits. The result of the several types of wobbling result in overlying cycles - with periods (cycle times) of 100,000; 41,000; 23,000 years. This is what causes the cycles of ice ages and hot ages. (I don't remember the actual name for the hot ages) We're about at the inflection point of a cycle right now - that is, the rate of increase in temperatures is at its maximum. In about 5,000 years the temperature will reach the maximum and start falling.
Unstable weather happens every couple years, it was first observed in the colonial era, where the explorer who studied it named it after the baby Jesus - "el nino". Not much you can do about it - just stay indoors and look at your aquarium!!! :joy:


Active Member
Originally Posted by garnet13aj
Sorry, I haven't had time to read all the posts yet, but I would definitely say the weather is evidence (not proof) of global warming. I'd like to add to that that
1) How do you know immigration issues will break up this country before global warming
2) Even if it does, does that really mean we should just turn our heads and pretend like it's not happening or say it's not our problem because our grandchildren will have to deal w/the mess, not us
3) Stop thinking about just this country and consider the entire world. Global warming is a huge issue and if we really are the most powerful country in the world we should act like it, step up to the plate, and admit that we are causing more harm than almost anyone else as far as per capita emmisons are concerned.
Now that my rant is over, I'm not a scientist (yet!) and I don't think that anyone can claim that the change in weather patterns is absolutely due to global warming. What I can say is, it is a concern that I would very much like to be taken seriously. And I'm excited to have seen a number of discussions on this topic on this board.
Your not from CA I noticed? I honestly cannot believe you would have to even ask this question. Please do some reasearch.
2. No we shouldnt ignore it. Lets get some granola bars and go for a nature hike...

3. If your seriouly concerned about global warming effecting the planet then once again do some research and focus your concers on China first.
Pretty soon Beijing will $4.00 lattes from Starbucks too.


Active Member
Originally Posted by MaxSmart
They're called the Milankovich cycles. They happen because the Earth wobbles on its axis and orbits. The result of the several types of wobbling result in overlying cycles - with periods (cycle times) of 100,000; 41,000; 23,000 years. This is what causes the cycles of ice ages and hot ages. (I don't remember the actual name for the hot ages) We're about at the inflection point of a cycle right now - that is, the rate of increase in temperatures is at its maximum. In about 5,000 years the temperature will reach the maximum and start falling.
Unstable weather happens every couple years, it was first observed in the colonial era, where the explorer who studied it named it after the baby Jesus - "el nino". Not much you can do about it - just stay indoors and look at your aquarium!!! :joy:
Thanks Max.


Active Member
I'm in a place where global warming has a wierd effect. I live by lake Erie (no smart *ss remarks dissing my home please) and we have whats called "lake effect snow". It only occurs when the lake is unfrozen. The lake used to freeze over by mid January and the effect would stop. The lake hasn't frozen over for years so now, due to the elevated water temp, we get way more snow. Global warming = more snow?


Active Member
2 weeks ago it snowed in the bay area!!! It was just a dusting... the next it was like 75... really weird!


Active Member

Originally Posted by garnet13aj
1) How do you know immigration issues will break up this country before global warming
2) Even if it does, does that really mean we should just turn our heads and pretend like it's not happening or say it's not our problem because our grandchildren will have to deal w/the mess, not us
3) Stop thinking about just this country and consider the entire world. Global warming is a huge issue and if we really are the most powerful country in the world we should act like it, step up to the plate, and admit that we are causing more harm than almost anyone else as far as per capita emmisons are concerned.
Now that my rant is over, I'm not a scientist (yet!) and I don't think that anyone can claim that the change in weather patterns is absolutely due to global warming. What I can say is, it is a concern that I would very much like to be taken seriously. And I'm excited to have seen a number of discussions on this topic on this board.
1. Your not from CA I noticed? I honestly cannot believe you would have to even ask this question. Please do some reasearch.
2. No we shouldnt ignore it. Lets get some granola bars and go for a nature hike...
3. If your seriouly concerned about global warming effecting the planet then once again do some research and focus your concers on China first.
I second your encouragement of research, have you ever actually looked into global warming or have you just taken other people's word that it isn't something you should be concerned about. You are suggesting that I'm ignorant, but if you've looked at both
sides of the global warming "debate" seriously
you would know that there isn't actually a debate among educated (on the issue) people about whether or not it exists, is human induced, and is a legitimate concern for the near future.
I'm not saying that immigration isn't a huge concern. I realize that we simply do not have the room for the amount of people that want to enter, but that doesn't mean because immigration is an issue that global warming isn't.
You can't just say because China is contributing to the problem that we aren't. That's like saying if you robbed a bank w/your friend and he was caught on tape and you weren't that you aren't that he was committing a crime but you weren't because. That's a ridiculous remark that has not backing behind it. The facts are that we are one of the leading countries is carbon emissions in the world per country and per capita and we need to take some responsibility for that instead of blaming it on other countries that also are at fault. It's a problem that the entire world needs to solve and if everyone (including Americans) would stand up we could beat this.
This data is 5 years old, although some data may have changed there hasn't been that drastic of a change that it still doesn't hold some truth.
and here's one from 1998
from 2002