Unusual weather? I wan't your thoughts


Staff member
So is this going to be discussion about global warming? Or whether global warming is naturally occurring or human impacted?


Active Member
It froze this morning here in Coronado CA and has been below 0 back home in Colorado for the past week.


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All I know is that I grew up in Wisconsin and moved to New Mexico. We had over 15inches a couple weeks ago, which is unheard of here.


Thank you everyone for your thoughts.
I wanted to get the perspective of people living throughout the country. I ask people up here what their thoughts about this are all of the time. The usual response is "The cold weather is comming" We have had other mild winters before, but not like this (that I recall anyway) They said on the news that the temp is 9 degrees above record (over all, not any specific day) this season, which is quite significant. Any more thoughts on this?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Phixer
It froze this morning here in Coronado CA and has been below 0 back home in Colorado for the past week.
lol great avatar phixer!!!! happy tree friends is the funniest cartoon ever!


I'm from Chicago and we had the warmest year ever. If you haven't seen "An Inconvenient Truth: A Global Warning" I high recommend it. Like Al Gore or not, you can't deny the facts about global warming.


Active Member
this weather stinks big time. In Ct we normally get about 4' of snow throughout the winter (our winter starts in october btw) and last weekend i was wearing shorts.
i think this weird weather is what's causing all the illnesses around. since december i've had a stomach virus, which i gave to my wife for Christmas (go me!!), plus i've had a cold for 2 weeks. I NEVER get sick. We need something to clean the air and kill the bacteria. I don't know how the ski resorts are surviving.


I didn't move to Arizona to be cold! If I wanted to be cold, I would have stayed in St. Joseph, Missouri!


The unusual weather so far this year isn't much to be alarmed about, could just be normal variance. Now if we're having this talk again in 10 years that's something different.
FWIW, it's a little warm in Atlanta for the season right now, but it's definitely had some very cold fronts blow through.

royal gang

Active Member
Originally Posted by AZReefGirl
I didn't move to Arizona to be cold! If I wanted to be cold, I would have stayed in St. Joseph, Missouri!
it was 40oF here at Yuma, at around errhmm... 9:00 at night, and that's just cooling down


Active Member
Originally Posted by Gmidd
I'm from Chicago and we had the warmest year ever. If you haven't seen "An Inconvenient Truth: A Global Warning" I high recommend it. Like Al Gore or not, you can't deny the facts about global warming.
im not concerned about global warming.
life will adapt, and when nature has had enough, *boom*
it'll toss us another ice age.
nature is all about cycles and adaptation.


Originally Posted by COWFISHRULE
im not concerned about global warming.
life will adapt, and when nature has had enough, *boom*
it'll toss us another ice age.
nature is all about cycles and adaptation.
Agree. Every time the weather goes haywire, all you here is impending doom, global warming, martians, whatever the craze was for that decade. Happens generation after generation. But when the weather is normal and everyone's happy, you don't hear anyone blaming it on global warming!!! Oh, and I remember after Katrina many predicted the worst hurricane season for 2006. Never happened. By the way, I hear they're selling land and homes cheap in the Florida Keys. But I can't discount the fact that 1.37 billion chinese and 1.03 billion people in India finally getting cars won't have an effect on our atmosphere.
San Diego hit a near low yesterday, and i'm not talking about the Chargers
:mad: Thirty sixdegrees!!! :scared: :scared: I know, I know...Waaaaaaa.
And Royal Gang, I lived in Yuma for six years. Little bit chilly for that time of year right now. Should be around sixty. But gotta love that Yuma winter weather!
I hear the El Nino suppose to end this week and the East Coast will be getting that cold weather that their suppose to have real soon.


Originally Posted by 1knight164
Hey, ScubaGuy. Anywhere near Branson? We bought a condo at the Landing and property at Stonebridge so I keep tabs on the area. Heard on the news that the extreme cold weather is a ten year pattern. Any thoughts? Really don't know what to make of weather patterns, but our lives span only a minute part of the earths existence and only a very small part of that has ever been recorded. So, how do we know if it's a normal pattern or pending trouble caused by global warming? Scientists can't even agree. Just my thought, of course. I don't know which it is and I don't have ANY experience in this field but feel compelled to give my .02.

Sorry 1Knight, We have not had cable for a couple of days. It just cam back on. Branson is 30 min south of us. It seems to have a little ice but not as much as us. Along I-44 got hit the worst. We have had mild winters for about Five years. So it was about time that we got some, but wish it was snow not ICE.


Originally Posted by ScubaGuy
Sorry 1Knight, We have not had cable for a couple of days. It just cam back on. Branson is 30 min south of us. It seems to have a little ice but not as much as us. Along I-44 got hit the worst. We have had mild winters for about Five years. So it was about time that we got some, but wish it was snow not ICE.
Sorry to hear about your predicament. When we went to visit a few winters ago, the locals always talked about how great the weather had been the past few years. I know it's cold there now, but I read that the record low there was -12 back in 1979. I guess it's like here. We're use to warmer temps so when it drops into the 40's, we're freezing.
I do have to say, we love the Ozarks. Beautiful place. Lived in the concrete jungle most of my life and was planning to retire in Branson. Anyway, you take care and stay warm!


Yeah, I like the area for raising kids but NO OCEAN
:mad: I still like it better than Hurricanes. I could go any where in the united states but this is a great place to raise kids. I am ex ARMY I will adapt and over come
Thanks 1Knight


i live on lake minnetonka in minnesota (made famous by the minnesota vikings) and i make a rink out on the lake every year cuz im a big hockey person and its been so warm here i dont bother because the ice is fluctuating so much, but last nite we had our first snow storm pretty much all year beside one other small one and we only got like 4 inches. ive lived all over carmel cali, chi town, tempe and i love this place because i grew up here and graduated from here in 2003 but if stays like this im movin back to carmel where it is fun living, not weather by cybil here!!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by COWFISHRULE
im not concerned about global warming.
life will adapt, and when nature has had enough, *boom*
it'll toss us another ice age.
nature is all about cycles and adaptation.
Illeagal immigration will ruin this country before global warming will.


Oh boy! We have an environmental sciences department at our university and they are in a battle amongst themselves about this. Part of the deparment says this is normal cycle 53,000 years (yes 53,000) and there will be another ice age, history shows it and that we actually have very little affect on the environment/climate.
The other portions says that it's bs and that we are changing things, however, this group also says that things are improving and that the ozone layer is regrouping and we're turning it around.
But yeah, it's been an odd weather year.


Active Member
Originally Posted by sepulatian
First, sorry about the misuse of punctuation in the title to this thead (was a typo)!!! I am from NY, and it has been unseasonbly warm here. We have had a total of 5 days since OCTOBER that have been in the thirties. It is January, 13th! It should be at least near zero at this point. I was just watching the weather channel (yeah, I am a gezzer! lol not realy) It is colder in Cali right now than in NY. Anyone but me see a problem with this? It is snowing like mad in the southwest. I have not seen a drop of snow. I want to know what people in states that are getting colder weather than normal think about this. Anyone think the "green house effect" is comming into play here? That is my thought.
No.....it is El Nino


Active Member
A University of Colorado weather expert has warned the El Nino weather pattern over the Pacific Ocean could survive past the upcoming spring.
Klaus Wolter said this year's version of the phenomenon is "pretty robust" and may survive to have an effect on the 2007 hurricane season, USA Today reported Monday.
The pattern has been largely credited with the calm 2006 hurricane season, and federal weather officials have said it is strengthening, a development that could lead to a warm and dry winter in the northern United States and increased precipitation in the southern parts of the country.
"The (nation's) midsection is always where you're rolling the dice," said Mark Svoboda, a climatologist with the National Drought Mitigation Center.
The possibility of rain may prove to be good news for drought-ravaged Texas and Florida, but could also cause mudslides in areas of California that were struck by wildfires in previous months.
El Nino's effects are being felt all over the world, with the World Meteorological Association saying Australia and Indonesia "are suffering severe drought" and Africa is receiving heavy rains.