Unusual weather? I wan't your thoughts


And it's 10 degrees below normal in most of the midwest now. And everyone seems to forget it was 30 degrees below normal for 2 entire months this fall, with snowfall in early October. But like I predicted, the second it was a few degrees above normal, everyone cried global warming. It's just people being overly dramatic about inconveniences in their lives. Weather has always been an inconvenience in people's lives, but now people talk about every hot or cold spell like it was armageddon. During the height of the Greek empire there was the Mini Ice Age - temperatures went WAY below normal for decades. Now we have the observation that over the past couple years average temperatures have risen a fraction of a degree per year, which as I pointed out in my previous post is normal and expected, but now we have overzealous politicians who want us to give them more powers so they can "save" us. Give me a break!