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  1. kingklowntrigguh

    Male blue jaw triggerfish

    Hey topfish, I have a few questions for you. First I just wanna thank you, for givin me a lot of info on triggers. Now I knoe some more about them. I like pink tail triggers what can you tell me about them. Also, can you tell me about white tip triggers? Thanks again!
  2. kingklowntrigguh


    tomatoclown, you asked where to get info on triggers. Triggers facinate me so much to.They are in my opinion the coolest fish, anything you wanna know about triggers and I mean anything, ask me. :)
  3. kingklowntrigguh

    Hawaiian black triggerfish

    OK, Thanks again. I don't know much about harlequin tusks, all I know is that they look god and are aggressive fish. I would like to know more about this fish before I go out and buy one.
  4. kingklowntrigguh

    Hawaiian black triggerfish

    Thanks again topfish. I will probibly do what you suggested. I was looking at your tank pics and saw your two eels. Can I get another eel with my zebra?
  5. kingklowntrigguh

    Hawaiian black triggerfish

    Hi, I just got a zebra eel (14 in.) and a male blue jaw trigerfish(5 in.) Your right topfish, male bluejaw triggers are beauties. I was wondering what fish can I get in my 250 gallon tank? Right now the fish are the zebra eel, and male blue jaw. What fish can I get?
  6. kingklowntrigguh

    Hawaiian black triggerfish

    Hey topfish I was just looking at your site and saw a blue line triggerfish. I never saw one before. Those fish are awesome! Can you (or anyone else who knows about this fish)tell me some stuff about it? I have a 250 gallon tank, and I want to add it, Can I?
  7. kingklowntrigguh

    What eel?

    It'll be going in the 250. I think i'll go with the zebra eel. Thankyou.
  8. kingklowntrigguh

    What eel?

    Hi, I was wondering what eel is the best to get out of a snowflake, achainlink, or a zebra eel? How big do they get, etc.
  9. kingklowntrigguh

    Assasi Triggerfish

    Thanks again topfish! Just one more triggerfish question. Blue jawed triggerfish. Are they aggressive, minimum tank size, and is there a difference between males and females?
  10. kingklowntrigguh

    Assasi Triggerfish

    Thanks topfish for the quick reply!!! Also I was wondering about queen triggerfish... Are they aggresive, minimum tank size? Hope you can answer this one to.
  11. kingklowntrigguh

    Assasi Triggerfish

    Hi, are assasi triggerfish hardy? How much aggressivenes? Minimum tank size? And do they look like huma huma triggerfish but without the wierd coloration in the lower back part of it's body?
  12. kingklowntrigguh


    What triggerfish are nice, and which triggers are mean?
  13. kingklowntrigguh

    black tip reef sharks

    What would be the smallest size tank for black tip reef sharks?
  14. kingklowntrigguh

    Whats wrong with flake food?

    B ball is right, flake is good for the fish, but you should try to use a variety of foods, also you can get a liquid called zoen, I use it many times for my fish. It increases your fish's immune system. But, you can't use it on flake only on frozen meats, and live food.
  15. kingklowntrigguh

    Clown Triggers?

    Clown triggers that small, usualy don't make it like the others said. But, if you get a bigger tank, or upgrade soon, you can get a clown trigger about 2 or 3in. big, they are hardy then, never lossed one before. They aren't that mean when there juvis, but when there adults, whatchout! They are...