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  1. liz50138

    green brittle star got attacked?

    Well, the starfish didn't make it, but i did do a 25% water change and will be raising the ph. Thanks for all the help though.
  2. liz50138

    green brittle star got attacked?

    About three or four days ago we purchsased a horseshoe crab and a green brittle star. As of last nite, everything was fine, but this morning I noticed my starfish wasn't doing so well. It almost looks like he and the crab got in a fight. On top where it is normally all green, his skin is...
  3. liz50138

    pH, nitrites, and nitrates

    have a blue hippo, yellow tang, and green chromis, and plenty of food.
  4. liz50138

    Any cats caught in the act pics?

    this is a double pic scan, but you get the idea.
  5. liz50138

    pH, nitrites, and nitrates

    Tank has been running since the begginning of june, and was fully cycled.
  6. liz50138

    pH, nitrites, and nitrates

    Just tested my water for pH, nitrites, nitrates, and hardness. Just wondering what pH should be, how i change it, same for hardness. Also, how do i lower nitrites and nitrates. Nitrates are at 40, which i understand is about the max, and nitrites are .25 or 3...depending on which test kit you...
  7. liz50138

    Tang and chromis with red spots

    I bought a combo kit with ph, trates, trites, hardness, and ammonia...the results pH - 7.5 Nitrates - 40 Nitrites - 3.0 (other test read .25) hardness - 250 What should the pH be at, how do i lower/raise it and how do i lower the trates and trites.? TIA again Liz
  8. liz50138

    Tang and chromis with red spots

    I am picking up a trate and ph kit after work today. The nitrites are usually at 0, so i'm not sure why they're a little bit up right now. Right now we don't have the lights for the live rock, otherwise we would have it. The tank has about an inch or so of live sand. I wasn't aware that you...
  9. liz50138

    Tang and chromis with red spots

    I don't have any live rock or even a clean up crew. I have told my fiance several times to get some peppermint shrimp or snails or something but he is too thick headed for that. As a result of that, there is quite a bit of uneaten food at the bottom. Here are my parameters. Temp - 73 Ammonia...
  10. liz50138

    Tang and chromis with red spots

    I have a yellow tang, a green chromis, and a blue hippo in a 75 gallon tank. Those are the only live things in the tank. I also have a protein skimmer and a whisper power filter. This nite i noticed that the green chromis has one small red spot near his tail fin. The yellow tang has several...