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  1. museumgirl

    Nitrates high with new additions

    Thanks- Should I continue to do some small water changes to try and bring them down?
  2. museumgirl

    Flower Anemone question

    I don't think the "babies" could be HH because the rock he's on was an old piece that had been out of the tank for over a year, and they showed up a couple days after I got him. One of them is getting bigger already, and I'm interested to see what they'll do. I've got 7 at last count. Keep...
  3. museumgirl

    Choc Chip star

    Thanks- I'll try that and keep my fingers crossed.
  4. museumgirl

    Nitrates high with new additions

    Is it normal to have a nitrate increase after adding new stuff to the aquarium? We just added a cleaning crew, (24 scarlet reef hermits, 24 turbo snails, 2 emerald crabs, and about 24 tiny blue leg hermits) a feather duster, 2 condi's, and 2 flower anem. Did we overload the system? 72 gal bow...
  5. museumgirl

    Choc Chip star

    I've been spot feeding them several times a week. Like every three days or so with some shrimp.
  6. museumgirl

    Choc Chip star

    Thanks guys... I knew they weren't reef safe, I had them in a FO tank. I got 3 small ones and one has died.
  7. museumgirl

    Flower Anemone question

    Thomas- is yours a flower anemone or a mojano? I'll see if I can crop and zoom. The parent is the large anem on top in the picture. It's tentacles look similar to yours, but it has more of a flattened disc in the middle. The other one I have is white and more ruffled looking like yours.
  8. museumgirl

    Curly Q?

    I've heard that Curly Q's and Aiptasias often look a lot a like. What is the difference between them? Can an aiptasia's tentacles get curly? I work at a small kids museum and I thought that we had an aiptasia, but we've had it over 5 yrs and it's never split or multiplied. Also in the last...
  9. museumgirl

    Flower Anemone question

    Anybody have any clue???
  10. museumgirl

    Flower Anemone question

    I know that it's not an aiptasia, but I've never seen a mojano. I took some pictures and was having trouble posting them. They need to be resized. Hopefully I will get them up in a day or two. I looked this morning and there were 6 babies, and one of them is starting to get bigger than the...
  11. museumgirl

    Choc Chip star

    Newbie Question I'm sure... Do chocolate chip stars require high lighting?
  12. museumgirl

    Flower Anemone question

    I recently got 2 "flower anemones" I don't know if that's actually what they are since I haven't seen anybody else mention any. Anyhoo- I spot feed all of my anem small pieces of raw shrimp 2x a week or so, and the other day everybody ate great, and then about an hour later I saw my new flower...
  13. museumgirl

    Every describe your CRAZY CLOWNFISH QUIRKS...

    our BTA sits on the side of a rock, so he sits out kind of sideways, and our little maroon clown just loves to wiggle, wiggle, wiggle in there, but somtimes I look over and I swear he's just laying there like it's a lazy boy. He looks like if he could, he would be kickin' back with he little...
  14. museumgirl

    Emerald crab problem

    Well- since I took the one feather duster out things seem to be ok. Neither of the crabs have bothered the other feather duster, but I'm wondering now that my tank is so clean and the cleaning crew has gotten rid of all of the algae are they going to start looking for more to eat? I put in an...
  15. museumgirl

    Emerald crab problem

    I just got some new stuff in my tank including 2 emerald crabs as part of a cleaning crew. I also got 2 feather dusters. After a couple of days I saw that one of my crabs was picking at the tube of my duster! It looked like he was eating the little pieces he was picking. Are they not...
  16. museumgirl

    LS & LR question

    Does live sand have die off like live rock??
  17. museumgirl

    LS & LR question

    Thanks for all of the help... I'm writing it down!!
  18. museumgirl

    Flatworm Exit?

    I haven't seen any that I know if, I'd just heard that some people dip their new stuff in it as a precaution and I didn't know how people felt about that. I don't want to start an infestation!!
  19. museumgirl

    Flatworm Exit?

    I've seen several people mention Flatworm Exit. I'm going to be adding quite a bit of live rock, and was wondering if I needed to treat it for flatworms before I put it in. I don't want to add anything bad to my tank. OR do you only treat it if you KNOW that they're there? Sorry for all the...
  20. museumgirl

    LS & LR question

    When I add this (probably won't be for a little while yet) I need to slope the bed to the back of the tank right?