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  1. roggy23

    ich in hypo????

    ok i just checked and it appears he still has ich. but not many. i noticed 1 white speck on his left fin and 3 white spots on his side fin. still sounds like ich huh. he was really bad when he was in my main tank so 4 spots is an improvement. so since im trying to cure him from an outbreak...
  2. roggy23

    ich in hypo????

    maracyn 2 for SW? how does that work and what is it? Now im concerned so what im going to do is use my lighting from my main tank and put it on top of my QT too see whats up.
  3. roggy23

    ich in hypo????

    yeah elf, im excited. this wed will be three weeks :) i guess i still have another 2 weeks after for acclimation. i have no lighting for my QT except for a lamp that i use. My puffers front fins and side fins look completely ichless. Im just having trouble determining if theres ich on the back fin
  4. roggy23

    ich in hypo????

    ok if ive had hypo going for 3 weeks at 1.009SG the whole time 100% sure, is it still possible for the fish to show signs of ich?
  5. roggy23

    Tank Cycle

    can a fish live through a tank cycle:confused:
  6. roggy23

    My puffer male or female?

    yeh real funny on my expense??? whats the freakin answer haha???
  7. roggy23

    cycled QT?

    i have a fish in myt QT cuz he had ich the next day i bought him, so i had to put up an emergency QT, so far i havce battling the tank from cycling. it seems the puffer would be able to go through the cycle cuz hes lived through high nitrites but then i would do a water change and drop the...
  8. roggy23

    cycled QT?

    i first had to deal with ammonia in my uncycled QT, but now it seems my ammonia is not a problem but my nitrites are. Is it possible that the tank cycled with my puffer in the tank, since ammonia has dropped. I do more than 50% water changes everyother day to lower nitrite levels. when i get...
  9. roggy23

    My puffer male or female?

    how can i tell by looking at my porky puffer if its male or female?
  10. roggy23

    Hypo ? Again?

    ok 3 weeks for hypo then 1 more week to raise salinty, i understand. Is it a necessity to have the fish in the QT for another week after at normal tank levels? Hypo 3 weeks Raise levels 1 week normal levels 1 week<---- is this necessary? total: 5 weeks am I correct?
  11. roggy23

    HYPO for 3 or 4 weeks???

    Hyposalinity should be maintained for at least 4 weeks but 6 weeks is preferable. If there is any reinfection of the "Ich" during the treatment, the treatment should be extended to at least 4 weeks after the disappearance of the last cyst. is this true or is 3 weeks as stated by our modirators ok???
  12. roggy23

    help with my canister filter???

    ahh man dreeves you are lucky.. ive had it for about 5 months now and these surges are driving me crazy... how far into the inlets where you able to puch the tubes in?
  13. roggy23

    help with my canister filter???

    u think if i buy new tubes that might help?
  14. roggy23

    help with my canister filter???

    i have a RENA xp3 i need more help
  15. roggy23

    help with my canister filter???

    I can not stop these air surges that come blasting out of the return nozzle at random times. I cleaned the filter already and no help, checked the O ring and still no help, do I need to set trhe tibes a certain way or buy new ones cuz maybe the tubes have clogged I dont know....:help:
  16. roggy23

    ick is driving me nuts!

    hey beth.. i want to make sure I understand QT... is a 10 gallon no LR no Sand proper filtration, r/o salt mix, heater cycled at a proper temp and proper salt concentration considered a QT... or does it have to be at an exact temp and salt concentration???
  17. roggy23

    Am I Ok???

    ok my FOWLR 60 gallon set up had ich... I know this becasue i started the tank with a flame angel.. first month the angel was doing great until i added 1 royal gamma and 1 damsel. the next day the damsel was no where to be found and about a week later i noticed the angel had ich then died...
  18. roggy23

    New Qt Tank?

    ok if i get a 10 gallon tank and put r/o slt water mix with no sandno LR and no bacteria proper filtration, will that be considered as my QT and will it help with QTing my new fish i get from the LFS?
  19. roggy23

    surges of air from nozzle from my canister filter!!!

    i have cleaned it twice already and i ve had it for about 4-5 months now... i checked the tubes and they appear to have some yellowish brown stuff attached on the inside of the tube where the water flows... wonder if i cleaned the tubes that it would help with the air pressure or get new...
  20. roggy23

    Need a good skimmer my seaclone is junk!

    aqua c remora babayyyy