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  1. bob skippy

    Updated picture of Blue Spotted Ribbontail

    All of my guys are small and will be going in a 1000-1500 gallon by end/first of year so I am in no way worried about size at this point. I have enough rock for the sharks to dig around and be comfortable and the rest is just sand. And the snapper is going to another tank.
  2. bob skippy

    In The Immortal Words of Eddie Murphy...

    I guess it would depend on how big it is when you get it and how many other fish you put in with it. Mine was small when I got it and it doesnt seem to be growing very quickly.
  3. bob skippy

    Updated picture of Blue Spotted Ribbontail

    Well I havnt got anything yet..LOL They are hard to come by. Ill be happy if just one comes in. My LFS has two on order. Im getting one for sure. All I have ever been told is that water quality tends to be a problem in most cases, and getting them to eat has been mentioned too. I have had...
  4. bob skippy

    In The Immortal Words of Eddie Murphy...

    I will post some pics of my Snapper as soon as I can find my camera. I added mine after everything else I have. Everyone gets along fine. Dinner time gets crazy cause my snapper is a hog. He will eat everything he can beat the other fish to. Ive seen him take food out of my sharks mouth!
  5. bob skippy

    Day 10...

    I dont know about Petsmart. You could look and see. Im no expert but I have had no problems in my tank...Im not crazy about additives either but it works. Read about it and make your own conclusion. I know several people who have used it with the same results. No problems.
  6. bob skippy

    In The Immortal Words of Eddie Murphy...

    I was told a snapper could get up to 20" or more. My LFS had one that was at least 16-18".
  7. bob skippy

    In The Immortal Words of Eddie Murphy...

    I have an Emperor Snapper in my tank and he is cool but very aggressive. Just make sure everything else in the tank is bigger than him or they will get picked on/killed. And remember he will get pretty big. Best of luck..sounds like it will be a cool tank.
  8. bob skippy

    Day 10...

    Have you thought about using Stability? Its made by Seachem. I used it in my new tank when I set it up and it was cycled in a week. I have had no problems what so ever. They say you can put fish in the same day you start using it or any day during the 7 day dosage as long as the dosage is...
  9. bob skippy

    Updated picture of Blue Spotted Ribbontail

    Man! What an awesome ray! I cant wait till mine come in! Im putting 2 in my tank...if they ever come in. LOL I hope I have as good of luck as you have.