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  1. lorab

    Brittle Starfish Help!!

    Originally Posted by ssjkakarot when i got mine it lost all but 2 legs, he grew them back and is huge now Ok, so how did you know it wasn't dead? :notsure:
  2. lorab

    Brittle Starfish Help!!

    Sounds good... I got him and most of his bits and pieces out of the tank... My water parameters were fine. Nitrates slightly above 0, but still okay. I did a water change this morning to make sure that wasn't the problem. All else are doing great! As far as the acclimation of the starfish... I...
  3. lorab

    Brittle Starfish Help!!

    MORE TROUBLE! Now it looks like his body is splitting in half. The clown fish are starting to pick at the broken ends of the legs. Is the starfish now dead? :help:
  4. lorab

    Live Rock from

    Are we talking about shrimp? Well they swim so dropping them in, placing them in... makes no difference. Just use "the drip method" to acclimate them for 2 hours and you should be fine. Inverts are generally not as hardy as fish, and take more time to acclimate. Yes, we are talking about shrimp...
  5. lorab

    Brittle Starfish Help!!

    Crap... I had NO idea about the arm growing a whole new body. I was about to fish two more arms out of the tank... yes, my poor starfish lost two more arms last night!!! He looks really pathetic with only two arms. He is still trying to move around though, and eating. I will leave the arms in...
  6. lorab

    Live Rock from

    hey, i'm also a new-bie and not a very patient person. I started my tank with CC and decorator rock. I had six fish in my tank. In one day, I took out all my CC and replaced it with packaged LS from this site. The next day, I took out all the decorator rock and replaced it with the LR from this...
  7. lorab

    Brittle Starfish Help!!

    Hey all! Please help. I just got my brittle starfish from this site yesterday and when he arrived, one of his arms was laying on the bottom of the bag!!! :scared: Will he survive? He seems to be doing fine, but he still tries to use his little nub, and falls off the LR! Will it grow back? Any...
  8. lorab

    Fish from *****

    I have bought only fresh-water fish from ***** and had great success. If you decide to buy fish from there, make sure you use your quarantine tank and read their dead-fish quarantee. I see no harm in trying as long as you quarantine and can return it if it doesn't live.
  9. lorab

    Ammonia Help!!!!

    Originally Posted by 120reefer Lora, make sure that when you add the LS and take out the CC you take out any of your livestock. The change from CC to LS is not as easy as it seems. You will see a decent ammonia and nitrate spike when you take out the CC.. believe me. If i were you i would try...
  10. lorab

    Ammonia Help!!!!

    thanks so much MCSD22 !!!!
  11. lorab

    LS - Prepackaged or Not?

    hey all! Just a quick question... I am ordering LS today and wonder if I should get the prepackaged stuff under "dry goods" or buy the LS under the "Live Sand" link on the left? What would be best... I am having an ammonia problem. :notsure:
  12. lorab

    Ammonia Help!!!!

    OK! Sorry it took so long for me to reply, hubby called from Iraq... Anyway, I am ordering the protein skimmer today. I also want to order the LS sand today QUESTION: do I order the pre-packaged LS under dry goods or the Live Sand under the "Live Sand" bar on the left of this screen?
  13. lorab

    Ammonia Help!!!!

    AWESOME!!! You are a fish-life saver!! I really appreciate your experience and advice. I will order a protein skimmer today (since my LFS doesn't carry them or recommend them - otherwise I would've gotten one from the start).
  14. lorab

    Ammonia Help!!!!

    Originally Posted by mcsd22 Also the rule of thumb is 1.5 to 2 pound of LR per gallon of water. Cool, that'll look nice...
  15. lorab

    Ammonia Help!!!!

    Originally Posted by mcsd22 Ok Lora here is what I would do. Pitch all the fake stuff and the crushed coral. The CC was 1 of my worst mistakes. There is no replacement for live rock and sand. They are natural bio filters and will really help with the tank. The protien skimmer will also do...
  16. lorab

    Ammonia Help!!!!

    OK... I have a 305 fluval with the standard media that came with it, and added an "AM cleaner". My bio-wheel, I haven't cleaned, but I do have more filters for it... haven't done it yet. I feed twice a day, morning is a mini-block of brine shrimp and evenings I feed a couple pinches of Formula...
  17. lorab

    temp problem

    I don't know what kind of heater you have, but mine has a way to adjust it... sometimes heaters get hotter right before they "go out" or "short out"... it can be a good indicator to buy a new one. :notsure:
  18. lorab

    Ammonia Help!!!!

    HELP HELP HELP!!! I have a 3 month old 55gal tank with 6 fish all less than 1". My ammonia keeps rising!!! I do partial water changes, and have one bio-wheel filter and one fluval filter. I added the stuff to remove ammonia in the fluval and no luck! What is going on???? The fish seem okay, no...
  19. lorab

    Adding LS/LR to established CC tank

    Sounds good... thanks! So, i can leave the fish if I take out the CC slowly - minimizing the chance of a cycle. I am ordering the LR off - also the LS... but what is the real difference between the LS offered under "Live Sand" and the packaged LS offered under "Dry goods"???
  20. lorab

    Adding LS/LR to established CC tank

    Hey all! Just needed some info... I have an established tank with 6 fish about 1" in size each. The tank has CC and decorator rocks. I am going to order LR and LS ASAP. I will be taking the CC and rocks out to put in the LS/LR. Can I leave the fish in there? Or do I have to take them out - if...