Search results

  1. turbonerd

    Cleaning aquarium?

    thanks. it should be ok to use right? i think its only a 30 gal. not sure. how do i find out what the volume is? isn't there a formula to use?
  2. turbonerd

    Cleaning aquarium?

    i found an old aquarium in my garage. i want to know if i can still clean it and how to check the seals? how would i go about cleaning the aquarium out. im pretty sure it was used as a freshwater setup because there is gravel in there with a undergravel filter.
  3. turbonerd

    how to clean an aquarium.

    i found an old aquarium in my garage. i want to know if i can still clean it and how to check the seals? how would i go about cleaning the aquarium out. im pretty sure it was used as a freshwater setup because there is gravel in there with a undergravel filter.
  4. turbonerd

    New Tank!!!

    Put in the clowns about 2 weeks ago. Everything is doing great!!! Now i'm just waiting to get some mh lighting and i'll be ready to get some corals and anenomes!!! probably not till a couple months though. no more money!!! lol. just wanted to share some pics of my 24g nano!
  5. turbonerd

    Clownfish help!

    Hi All!! I noticed one of my clownfish (false perc -- aquacultured) is starting to turn darker on his top part of the body. by the dorsal? i was wondering what it is. Tank Params: PH: 7.8 Ammonia: 0 Nitrite: 0 Nitrate: 20 Calcium: 360 SG: 1.025 Temp: 81 I feed them Spectrum Thera +A and Prime...
  6. turbonerd

    Clownfish Help!

    Originally Posted by IIINADAV This happens with most True and False Percula’s. It comes with age and you may see it darken even more. You should post this in the Clownfish and Anemone section of this forum to see if anyone in there can explain why this happens. I hope this help ease your mind...
  7. turbonerd

    Clownfish Help!

    Hi All!! I noticed one of my clownfish (false perc -- aquacultured) is starting to turn darker on his top part of the body. by the dorsal? i was wondering what it is. Tank Params: PH: 7.8 Ammonia: 0 Nitrite: 0 Nitrate: 20 Calcium: 360 SG: 1.025 Temp: 81 I feed them Spectrum Thera +A and Prime...
  8. turbonerd

    How many more fish can i add??

    Originally Posted by lion_crazz No, you are absolutely fine with what you have now. ok thanks lion_crazz you are so very helpful!!! i appreciate all the advice you have provided me directly and indirectly.
  9. turbonerd

    How many more fish can i add??

    Originally Posted by TriGa22 Do you have any pictures of your nano..? Im curious on how it looks. no but i'll take one tonight. been meaning to take one. Originally Posted by lion_crazz turbonerd, if you plan to do reef, I would not add any more fish. You could definitely add some more snails...
  10. turbonerd

    How many more fish can i add??

    Originally Posted by sac10918 I dont think you should add any more. IT sounds like you are maxed out too me. Also, I think lawnmower blennies need a larger tank than a 24 gallon. And I am pretty certain that a puffer would not work in your tank either. SOunds like its time for a bigger tank...
  11. turbonerd

    How many more fish can i add??

    24 Gal nano cube, 35lbs live rock, 2.5" live sand livestock: 2 Nassarius snails 3 Hermits 2 False Percs 1 diamond Goby 1 Brittle starfish 1 cleaner shrimp 3 Cerith snails (which i never see!) I'm going to go reef after the tank has been established for 4+ months and after i get better lighting...
  12. turbonerd

    Cleaner Shrimp Molting.

    My scarlet cleaner shrimp molted today. the old skeleton is still in the tank. am i supposed to remove it or will it go away by itself? with the help of hermits?
  13. turbonerd

    What fishes go with Clowns?

    i was thinking of puting a diamond goby and something else. haven't decided on the other fish but something small and bright. any more suggestions? oh and the topic of much coral and/or inverts can i still put without stressing my bioload? i also want to get more cleaning crew.
  14. turbonerd

    What fishes go with Clowns?

    Its a 24 Gal nano. Planning on a reef in the future. how many fish would i be able to hold in that tank?
  15. turbonerd

    What fishes go with Clowns?

    Hi all! I just started puting livestock in my tank. I Got 2 False Percs. What fishes would go with these 2 for the future? thanks
  16. turbonerd

    is it bad to rearrange

    I noticed today that my rock was looking unstable. So I went to rearrange the rock and the water got cloudy. Will this start another cycle?
  17. turbonerd

    Proper temp?

    What's the proper temp to have in a reef tank? 24 Gal. Thanks
  18. turbonerd

    Nearing the end of Cycle?

    thanks for the help and information everyone!!! i couldn't have gone through the cycle without the knowledge you guys have!!!
  19. turbonerd

    Nearing the end of Cycle?

    Originally Posted by Bang Guy Looks like it to me, congrats. Keep in mind though that new tanks are usually not very stable for the first month or so. Stock slow and start with hardy animals. i was planning on starting with 1-2 perc clowns. and a cleanup crew from i'm still having a...
  20. turbonerd

    Nearing the end of Cycle?

    My tank has been cycling for just about 4 weeks now. Tank and Cyle Specs: -24 Gal Nano Cube -1" Bed of live sand -35 lbs Live rock -Phantom Feeds of Brine Shrimp Cubes Param Readings 7/2/06: PH: 8.0 Ammonia: 0 Nitrite: 0 Nitrate: 20 SG: 1.025 Temp: 81 Param Readings a few days prior 6/28/06: PH...