Search results

  1. j-j_02

    stupid hermit crab

    ok my salinity is at 1.021,ph is 8.0, nitrite is 0.3, my ammonia is at 0, and my nitrat is 0. my temp is exactly at 80 degrees. so watcha think?
  2. j-j_02

    stupid hermit crab

    ok, i have a 55g. its been up for almost three months. i have 3 damsles and one clown. i have one rio1400 power head and one penguin 350 filter. no live rock but live sand i do have. it sux, wat do i do? and thank u for responding
  3. j-j_02

    scared cown!

    i jus got a lil perc clown and hes been hiding for 2 days now. in the tank before him i got 3 damsles and one large hermit. my tank is a 55g with no live rock. is this normal? all help would be greatly appreciated. thanx
  4. j-j_02

    stupid hermit crab

    ok i have a prolem. i have a big hermit crab and all he seems to want to do is climb on my rocks and scrape the hell out of them. i dnt know if hes jus looking for algea or what but it makes all the water very cloudy. wat should i do? PLEASE HELP!!!!
  5. j-j_02

    butterfly in a 55g?

    cool, not sure wat to do. if i sould get one or not. prbabbly not, i dnt like to take chances where the the fish may possibly die.
  6. j-j_02

    clean u crew suggestions?

    so was it a bad idea to get the hermit?
  7. j-j_02

    butterfly in a 55g?

    ok, thanx
  8. j-j_02

    butterfly in a 55g?

    ok. either a copperband or a racoon. umm, tank been up for almost 3 months. got three damsels one lil clown and one big hairy red legge hermit crab. no reef fish only with dead rock. watcha think?
  9. j-j_02

    clean u crew suggestions?

    almost three months.
  10. j-j_02

    butterfly in a 55g?

    yes or no? thanx
  11. j-j_02

    clean u crew suggestions?

    ok, i have a 55g with dead rock 3 damsles, 1 clown, and 1 big hairy red legged hermit crab. wat else should/could i get?
  12. j-j_02

    hippo tang in 55g

    ok, thanx guys. im not gunna get it. i wait till i upgrade
  13. j-j_02

    hippo tang in 55g

    thnx for all ur input guys. i really appreciate it. i might jus get it and then trade it back to the pet sote in a couple years, wel see.
  14. j-j_02

    hippo tang in 55g

    would it be ok if i put a juvi hippo tang in my 55g?
  15. j-j_02

    Night time pics form my 470

  16. j-j_02

    skipperdz's 55g tank picture diary

    U GOTTA TELL ME WER U GOT THAT PUFFER?! and very nice tank by the way
  17. j-j_02

    show me ur valintinni puffers

    i want one but i wanna see wat they look like in a tank. thanx
  18. j-j_02

    is this good or bad algea?

    it really did, thank you.
  19. j-j_02

    my 350

    wow, that tank is crazy . love the aquascape. keep up the good work.
  20. j-j_02

    is this good or bad algea?

    ok, thank you, later.