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  1. j-j_02

    wat can i put in 55g?

    ait thanx guys. wat would u guys put in my tank the, besides reef,?
  2. j-j_02

    Feeding time in the 75g

    im new and thought id ask some questions. arent u supposed to have one fish at a time in a qt? and alo are u supposed to do regular water changes if there are no fish in a qt ? thank you. (sry, dnt mean to steal the thred but i need help )
  3. j-j_02

    wat can i put in 55g?

    i have a 55g and 1 penguin350 filter with 1 powerhead, live sand and some dead rock. i want to make it an aggressive tank. i was woundering wat kind of eel, lion, and puffer i can add. if u have any other suggestions please let me know thank you.
  4. j-j_02

    do i have to do water change?

    i dnt know, this is wat the guy said. im motlikey gunna do watter changes tho.
  5. j-j_02

    Chankanabb New Tank Diary 100g FOWLR!

    that is so cool , i thought my setup was complicated and i only got a 55g wit a pnguin 350 filter.
  6. j-j_02

    do i have to do water change?

    do i have to do a water change if my tank is cycling? i got 3 damsles in my 55g and the guy at the lfs told me i dnt have to change the water for like 3 months cuz its cycling, eventhough if it has the fish in it. is this true? all help is greatly appreciated. thanx in advance
  7. j-j_02

    do i need a skimmer?

    ait thanx guys
  8. j-j_02

    do i need a skimmer?

    i have a 55g with soe dead rock and planning on adding live rock and fish only. i got some stock type light but im goig to get sum betr lightbulbs. 2 attinic and 2 regular. i dnt got a sump/fuge. i gt one powerhead and planning on getting another. and i got one penguin 350 filter and planning on...
  9. j-j_02

    anybody got myspace?

    i know this isnt the right section but i thougt most ppl look here alot . mine is if u got one add me or let me know. my name is jesse and im frm northern cali.
  10. j-j_02

    i need nelp o getting my nitrites down

    the filter has been up for about a week b4 i got the damsels in.
  11. j-j_02

    i need nelp o getting my nitrites down

    thanx alot guys, really appreciate it.
  12. j-j_02

    r u supposed to acclimate live rock?

    and i also really appreciate all the help. thanx
  13. j-j_02

    r u supposed to acclimate live rock?

    ok, so wat about the quarentine tank?
  14. j-j_02

    r u supposed to acclimate live rock?

    so i can just have it bare anda pvc pipe piece? do i have to do regular water changes wen ther4e isno animals in it? oh and do i have to have aspecial light or filter in it?
  15. j-j_02

    r u supposed to acclimate live rock?

    no, im only the road like 5 minutes. oh and do i have to have live rock or live sand in my quarentine tank?
  16. j-j_02

    r u supposed to acclimate live rock?

    wat do u mean do it, u mean quarentine it?
  17. j-j_02

    r u supposed to acclimate live rock?

    no, alreay cured. so i can just take it(buy it hahaha) from the store and place it in my dt?
  18. j-j_02

    i need nelp o getting my nitrites down

    thats good, im most likey gunna do that thanx. wen i do get live rock how do i aclimate it and all that?
  19. j-j_02

    r u supposed to acclimate live rock?

    if so, how?
  20. j-j_02

    i need nelp o getting my nitrites down

    wow, live rock is expensive! wat is cured rock? sorry if im asking to many questions but i finally get to talk to sum1 who knows wat there doing.