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  1. cinders

    I'm a new mom!!!!

    I'll be sure and do that! :joy: Thanks again! And I'm sure my star will thank you too!
  2. cinders

    I'm a new mom!!!!

    Thanks for your help Ophiura. I really appreciate it. Can it be fed cocktail shrimp or does it have to be raw? Sorry about all the questions. I'm still a newbie. Only had my tank set up since last Sept. I have handed it a shrimp pellet before.
  3. cinders

    I'm a new mom!!!!

    It rarely comes out from the rocks. All I usually see of it is its legs. I'm too afraid to try to pull on its legs to get it out to feed it directly. Any suggestions for me?
  4. cinders

    I'm a new mom!!!!

    I alternate Prime Reef and flake to my fish. The star must eat that and I've seen it go for shrimp pellets that my cleaner shrimp and crabs eat once in a while. It must be getting plenty to eat!!
  5. cinders

    I'm a new mom!!!!

    WOW! this little guy has got to be at least 6 months old if its a hitchhiker! They must really grow slow when they are babies. The one I have must be ancient. It has at least a 9 inch leg span. It was about 6 inches when I got it about 8 months ago.
  6. cinders

    Baby star?

    OMG! I just posted the same discovery in the Fish section!!! I found my baby about an hour ago. It headed back into the rock so I couldn't get it out!! What a coincidence!!!! Congratulations!!
  7. cinders

    I'm a new mom!!!!

    I had a baby and didn't realize I was expecting!!! Do brittle stars actually reproduce by themselves?? :thinking: I have a brown BS that I have had for about 8 months or so (the only star I have). I was just watching it pulling a dead snail away from some hermits earlier today. I...
  8. cinders

    Compatibility Issues

    I have a 75 gal. with 2 green chromis, 2 PJ cardinals, 2 firefish, 1 brittle star, 1 cleaner shrimp(he's sooo coool). Can anyone tell me if a yellow watchman goby would get along with my firefish? :thinking: If so, are there any other shrimp they would pair up with besides a pistol? My...
  9. cinders

    fish out of water...actually fish in overflow

    FYI I had a problem with small fish and my overflow box. I used plastic canvas (at any craft store, used for needle point). I put a strip around the sides held in place by a rubber band. The holes are small squares, enough to keep fish out but does not interfere with the water flow like...
  10. cinders

    Clownfish Trapped in Overflow

    If you're talking about the overflow box, like what is on a wet-dry set up like mine, I'm not sure how to get it out except to shut down the filter and pull out the U-tube. Then you could remove the box to put him back in the tank. Of course, you'd have to set up the U-tube again. I do know...
  11. cinders

    How much is your LR in area?

    fishtanknewbie !! Where in Toledo did you find LR for $4.99?? Would sure like to know.
  12. cinders


    How many, how big, what do you want for them?
  13. cinders


    I love my crabs too. I've yet to see them switch shells although I know they have. I'd like to get some scarlets but I never see them at my LFS. My big turbos are cool too! I need to get some other snails though, my astreas are about gone. I didn't know till recently that you had to keep...
  14. cinders

    Cycle additive. Good or Bad Idea?

    I used biospira in my 75 when I started it in Sept. I also have about 35 lbs. LR. I Have never had any ammonia, nitrite or any problems with water quality since I started.
  15. cinders


    I'm also interested in the type of heater it was. I just had to return 2 heaters in a row. Luckily, I caught it before it got past 82 degrees. Sorry for your loss
  16. cinders

    Suggestions for my tank, please!

    Well, It looks like the gramma is out of the question.. bummer.
  17. cinders

    Suggestions for my tank, please!

    I do like them. The only reason I bought 3 is because the books that I've checked out say to keep them in small groups. (Go figure). They seem to be getting along okay so far. I've been told that my firefish would not get along with a royal gramma if I bought one. Any thoughts on that?
  18. cinders

    Suggestions for my tank, please!

    Anyone have comments on PJ Cardinals, or my collection? I appreciate your thoughts.
  19. cinders

    Suggestions for my tank, please!

  20. cinders

    Suggestions for my tank, please!

    Thanks Symon, I'm passing on the tangs. I did get 3 small PJ cardinals yesterday. I hope that wasn't a mistake. :thinking: My cleaner shrimp are pretty big, so I hope they get along. Beautiful pic wax32!! And thanks for the welcome!! :cheer: