Search results

  1. accurate

    Flame Angel or Coral Beauty???????????

    I have a reef and was wanting to get a colorful fish, i was looking at a flame angel or coral beauty. I've heard some bad things about flames. Any out there with the same or different? How bout Coral Beauty? I've had one before but wasn't doing corals that much and didn't feel i had too much...
  2. accurate

    Just Plug it in?

    I have a 48" MH canopy that is suspended from my ceiling and I have had good sucess with it. I didn't want pendants because of the sorta same thing so I got this one and I like it . They are a little expensive so you may be able to get a used one from your lfs or online, Just talk around. Good Luck
  3. accurate

    Untrustworthy crab?

    ok!! let me add on this one.. I had alot of hair algae and the first thing a lfs told me was to get some emerald crabs, they would take care of it. Well, i did and they took care of some of the hair but the really big thing they took care of is my Coraline Algae.. The nice purple kind that...
  4. accurate

    Sea Cucumbers

    ive had a pink before, it was very cool. i now have a sea apple. was very hesitate to get one because i heard they ramble, well, they do but it moved finally to a good flow and has been there for about 3 weeks. Looks pretty neat too.
  5. accurate

    aragamilk or reef reactor???

    I like it, it seems to be working good and keeps me from having to add some of the other adds to my tank. I do think im gonna try this kent stuff though and ill post my exp on it as i get it. itll take a few weeks though. What other adds besides aragamilk were you using?
  6. accurate

    aragamilk or reef reactor???

    I had atarted using aragamilk a couple months ago and ran out. Was gonna get some more and a lfs told me about Kent reef reactor. I think its sorta the same for as far as I can tell, its still new, but i'll still appreciate the input!! Thanks in advance.
  7. accurate

    UV Sterilizer

    i had a prob. posted earlier and someone responded that they don't run a uv. How bout any of the rest of you? And how bout a protein skimmer? I want to get a better one, the one i have came on my wet/dry nothing exciting or anything The person commented on it pulling out plankton and other...
  8. accurate

    Snowflake Morey's-

    they are fine! I had one for 4 years You have to feed it feeder fish or store bought shrimp. They hardly come out exept for feeding time. Beware of the size of fish you have though,some may go missing after he gets a little size on him. They grow partly on feeding. the more you feed the bigger...
  9. accurate

    Too Much Heat!!!

    thanks for the repies!! i have taken all of my pumps apart and cleaned them out. they weren't bad but i did it anyway. after turning everyting off last night, my temp tis morning is 74. im gonna turn one thing on a day til i find out what might have been the culprit.
  10. accurate

    Too Much Heat!!!

    heaters are 200wt and set at 74. I forget to mention everthing. If my pumps,, what do i do to power my skimmer, and uv sterilizer? They run off of pumps.. While im asking questions?? How do you feel about uv sterilizers?? Thanks for the help.. Id never run my tank at 80 If i want fried fish or...
  11. accurate

    Too Much Heat!!!

    I have a temp gauge that shows inside and outside temps. Two days ago i looked at it and my tank temp was 82. The room temp was 75. I got scared and started getting my room temp down. Today it was 80 and my room was 69. What the heck is going on?? Anyone had this exp?? I called a lfs and they...
  12. accurate

    would a smartlite

    smartlite?? I was told by a lps that the smartlite was only another name for a powercompact but more expensive.?? However, it would be according to what wattage they were. It just has to penetrate to where the clam is or put it close to the light on a rock.
  13. accurate

    Worried about starfish eating corals

    i have a couple of starfish and they seem to be fine. The ones ive always been warned off of are the chocolate chip. also any starfish that are thick. The ones i have are serpent and brittle.
  14. accurate

    Is a Hermit Crab responsible for this??

    I am missing a considerably large amount of purple coraline algae off of several of my rocks/ ive looked at night and after the lights have been off for a while or before they come on and havent seen a crab with the exception of the hermit. i know emeralds do but do hermits???
  15. accurate

    Kijak: are u out there

    i noticed on a post u stated that an internal pump cooked your fish. What kind of pump was it??
  16. accurate

    refugium owners...please help

    First of all!!You're from Hoover Ala????I lived in Irondale for two years, not that this is related to your question.. I have a 100 gal with a sump and refugium underneath. a pump pumps water from my sump to the refu then it drains back in for the pump to take it into the main aquarium. my sump...
  17. accurate

    EXTERNAL Pumps!!

    I got some very good info. on my last post.I wanted to post one more time before i make a decision. I need some input on little giant pumps. Good.BAd or other. I have a little giant #4-sc that i got from a friend today and am debating about it. I wanted to get some feedback first. Noisey...
  18. accurate


    I have asked for help before and just need to get a few opinions please. I want to either get a external or internal pump to get flow out of my wet/dry. I purchased a supreme internal pump and dont know if thats the best or another internal? anybody had any exp with CAP pumps? how bout the...
  19. accurate

    which pump!!!!

    thanx for the reply. im not sure what ill do either try the supreme or not, oh well trial and error
  20. accurate

    emerald crabs

    when i first started a reef tank shortly after i got alot of green algae on my rock. I asked the same question and got the same answer you got. Bought three and away they went. At the time i had vho's on a 55gal and just about the whole tnk of rock was deep purple and looked great. The next day...