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  1. accurate

    Replacement bulbs

    i have mh two 175 10k and i recently replaced my bulbs. didnt want to pay $100 ea, online at Jeffs exotic fish i got them for $65. May be able to get them cheaper, if so let me know for next time.Thanks
  2. accurate

    Lion Fish?? Do's and Dont's?

    please wait til your tank is complketely cycled! But then DO get a lionfish if you want one. I had a lionfish and i really enjoyed it. dont bother with a dwarf lion, IMO, i tried two and both kicked. Small theyll eat frozed brine shrimp and little pieces of regular shrimp, then as they get...
  3. accurate

    which pump!!!!

    i just purchased a Supreme #12 for those of you who may be familiar with it. I was originally going with an external pump (little giant #4) the two things i heard was loud and u had to plumb out of your wet/dry ( which wasnt all that big of deal) Someone else also told me that a submersible...
  4. accurate

    MH only 2" from acrylic tank but a 4" fan blowing at it.

    i have mh and two things to watch. one, your water temp. that close may cause it to get hot. second, from my exp. you will grow algae that close. good luck!
  5. accurate

    Is Metal Halide lighting alone enough?

    i have a pendant helide 2 175watt and 2 40 wt actinics i can tell when the act are on. it brings out the deep color in some of my corals Looks very good too when theyre on by themselves The whole tank is blue!!!! my only advice is to take some time and find out what you want BEFORE you...
  6. accurate

    Need help - How much is TOO much on MH's

    i have a mh canopy with 2 175 german 10k and 2 40 watt actinics I had mine about 6inches from my glass and the only thing that happened is lots of algae and the glass tops had to be cleaned more often is seemed cause the heat from the light seemed to bake the salt and algae to the glass. Just...
  7. accurate

    Need help - How much is TOO much on MH's

    i have a mh canopy with 2 175 german 10k and 2 40 watt actinics I had mine about 6inches from my glass and the only thing that happened is lots of algae and the glass tops had to be cleaned more often is seemed cause the heat from the light seemed to bake the salt and algae to the glass. Just...
  8. accurate


    have any of you had good luck ordering livestock online? If so could u share your experience and maybe the address to the site. How about the one we're on?? Some sites give u good prices till u pay shipping others get their mony other ways and some just arent worth if they were to give it to...
  9. accurate

    external pump or submersible????

    I was looking for some good flow without adding another powerhead. iwas told the powerheads give off heat and if they stop, then theyre just sending elect. through your tank. I posted a similar ques earlier and need a little more input if i may i have 3 powerheads in the tank now and a rio...
  10. accurate

    All whom have an abudance of knowledge in reef tanks, please enter.

    im not a genius on reef tanks but ill sorta get u started. When i changed over from a fo to reef, i bought alot of live rock and started adding some additives. I used salifert for everything, theyre $ but u can go to jeffs exotic fish and get them at a better deal than most stores I cycled my...
  11. accurate

    Taking back 100g to get built-in Overflow box installed (?'s)

    tanks below a 55gal is usually tempered and cannot be drilled. 55 tanks are tempered on the sides but not the bottom I wanted mine drilled while i had it down but couldnt find anyone to do it when i needed it done. Ill stick with the overflow and be happy. I have a nice reef so things are going...
  12. accurate

    help! need more water flow

    do youo mean submersibles in the sump or tank? if in the sump, what size to pump enough to have about 3 discharges in the tank?
  13. accurate

    Sammy, help with sea horses...

    i had seahorses one time for about two years small tank, may be able to get by with a 30 as long as there werent any other fish to compete with food. They are very neat i fed ghost shrimp and brine shrimp Good luck
  14. accurate

    help! need more water flow

    i want some help from some of you. I want to change my water flow system. i now have powerheads but dont want them to stop and have a problem with electricity going through my tank and not be able to get to the ones burried in my tank. do i use an external or large submersible pump to avoid...
  15. accurate

    elegance coral

    i have an elegance and its doing fine ihave a halide canopy with actinics and it opens up great. first one ive had in 4 years and looks good