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  1. kimkromann

    changing filtration, need help

    is that the best filtration, or should I go canister? Do you make the wet dry set up and ship it, or just individual pieces?
  2. kimkromann

    where did my spotted cowfish go??

    I added a very small, the size of a garbanzo bean spotted cowfish to my reef. He seemed to be doing fine. I have two perculas and a rose anemone in the tank and that is all. One day he was fine, the next he was gone. I don't see his remains, maybe under a rock???? Is it possible that the...
  3. kimkromann

    changing filtration, need help

    I have an 80 reef with wet dry filtration and red sea protein skimmer inside the filter as I have no room on the back for any equipment. The tank is extremely healthy, so I probably shouldn't change a thing, but.... I also have an 80 gallon aggressive with poor filtration for a salt tank. No...
  4. kimkromann

    Fully cycled empty 80

    I have a fully cycled, empty 80 with live sand, live rock, wet dry filter with protein skimmer, dual compac lighting with actinic. I am looking to start an aggressive tank, but doing it slowly as I want to do it right. I am trying to build a list of fish to start adding and need to know which...
  5. kimkromann

    new biocube 14

    I started a nano biocube 14 for my son's school. Started it with water from my established 80 reef, live sand and live rock. Everything seems to be doing fine. will test water condition tomorrow and do a water change. The only thing I don't like is it seems like the water doesn't flow very...
  6. kimkromann

    New to the nano's

    The tank has flourescent 10k with actinic. Is that not sufficient? This same rose anemone lived for years with flourescent, but maybe the guy before me who owned it was lucky. Anyways, I go to my son's school twice a day so being there is not a problem. I will just bring buckets once a week...
  7. kimkromann

    New to the nano's

    I currently have an 80 reef which has been pretty successful now for over a year and half. I have decided to donate a biocube 14 nano tank for a reef tank for my son's school. It will be a new tank. I will also be maintining it for them. I was thinking about taking rock, and some water from...
  8. kimkromann

    Fuzzy Lion ?

    I have converted several lion fish to silversides and then introduce other stuff later. This seems the easiest to start with. Once they get used to seeing your hand and you outside their tank in association with food, you can give the other stuff. I noticed several would eat the silversides...
  9. kimkromann

    Lighting times and suggestions

    New to this. I have an 80 gallon with zoos, star polyps, sun corals, octopus corals, frogspawn, 4 rose anemones (they keep splitting), cocoa worms, and various mushrooms. A few small fish. I have them under 14k halides and dual compac lighting. What time should the lighting come on and how...
  10. kimkromann

    Lion Fish - what happened???

    I am new to this, so forgive for using the layman's terms. I had a very large Volitan Lion fish which I kept in a 60 hex (yikes!) Like I said I am new to this. About a month ago, I purchased an 80 bowfront for him. In part because I know the 60 hex was not adequate for him, but also because...
  11. kimkromann

    What is this purple goo?

    I have recently rearranged my 80 gal reef tank. I am new to this, so don't know what I am doing. Yikes! Anyways, I did a water change at the same time. Since then I have noticed a thick purple goo growing on my zoos and star polyps. It is growing a few other places, but most there. It is...
  12. kimkromann

    elephant ear leather coral

    I have identified it through some more research. It looks like it is a elephant ear mushroom coral, color brown. It does not seem to attach to a rock. It had a tiny rock attached to it, but it lost it during the move. I keep trying to get it to settle on a rock - even on a flat one on the...
  13. kimkromann

    elephant ear leather coral

    Fairly new to the hobby. I purchased what I was told a leather-elephant ear coral. Not sure if that is the correct name. I purchased it several months ago and has been doing very well. Then I decided to move some rock around to get better circulation and in the doing so, the coral got...
  14. kimkromann

    newby looking for some advice

    I do not have any corals, I have a reef tank for that. just some live rock (50 lbs.) and live sand. My lion is definitely a keeper, the whole family love him. He eats any meaty thing I put in there including frozen silverside, shrimp, and now krill, right out of my hand. Anyways, what other...
  15. kimkromann

    newby looking for some advice

    The tank is a 60 hex. It was the first tank I bought, boy have I already learned a lot, but apparently not enough. I love my lion fish, I want to have two-three fish total in there. What do you suggest I put with it. That is after the Indulated disappears?
  16. kimkromann

    newby looking for some advice

    I have never posted before. Wasn't sure where the first post went. Thanks for the instructions.
  17. kimkromann

    newby looking for some advice

    I am new to the saltwater hobby. I recently inherited a reef tank and purchased another tank which I believe is considered and aggressive tank. On to my question I purchased fish for my tank in this order" damsels 5 months ago got rid of all but one black and white striped guy who seems to be...
  18. kimkromann

    newby looking for some advice

    I am new to the saltwater hobby. I recently inherited a reef tank and purchased another tank which I believe is considered and aggressive tank. On to my question :notsure: I purchased fish for my tank in this order" damsels 5 months ago got rid of all but one black and white striped guy who...