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  1. kimkromann

    Maroon clown biting anemone

    I have a new maroon clown which seems to have bonded with one of my rose anemones. I have had perculas in my others so pretty used to their odd behavior with their anemone. However, my new clown keeps biting the anemones tentacles. I guess it is more like sucking on it as he never bites any...
  2. kimkromann

    Caring for a recently split BTA

    On the same line of inquiry...My rose anemone seems to split every2-3 months ( I think it is ready to do it again) When it does, it does not form a second mouth first and then split like I have heard others do. Instead it rips at the mouth straight across so that neither anemone has a mouth...
  3. kimkromann

    Cyano advice

    I had a recent outbreak with similar situation. It seemed like my flow was inadequate. I came online and asked for advice. I decided not to use chemi clean or any other additives. It seemed, from what I was told, that it caused other problems, and could throw all of the other levels out of...
  4. kimkromann

    Adding a refugium

    Any suggestions out there? Please let me know. I am going to my lfs later today and want to have some ideas.
  5. kimkromann

    Fully cycled empty 80

    You have both touched on a very sensitive subject. I think our society went from being inhumane to animals to being so "PC" that we have forgotten what role animals play. I think we have gone from treating them poorly to treating them better than humans. Don't get me wrong, i do believe we...
  6. kimkromann

    Fully cycled empty 80

    Point well taken. I am constantly upgrading and improving my systems for the fish I do have in my 80 reef. I would not put fully grown in this tank. I am looking to have a large wall built in within the next year. Maybe I will wait til then or get a baby porcupine puffer for now. I am one...
  7. kimkromann

    High nitrates, healthy tank

    Yes. I use R/O, but will be switching this next water change to ocean water from my lfs. I am anxious to see the results. Should my father's tank be doing this? He was going to switch to ocean water, but is questioning whether to do so or not since his tank has been so healthy for so long.
  8. kimkromann

    High nitrates, healthy tank

    Is it possible for anything to be healthy in that environment? The growth rate he has seen is much more than your average tank. We will both buy a zoo rock, or xenia, etc. at the same time. My tank is healthy with all great levels, etc. We both have the same lighting but his specimen will...
  9. kimkromann

    how many times has your eel jumped out?

    I am sure you won't miss your wife. The eels will keep you nice and warm in your bed. Or maybe not! But you are funny!
  10. kimkromann

    High nitrates, healthy tank

    My father has a 55 reef with the most luscious plants, xenia, mushrooms, zoos, and bubble algae. His tank has so much purple in it, it is disgusting. He has half a dozen fish, and an anemone that all seem to be thriving very well. He does not add any nutrients, rarely changes his water, etc...
  11. kimkromann

    Adding a refugium

    I am not very technical, so should probably buy an "already made system", but I thought I'd atleast try the diy method. So I will try to describe what I have the best that I can and maybe someone can walk me through improving my filtration. I have an 80 reef with massive live rock, live sand...
  12. kimkromann

    Aggressive with pulsing xenias???

    I am setting up an 80 aggressive tank (see other posts). I love pulsing xenias - have a few in my reef tank, but no room for many. Was thinking of putting them or other reef plants with my aggressives. Any opinions out there? Is this a recipe for disaster, or....? If they are ok with xenias...
  13. kimkromann

    Fully cycled empty 80

    Thanks. I will be adding a protein skimmer shortly. I will buy all fish that I get at their smallest so that I can see them grow. One fish at a time. Is there any order to adding them to the tank? I have heard that puffers are territorial so should be added last. I know that the porcupines...
  14. kimkromann

    Ocean water vs. R/O water

    Thanks for your feedback! I will check with my lfs how they store their water. They only use it and their tanks are pristine. The water they sell you comes from an outlet outside the store, I am assuming they have it attached to some holding tanks. How fresh would their water need to be good...
  15. kimkromann

    Ocean water vs. R/O water

    Any comments out there? I currently have a 80 reef which has been running on R/O water for a year. I am thinking of switching to ocean water from my lfs (very reliable one). Any comments, concerns, opinions about this??? KIM
  16. kimkromann

    Fully cycled empty 80

    I agree. No guilt trips. If I wasn't a concerned fish owner, I wouldn't be taking time to research this, ask questions, etc. I have owned this tank for 6 months and have not bought any fish as I want to be careful with what I put into my tank. I have another 80 that is a reef and that took...
  17. kimkromann

    Fully cycled empty 80

    Thanks. Do you think I could have an eel in here too? One that doesn't get too big, but is colorful?
  18. kimkromann

    Fully cycled empty 80

    It is looking like a lion fish is out of the question with this tank. So my newly revised list is a porcupine puffer, clown trigger, eel (not sure which type) and what else???? Any recomendations out there?
  19. kimkromann

    where did my spotted cowfish go??

    Thanks, again my lfs "forgot" to mention this.