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  1. iamjoshieg

    3 questions

    1.) I just use NO lighting since i have no corals. The water has a slight yellow tint. 2.) Now that I look closer at the live rock, I am starting to think that it may not be algae growing on it. Its brown/green and fuzzy, but it is starting to fall off off the live rock and accumulate on the...
  2. iamjoshieg

    3 questions

    Hello. I have three questions that I am having a hard time finding answers for through the use of google. 1.) My water is slightly discolored and is not as clear as I would like it to be. I would like to use carbon to clear it up, but I do not have any type of filter to place it in. I only have...
  3. iamjoshieg

    copepod population

    wow, 100 pounds? I couldnt set up a 10 gallon tank just to breed copepods? what are some other type of live foods that I could breed for fish food? I know brine shrimp is easy but have little nutritional value.
  4. iamjoshieg

    copepod population

    If i were to add a pile of live rock rubble in my 55 gallon reef tank and pour a bottle of copepods in the tank, what are the odds that I could maintain a population of copepods in the tank to provide a constant source of food for my fish?
  5. iamjoshieg

    AquaC remora

    oh wow I had no idea you didnt need to dechlorinate it. That should save me quite a bit of money in the long run, thanks.
  6. iamjoshieg

    AquaC remora

    I dont feed any oily foods, just flake and dried seaweed. I filled the tank with tap water, but have topped off and changed with RO water only. I use the stress coat brand dechlorinator... I think... I just ran out and threw away the bottle so i cant remember, I just know it is a yellow bottle.
  7. iamjoshieg

    Springer Damsel

    Has anyone here ever had/have a Springer damsel? If so was it incredibly shy? I was under the impression that it would be a more active and bold fish, but mine hides in a cave of the live rock and pokes his head out all day. He quickly comes out when any food is present, but he rarely ventures...
  8. iamjoshieg

    AquaC remora

    I have had an AquaC remora on my 55 gallon FOWLR tank for about 2 months and I am not sure if it is working properly. It foams up very quickly, and that foam quickly turns liquid. Foam then gets forced out of the hole on top of the lid on the collection cup and starts to drip off the skimmer. I...
  9. iamjoshieg

    wrasse and inverts

    I would really like to keep a wrasse, but I would also like to keep some inverts; some hermit crabs and some shrimp. I originally planned on getting a six line wrasse, but the more I read about them the more I hear stories of them picking on shrimp and hermit crabs. Are there any wrasses that...
  10. iamjoshieg

    cure in 5 gallon bucket

    Oh ok thanks. I will get to it then!
  11. iamjoshieg

    cure in 5 gallon bucket

    Would it be possible to cure 22 pounds of live rock in a 5 gallon bucket with a powerhead, a small heater and twice weekley 100% waterchanges?
  12. iamjoshieg

    Dear Diary...

    I would name him Peter. Just a suggestion...
  13. iamjoshieg

    best nano kit

    What do you guys think is the best nano tank kit for a simple nano reef: the AquaMedic Nano wave, the Biocube, the Current USA aquapod, the JBJ Nanocube or any other brand out there.
  14. iamjoshieg

    what to do

    My 55 gallon tank is filled with tap water (yes I know this was very dumb on my part). All that is in the tank is 40 pounds of cured/curing live rock and 40 pounds of live sand. Would it be alright if I just changed 5-10 gallons of water weekly with distilled water until I can get a RO unit and...
  15. iamjoshieg

    VHO ballast???

    can you hook up a ballast to any NO strip light and make it VHO? say like a shop light?
  16. iamjoshieg

    aquaC skimmer

    by check the cup do you mean empty the contents? thanks for the help.
  17. iamjoshieg

    light for coraline algae

    Will coraline algae grow under 40W NO in my 55 gallon? I have 40 pounds of live rock in my tank, and I think Im gonna go FOWLR for a while and then later on upgrade to a reef tank. I dont want to buy lighting until I decide to upgrade to the reef tank, so I am just using a shoplight over my tank...
  18. iamjoshieg

    Where to buy RO water

    I don't think there are any RO water stands around where I live in MD either.
  19. iamjoshieg

    tap water purifier

    Oh ok thank you. I am sorry for posting the link, I forgot about that
  20. iamjoshieg

    tap water purifier

    Is a RO/DI unit really necessary, or will a unit like this be sufficient for a reef tank? Out of respect to SWF please do not post links.