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  1. zero1870

    New Anemone

    thanks sac, i'll give it a try and that was the most helpful repsonse yet, thank you.
  2. zero1870

    New Anemone

    it was a typo, clowns is what i meant.
  3. zero1870

    New Anemone

    Thanks, it does help. it saddens me that i have only a 50/50 chance that the clones will host it. but it is a lovely addition to my tank.
  4. zero1870

    New Anemone

    I just got a new anemone and I have two clown fish in the tank who have never been around an anemone before (to my knowledge). Will the clowns warm up to the anemone? also, can the anemone eat frozen foods (in other words, still frozen when feed to it)? thanks for the help.
  5. zero1870

    Hi Nitrate Problem

    ok, macroalgea... how do i get it (where, and online preferably because my LFS dosn't/can't get it) and how much is it? any suggestions as to what kind of algea to get?
  6. zero1870

    Hi Nitrate Problem

    ya i talked to my LFS today and he's getting me a deal on an RO, i have 40~ pounds of live rock, but i'm getting more in a few days as they become available, i do the water changes bi weekly, should i increase? anyways thanks for all the suggestions, they are really helpful, thanks everyone. LMSCM
  7. zero1870

    Hi Nitrate Problem

    Hey, i have a nitrate issue that needs correcting. I have a 75g w/d filter with activated carbon. i have live rock, 2 clowns, a gobe, a bicolor angel, cleaner shrimp, a chocolate chip starfish, and various crabs, 2 cleaner clams, and snails. I feed twice a day lights are on 12 hours a day, i do...
  8. zero1870


    ok, i don't think i spelled that right, but, i want to set up a 10 gal tank for growth of nitrate eating veg and to move my clams to keep from being eatin by my ccsf. any hints and ideas as to what algea, sea plants, dirt, equipment to get?
  9. zero1870

    Bio Ball Question

    I was wondering if you ever have to change out the bio balls... if so, how often?
  10. zero1870

    Nitrate Question

    What is the best way to reduce or eliminate nitrates in the tank? is there an alternative to doing water changes?
  11. zero1870

    CC Star Question

    <html><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Star Fish"></a></html>
  12. zero1870

    CC Star Question

    Alright, i have a question about my chocolate chip star and becuase i'm not to familiar with the behavior of these creatures i need some help. my star has just been chillin' on the side of the tank for about 4-6 hours. is he in some kind of trouble or is he just hanging out?
  13. zero1870

    Moving on to Phase 3 of my Coral and Fish Tank

    Alright, i have my tank succesfully setup... 75gal, wet/dry filter, side 100gal filter active carbon (deals with yellow tinge in water, cleared right up) have good algea, 50 # live rock, crabs, cleaner clams, cleaner shrimp, 2 clowns, 3 neon gobbies, hippo tang and i'm now ready to setup...
  14. zero1870

    need help... moving soon!!!

    thanks guys you've been a big help
  15. zero1870

    that yellowy funky tint

    well, the protein skimmer can't get it... don't rely too much on the protein skimmer, it works great, it just won't clear everything out...
  16. zero1870

    that yellowy funky tint

    ok, i've asked this before and no one seemed to have a straight answer about this question. My tank has yellow tint to it that isn't harming any of the creatures, it just makes my tank look ugly. my levels are perfect and it is an established tank. so, (cue the lesson ) i did some research and...
  17. zero1870

    need help... moving soon!!!

    :help: ok... i guess i was kind of vague on my move... i'm moving to a new apartment. i'll have the keys to it starting today. I have until the 17th of october to be out of my current apartment. so i have roughly a month and half to move all of my stuff out of here and into the new place. As...
  18. zero1870

    need help... moving soon!!!

    i have until oct 17th to be out of here and into my new apartment
  19. zero1870

    need help... moving soon!!!

    I’m going to be moving in the next couple of weeks and I need to know how to move my 75 gal sw fish tank. I have snails, clams, and crabs. Livestock include a hippo tank, two clown fish, three neon gobbies and 1 cleaner shrimp and lots of LR… what is the best way to move this without having to...
  20. zero1870

    water has yellow hue to it

    bump... anyone else have a clue as to what is causing this?