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  1. zero1870

    water has yellow hue to it

    no driftwood, it's just as ls, lr, sand, algea, which i understand eats nitrates... the water smells like the ocean it dosn't have a funky nasty smell of anthing so i dunno....
  2. zero1870

    water has yellow hue to it

    ok, i checked my levels for my 75 gal; they are as follows. ammonia 0, nitrite 0, nitrate 5, ph 8.2. salt level 1.026. i have a wet/dry filter a protein skimmer. Liverock is - 60#. i have 2 perculise clown fish, 1 hippo tang (yes i know it's an ich mag), 1 cleanter shrimp, 1 damsel one that i...
  3. zero1870

    what happened to my cycled tank ?!?

    not recently. i added clean up crew a few weeks ago, but that shouldn't affect the water now...
  4. zero1870

    what happened to my cycled tank ?!?

    alright, i did a 25% water change yesterday. before the change the levels where 0 ammonia, 0 nitrite and 20 nitrate. Now, a day after the change it's now .50 ammonia, 0 nitrite, and 10 nitrate. i am using RO water. Why is my ammonia level up? should i be worried? any suggestions would be helpful...
  5. zero1870

    Molt ?????????????

    alright, i did a 25% water change yesterday. before the change the levels where 0 ammonia, 0 nitrite and 20 nitrate. Now, a day after the change it's now .50 ammonia, 0 nitrite, and 10 nitrate. i am using RO water. Why is my ammonia level up? should i be worried? any suggestions would be helpful...
  6. zero1870

    hippo with ich, what to do??

    My hippo tang is showing signs of ich. I have 2 perc clowns, a damsel, a cleaner shrimp, and some clams, snails and hermits in my tank. I've set up a QT but it hasn't fully cycled, the nitrites are off the chart. I don't know what to do to treat the hippo, right now i have no way to separate the...
  7. zero1870

    help, is my fish sick?

    i have a blue hippo tang and he/she has white spots on him, what is it and what should i do??
  8. zero1870

    water rotation

    alright, i think my pump is dying. i notice not alot of water is falling into the built in filter send and return for my tank (it's pre-drilled) .... what could that mean?
  9. zero1870

    Disappearing Clam, Act I

    Alright, who's got the clam. I had 4 cleaner clams last night, now i can only see three and there is no logical explination as to where the fourth has gone... anyone have an idea as to where?? :notsure:
  10. zero1870

    New to tanks, have questions!!!

  11. zero1870

    new tank

    Originally Posted by SiNaLOa213 i bought a 95 gallon tank and i am going to do reef. what kind of sump would be the best? Please help. a wet/dry sump is highly recommended by proclear aquatic systems. i'd also use a protein skimmer along with it as well. some of the systems have the skimmer...
  12. zero1870

    New to tanks, have questions!!!

    thanks happyvac. two more questions if anyone is up for the challange. one, what is the best way to feed blue hippo tangs, and two, are denitrifiers worth it? if so, where is the best place to get one... reason i ask, i'm having a hard time keeping the nitrate level at zero it's somewhere around...
  13. zero1870

    New to tanks, have questions!!!

    Originally Posted by HappyVac Can you give us some info about your Wet/Dry and Skimmer? I have a ProClear aquatic systems motorized protein skimmer, in the wet/dry. I'm not exactly sure about my wet/dry, I bought my tank from a friend brand new, including the stand, wet/dry, and lighting. I...
  14. zero1870

    brownish red algie

    Originally Posted by trex i am new and my tank is turning brownish red. i bought some snails to help but its getting worse, i do a 15% water change ever 2 weeks and just bought a remora ca skimmer that is still breaking in. I notice the out break after i introduced the snails. I live in san...
  15. zero1870

    New to tanks, have questions!!!

    i have a protein skimmer running, i just hope i got it setup correctly. i have a we/dry system installed on my tank, and yes, it is predrilled. i've read that clowns will typically only host anemones. also, how long should i wait until i start getting coral?
  16. zero1870

    Getting coral, What lighting to get??

    my tank 75g is 2.5 months old. a good amount of purple algea and i have just installed a protein skimmer and a good sized clean up crew. i have 3 fish all doing very well and 2 inverts, a cleaner shrimp and a starfish (veg). what else do i need to do to set up for a coral tank?
  17. zero1870

    Getting coral, What lighting to get??

    I'm going to get some coral for my tank . I know I need lighting, but there is so many choices. My question; is there any recommendations on what to get. Also, what coral would be good for my clown fish to host? Also, also, do i have to "feed" the coral, if so with what?
  18. zero1870

    Question For All Ex ***** Employees And Current Ones Too?

    I bought 2 damsel from *****, and already had a damsel from another lfs. A week later the 2 damsels were dead. I found out that the saltwater fish from ***** had been qt and not for sale only a few days earlier because they had ich. I've been to ***** a few times since then and it seems like...
  19. zero1870

    New to tanks, have questions!!!

    I've been reading through my books and have a few questions. First off I have 2 percula clownfish, i've done some reading and I'm just curious about whether or not to get an anemone for them. After some reading I feel like it might not be such a great idea because anemones eat other fish and...
  20. zero1870

    New to tanks, have questions!!!

    Thanks for all your advice. Unfortunitely the LFS that i bought the starfish at has a no returns policy; I wish i had come across these boards sooner. I realize now that i also need to build a clean up crew. I am planning on getting 3 scarlet hermit crabs, 3 emerald crabs, and 10 blueleg...