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  1. snowflakejason

    thinking about switching over...

    Originally posted by jwtrojan44 Not sure about urchins. Don't keep them myself. Some shrimps would not impact on the load. I would think two brittle stars is enough, but if you keep them spot fed, another might be okay. I like to see community tanks with lots of inverts. Makes for a very...
  2. snowflakejason

    thinking about switching over...

    Originally posted by jwtrojan44 Not sure about urchins. Don't keep them myself. Some shrimps would not impact on the load. I would think two brittle stars is enough, but if you keep them spot fed, another might be okay. I like to see community tanks with lots of inverts. Makes for a very...
  3. snowflakejason

    thinking about switching over...

    Well what I think happened was I was leaving my light on for way too long and it took me a while to get my protein skimmer in. Algae seriously took over the glass and was covering my rocks, I had 2 anemones in there a carpet and a hatian, both died. I lost 2 green chromis, 1 just disapeared...
  4. snowflakejason

    thinking about switching over...

    oh yeah.. and I have 90lbs of live rock.
  5. snowflakejason

    thinking about switching over...

    What would you say to adding a urchin or 2, some blood shrimp and another star?
  6. snowflakejason

    how long do you keep lights on

    I used to do 12 hours with my moonlight light with actnics and 10,000k but then I got REALLY bad algae so now I am down to 5 hours a day to try to kill that algae.. then I will go to 8 hours a day.
  7. snowflakejason

    thinking about switching over...

    Ok so I at first was going to go for a reef setup, but after getting really frusterated because things died and algae took over my tank... :mad: ... I am thinking about maybe switching it up and going fish-only.. so then that brings up the question of what can I do now that I couldn't before...
  8. snowflakejason

    Anyone ever get stung?

    haha thats how I pick up my haitan anemone I let him stick to my hand and then move him.
  9. snowflakejason

    whats going on in my tank???

    yeah I took it off of him, it looked like "purge" I am going to do a water test tomorrow and I need to do a 10% water change.. the coral seems to still be alive because he was soft and responsive when I touched him... I dunno my tank was so beautiful 2 days ago, now it looks terrible. :(
  10. snowflakejason


    mine was very small.. maybe an inch across at the most... but I only paid 6$ for it.. so I dont care.
  11. snowflakejason

    whats going on in my tank???

    Ok so my tank has looked pretty "dead" the past day, there is hella algae on the windows, all the coral is really sucked in, my brain coral had my decorator crab just chillin on it for like a day, I didn't want to disturb "nature" so I left him be, well this morning I went to move the crab cuz I...
  12. snowflakejason

    NEED to catch a damsel

    yeah this damsel was like hitler junior.. he would attack my clown fish, he would attack every fish in my tank.. including my blue tang :( He would attack my starfishes legs and the final straw was he nipped at my brand new brain and the brain's side sucked in after he did that.. and then the...
  13. snowflakejason

    NEED to catch a damsel

    Well I did it.. I took out all 90lbs of my live rock.. this guy was soooo fast.. pretty much I pissed off everyone in my tank.. my tang is still hiding.. the water is clear now.. my one piece of coral looks pretty mad, my anemone looks normal.. I will do a water test next week and see what kind...
  14. snowflakejason

    NEED to catch a damsel

    Will it mess up my tank to pull all the live rock? Will it have a lot of die off?
  15. snowflakejason

    NEED to catch a damsel

    So I have a damsel in my tank, he attacks all my fish, nips at my starfish and nips at my coral... I need him out.. but I cant catch him with the net and I have 90lbs of live rock in a 60 gallon tank.... what do I do?
  16. snowflakejason

    powerhead placement

    I have a 60 gallon tank with 90lbs of live rock in it, my tank is really long instead of being tall, so the live rock isnt really that half, goes up about half the tank but its thickly compressed, I have 2 stock heads in the uppper corners that shoot across but can be moved, I just got 2 new rio...
  17. snowflakejason

    new brain... is he ok?

    Originally posted by waterfaller1 Did you acclimate him before you placed him in your tank? yes and no.... I adjusted him to the tempature but I didn't adjust him to the Ph by putting water into his bag.. I never really got that approach.. and all the fish seem to be fine without it... but it...
  18. snowflakejason

    new brain... is he ok?

    I just bought a brain coral, when I got him in the store he was huge all spread out and open, and then when he went into the bag he closed up which is to be expected and when I dropped him into my tank he stayed the same sized closed up, he started to kinda shrivel up and he has been that was...
  19. snowflakejason

    Can I have more?

    Originally posted by Jillian Ayers That Pscific Blue Tang may be small now, but he is going to get far too big for that tank. If you're planning on keeping him in there for life, then you're already overloaded. If not, then another fish would be feasible. HTH :) I got a really really tiny one...
  20. snowflakejason

    Can I have more?

    Originally posted by krishj39 Well, you are getting close to the limit, but I think another fish would be fine. How about a 6-line wrasse? Cardinal fish? Needlenose flame? Maybe even a dwarf angel? Just a few possibilities. Will angels eat coral?