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  1. mrswv1956

    i guess know one wants to help

    Thanks again beth for the infromation,my regal tang was in the copper qt tank for 3 days and never did stop laying on the bottom,also would not i finally decided to go read some of the post on freshwater dipping to learn how to do it,i set up a 5 & half gallon acqurium with air and...
  2. mrswv1956

    i guess know one wants to help

    oops 3 demsels 2 of them with yellow tail not 22 lol bad typo sorry mrswv1956
  3. mrswv1956

    i guess know one wants to help

    beth since i have put my regl in th qt tank he just lays there in one spot it has really stressed him out,because before i moved him he was eating good and swiming couldn;t tell anything was wrong with him except for the it normal for them to just lay there like that,and also how do u...
  4. mrswv1956

    i guess know one wants to help

    thank u beth sorry about the more then one threads but i;m new to this site,and it wasnt that i didnt want to try the things terry suggested i didnt know how to do them,i have read alot about giving them freshwater dips,but how do u do that i know i must sound stupid to you,but i am just...
  5. mrswv1956

    i guess know one wants to help

    i have posted several post about my blue regal tank ,terry answered me 2 times but know one else and now terry isnt answering me either,why is no-one trying to help me isee that u help other people that have posted,would someone please read my other post about my blue regal and then tell me what...
  6. mrswv1956

    ok terry

    P.S I did do a water change to before i diecided to move him.but i have looked at my other fish very careful i also have 3 demsels 2 yellow tail and one just blue there is nothing on u think i might have just jumped the gun & maybe there was nothing wrong with my regal, mrswv1956
  7. mrswv1956

    ok terry

    i have looked at the other fish very close,and can not find anything on them at all,they all eat very good and swim around none of them act like anything is wrong and neither did my regal tang,i just got worried when i seen these spots,i dint know how to do a freshwater dip or the other stuff u...
  8. mrswv1956

    terry about my blue tang

    the question u ask me i posted under the messages where u answered me i;m new to this site so when i got done reading what u said i hit reply so instead of typing all of it again could u just go read the one where u answered me the first one that says blue tang needs help and ty 4 answering me
  9. mrswv1956

    blue regal needs help

    ty terry 4 responding to,i have inverts in my main tank plus i dont know how to do,hyposalinty,just got into the marina stuff about 5 months ago so its all new to me but i have had very good luck so far havent lost anything not even inverts.and no none of my other fish have anything wrong with...
  10. mrswv1956

    blue regal needs help

    i wrote yesterday about my blue tang and see that i had 11 hits but no-one answered my questions,could someone please tell me how long i need to leave my tang in the sea cure and what do i do when its time to put him back in the main tank,do i have to put him in clean water 4 awhile before...
  11. mrswv1956

    blue regal tang

    ok i have a blue regal tang,and i have had it about a month and a half,it has little white spots on it,then back next to it tail fin is a big spot but it is red looking he dosent act sick and eats good but does scratch around alot on my corals,could it have what they call white spot,i took him...