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  1. mrswv1956

    switching from cc to ls

    can someone tell me the best way to switch from cc to ls,right now i have ugf and also using a AQUA-TECH 30-60 power filter,in a 55 gal tank,not really having any trouble except for some reason i cant keep snails or my crabs alive,fish and LR are doing great I switched from a tropical tank to...
  2. mrswv1956

    strange creature

    thanks alot Ren thats it. yours looks alot bigger then mine though,i geather there not harmful to my other fish,i;m just getting into the LR,was beginng to wonder why everyone liked it so well because mine wasnt doing anything took about 6 months for me to start seeing things,one end of my LR...
  3. mrswv1956

    strange creature

    thanks for answering me, i was just afraid it might be something that would harm my fish, I only have about 20 Ibs of LR,but i love it,there;s one part on the rock that looks like a clam and it keeps opening up but i cant see what is in there everytime i try to look it shuts up,but its really...
  4. mrswv1956

    strange creature

    hey everyone been awhile since i last posted,but ihave a ? hope someone can tell me what this is,my tank has fish and LR & inverts, i have had the LR about 6 months,havent gotten anything new for a long time,but i was setting in there watching my fish and this light pink thing that kind of looks...
  5. mrswv1956

    ty krusty then i dont think i will change anything because so far i havent lost a fish only been into this salt water for about six months but from what i have read so far that is pretty lucky not to lose a fish.when i was doing tropical i lost fish all the time,dont know why but i did. but i...
  6. mrswv1956

    still waiting for a answer please mrswv
  7. mrswv1956

    Thanks guys for your advice,no i haven;t removed my ugf yet or bought any LS yet only have 10lb of LR so far,iam not having any trouble with my tank, water conditions are good and everything seems to be doing fine i just thought from everything i was reading that my LR and inverts had to have...
  8. mrswv1956

    Guess know one wants to answer me why?mrswv
  9. mrswv1956

    could someone please tell me what is the best thing to do here,do i have to have live sand if i have LR,the stuff i have in now is called marine life,it is will fine is it the same thing as cc,because the cc i seen in the pet stores is alot bigger pieces then this is.mrswv
  10. mrswv1956

    ok guys if i remove my UGF can i just take the tubes out and leave the plate in the bottom or do i have to dig it out to.and can i put LS in with my cc,& how much LS do i need for a 55gal and what size clean up crew do i need i have a hermit crab,horse shoe crab,and one snail, a flamed...
  11. mrswv1956

    ok andy so you have ugf and are using sand to is that what you said the reason i was wanting LS is from what i have been reading it is better for the LR,is that true.because i do like my UGF i have had no trouble with it so far,can i juat put some LS in with my cc i have had some that say u can...
  12. mrswv1956

    ok if i take out the ugf,i am also using a AQUA-TECH 30-60 POWER FILTER will i need any other kind of filter system to go with this one or is it enough it says it circulates and filters 330 gallons per hour,i have a couple of power heads but there the kind that set in the top of the tube to my...
  13. mrswv1956

    Do i have to get rid of the undergravel filter or is it just better to do that, because i would hate to have to take everything out to do that it would cause alot of stress to my fish wouldn't it.mrswv1956
  14. mrswv1956

    yellow tang red blotches

    yes i have tested there is no amonia o nitrites ph 8.3 the only thing differnt latley i had ick awhile back and did the salinity drop but everything had been back to normal 4 about almost 3 weeks just noticed this on my tank a couple of days ago but he acts really good and eats very good i clip...
  15. mrswv1956

    ok thnx chocochipper,i have one more ? i;m going to order some live sand to I talked to some of u who said take the cc out of my tank and put the ls in my ? is i have a undergravel filter also in my tank won't the sand just go threw it. or can i leave some of the cc in my tank or maybe put ls on...
  16. mrswv1956

    thanks guys i found it,do they deliver it to your house or do you have to go to the airport they come in at, because i seen where it is two day airlifted out but then that might not be the case now with air travel the way it is,and how many punds do u put in a 55 gal tanl i have to pices in it...
  17. mrswv1956

    I seen where some of you said you ordered your LR form how and where do you go to do this mrswv
  18. mrswv1956

    yellow tang red blotches

    I have a yellow rang in the last couple of days there is red blotches showing uo on dosent act different is eating and everything the red blotches are in its fins and at the very back of its body into the tail fin it kind of looks like you no when you hurt yourself and it dosent bleed but...
  19. mrswv1956

    what do you know about Kole Tangs?

    i have a kole tang to,and dad is right he loves the brown alage on the glass i also feed im the roman lettuce,and he likes the frozen blood worms,i also have a fox tang and a blue regal and a yellow tang,he dosent bother any of my other fish the only one of them that shows aggression is the...
  20. mrswv1956

    Crushed coral or live sand

    i have a 55 gal tank with cc,can u put live sand in with cc & this might sound stupid but what is live sand and where do u get it.i live in a small town in wv,have to travel about 2 hrs to get to a good lfs place and its in ohio.mrswv