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  1. dhraako

    ID on this anenome

    I thought that too, but I'm not aware of aiptasia being able to burrow in sand
  2. dhraako

    ID on this anenome

    no pic but the discription is EZ! I have only seen this once in my sand...not sure where it relocated it streches up or down when its up its has a 5mm thick stalk that is 1cm long...completely clear with an odd filimenty type center (the core of some sort) and its tenticles are litterly crystal...
  3. dhraako

    worm? ID Please

    hehe daytime worm=badness :) I'll look into removal then...wait till its fully extended than take it out...the things are ugly out they come
  4. dhraako

    worm? ID Please

    bristle worms don't stay in the same area and ploy around with the current 24/7. As for in clumps no they are not...only singular havn't been able to find ANYTHING close to these two on these forumns either :notsure:
  5. dhraako

    worm? ID Please

    I have a few of these..came with new rocks these things are long when fully extended (around an inch follow extended)...they're white and have tons of little bristles all over their bodies.....they mimic the current....start out short in length then lengthen and mimic the movement of the current...
  6. dhraako

    yellow leather coral q's

    JUST what I wanted to here! thnx kip I'll do just that and continue to add strontium and iodine/iodide (whatever) as per usual..and continue to wait..thnx! .. I've heard in the neighborhood of 2-3 I'll be patient
  7. dhraako

    yellow leather coral q's

    I've done a search and have not been able to find the answers I need so here goes I just received a small leather frag and have temporarily placed it in a place where it stays (and hopefully joins to) put..medium flow...higher light intensity (130W PC). The coral has had a pink hue to the...
  8. dhraako

    the BEST part about this hobby

    got any pics? as for the mantis/pistol I'm asuming you've only heard the noise but not seen the culprit? of luck in this :)
  9. dhraako

    Reef Tank Experiment - No Protein Skimming

    lol not so much anymore...I'm trying to get a digi cam to take some pics but this morning I wetn and toothbrushed a bunch of it off :) as for pics on the net..there isn't much of that algae form..Chtion you actually have the best pic of ever seen of it
  10. dhraako

    the BEST part about this hobby

    Cindy..that some sweet free stuff! the crabs and the unknown shrimp that's awesome. my bro has some crab that came on an LR...still not to sure what it is good stuff I have yet to see my baby scarlet/blood shrimp yet since last week...but then again I only see my baby starfish once a month :)
  11. dhraako

    Reef Tank Experiment - No Protein Skimming

    lol fast growing ain't the word in my like took over a majority of my rocks..I removed it from all except a few of rock with xenia all over it is covered in the you may just get lucky :) .. and from my one rock which only started from a small amount it has spread...
  12. dhraako

    Reef Tank Experiment - No Protein Skimming

    Chiton finally I found someone who has Caulerpa Verticillata either than just popped up in my tank one day and killed all my hair algae as it took its place..although I have its growth under control as well just this algae benificial? is it bad.... what does it do if...
  13. dhraako

    Reef Tank Experiment - No Protein Skimming

    interesting insite on the pod population..thnx! :) that would also explaiun why it took forever to get my algae problem under control...which it is now in addition I do a 5-10 percent water change every week so that helps I'm sure
  14. dhraako

    Reef Tank Experiment - No Protein Skimming

    yeah, this is a sweet embarkment...goodluck...I'd totally like to see how it goes my 20gal has been living of a skilter uhm..there is basically no skimmer here either..and I've had no problems..corals are some amazing pod populations ect ect....and I've managed to beat my...
  15. dhraako

    Help!!! Hurt Stylophora!!

    ack nasty! can you break off the good part and start a new frag?
  16. dhraako

    the BEST part about this hobby

    That would be a sweet job BeachBum...seein all that stuff all the time and getting deals....course I couldn't do it cuz I'd profusly spend money..but hey :) and that's a sweety steal Kip..the rocks the LFS i go to are always super cheap and have the best assortment of things on it....the best...
  17. dhraako

    the BEST part about this hobby

    :eek: :eek: wow, yer like the freestuff master...that's insane..specially the ricordia...its becoming my absolute new fav...and I figure I can save a fortune by sticking with PC lights and not get SPS coral..instead get colourful zoos and my brain which I already
  18. dhraako

    the BEST part about this hobby

    yeah sheesh..those tooth worms are nasty eh? I have tons of em..some really huge as for pods..well put it this way..I have no fish...I have hundreds upon hundreds of pods of so many differing sizes its rediculus as for aipstasia I've been lucky enough not to be caught by that plauge..but there...
  19. dhraako

    the BEST part about this hobby

    Those are freaking beautiful...I love zoos I have little little ones I think I got from my bros tank...they have little ahir tendrils on the rim and the center goes to a pink bullseye type thing...I need pics :) and a red tree sponge would be a sweet freebie
  20. dhraako

    the BEST part about this hobby

    that worm thing is crazy daisy..just crazy..there's some pretty nasty worms..I have these long zebra patterned worms in my tank that grapple onto rock or sand and eat that way..when they extend out a clear piece comes out with a ring of spikes on it..I assume its for digging as well...creepy...