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  1. neofish

    Anenomes and Light

    I have a 29 gallon with the lights that came with the canopy setup. I'm not even sure what wattage they are, but I can assure you they are nothing special. I fully intend to upgrade my lighting ASAP, but haven't gotten around to doing it just yet. Anyway, my LFS sold me a pink tip carribean (I...
  2. neofish

    Where's my Blenny ?!?

    I'm a newbie as well mr. bubble. I set the tank up for my wife, but I've kind of gotten hooked on the hobby, so to speak. The last thing I know to do is dredge the CC to try to recover the body. Poor Blenny
  3. neofish

    Where's my Blenny ?!?

    I don't have a cleanup crew yet. Next on the list along with more live rock and better lighting. I'm quite sure the Blenny is dead. There were 2 and I found 1 dead at the bottom of the tank on top of CC. The other I haven't seen since. That was on Friday. As to the Tang, I agree. I'm in kind of...
  4. neofish

    Where's my Blenny ?!?

    Thanks for the info. Rocks are all stable. Levels are all fairly stable as well. I usually check them once each week, but I've been checking every few days lately. My fear is the second blenny is dead and hidden somewhere and will start decaying and spike my levels. There's really not many...
  5. neofish

    Cost of lighting.

    Lordofthereef, I also have a 29G that I'm looking to upgrade the lighting. If it's not too much trouble, could you post or e-mail some of the specifics of your tank and lighting plans?? I checked out your pics. Nice tank Thanks
  6. neofish

    Feeding a anemone

    I've had this same question, not just what to feed but how to feed? And how often I usually buy a few shrimp from the grocery store, cut them up in small pieces and froze them. I usually give him 1 small piece, about once each week. I just try to drop it down around the area of his mouth...
  7. neofish

    Where's my Blenny ?!?

    I haven't thought to look behind the tank, but I think that is highly unlikely. There's only one small opening in my canopy top, where the heater is placed. I am at a loss. There's not much I can do about it, as it is obvious they are gone. I'm just curious as to what could have happened. Could...
  8. neofish

    Where's my Blenny ?!?

    I have a 30Gal. that has been established since about December '01. I have 1 clown that has been in since Jan. I put 2 Blenny in the tank in February. About 2 weeks later I added 1 yellow tang and 1 carribean anemone. The Blennies have been doing great. No signs of problems at all. Then, I wake...
  9. neofish

    Is this lighting crap?

    Thanks much for replying. Yes I have already thanked the inlaws for their contributions and asked to hold off any more fish. They are big nature lovers and have taken an affinity to my tank and creatures. Thanks for the suggestions. The lighting is first on the list. I was also thinking of...
  10. neofish

    Is this lighting crap?

    Broomer5, I just checked out your 30 gal setup from the link and it's very nice. I'm new to the hobby. Bought my wife a tank for Christmas. She wanted a salt water tank. I thought if I started it up, using the basics, she would take over and roll with it. I've kind of gotten hooked since...