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  1. saltfin

    Ca Caused a Super Molt- Kip-007-Bang-Anyone?

    While doing the sand change from cc and bringing up my Ca and other water conditions I realized this morning I've caused everyone to molt. Bluelegs last night-Scarlett shrimp and Coral banded this morning. SHELLS Everywhere:notsure: I know Ca is good but by trying to bring up Ca it must...
  2. saltfin

    Oh Paging- waterfaller1

  3. saltfin

    book, please?

    Just noticed your location - I got mine at Barnes and Noble more reasonable than the lfs. Also has them even better price. Gotta wait for the mailman
  4. saltfin

    book, please?

    IMO - Natural Reef Aquariums By John H. Tullock Lost of pics, why and why nots, water chemistry and more. Glance through one at a lfs to see if you like it. I love mine!
  5. saltfin

    Please evaluate and help

    Well looks like I better just take the submarine ride in the corals or tie my hands behind me and snorkel. I do not want pics of sharks - tangs will do just fine
  6. saltfin

    Please evaluate and help

    If bail it like pail then that must be to hold ice for the drinks:)
  7. saltfin

    Is it ok to place a ......

    bump Any more suggestions?????
  8. saltfin

    Please evaluate and help

    Hey - you gotta love this - Last night the wife set up plane/car tickets for some island hopping for a couple weeks. Ummmmm wonder where, lets see, United States, Island hopping. :D Hawaii:D Gotta pack - lets see, hydrometer, Red Sea test kits, baggies am I forgetting anything??:jumping:
  9. saltfin

    Please evaluate and help

    Thanks, I'm working on it. Just a new world for me. Ain't it fun:)
  10. saltfin

    Sand for a DSB

    30# bag of CaribSea agaronite DSB $25.50 Gotta shop around I've seen it $15.00 more some places at lfs. This is in KC, Mo area of cource. A 20# bag of bacteria sand at lfs is also nice to have - about $31.00 I've also heard never use the silica based sands. I could never find the Castle or...
  11. saltfin

    Is it ok to place a ......

    Is it ok to place a colt coral straight into the live sand by itself or should it be on top of lr. By the way the colt is fixed to a small lr it came on.
  12. saltfin

    Please evaluate and help

    All comments are welcome with me. I evaluate everything then apply. I have a lot of thoughts about the post mentioned and previous and current info. as well. With out getting to far into this, I need this sort of thing. With my trial and error, this info. I'll move forward. Thanks to all! I...
  13. saltfin

    Please evaluate and help

  14. saltfin

    Please evaluate and help

    Thanks Bob - My load is 2 Yel Tangs2" - 1 Hippo 4" - 1 Neon Dotty2" and my land scaper Eng. Maroon Cln 3" I only have the main tank for now but want to set up a sump/refrug later down line and what else - plantlife. My tangs would have a time if I put in the main tank:D
  15. saltfin

    Oh Paging- waterfaller1

    Wow I saw the pics - fantastic . Am I allowed to ask you your water chemistry?? I'm trying to get mine adjusted and I can see your water quality must be in really good shape. I'm starting to wonder if I should monitor Iodine as well.:D
  16. saltfin

    Please evaluate and help

    I'm starting to feel a little lost here and need some good advice or to know if I'm on the correct path. I'd appreciate any help on the water chemistry. I feel like I'm going to just kill everything. Took out old 3yr cc and now I am starting second week of new (2wk cultured) #60 DSB mixed with...
  17. saltfin

    My New Colt Coral pic and a question

    Yes - Good luck! Maybe you could even get a pic or 2 of the process?? Don't Colts come in different colors? Gotta pic of yours? I might go ahead and set mine up higher in the tank for grins. I do like it in the sand though. My clown throws sand all over everything. My lr looks like ice...
  18. saltfin

    My New Colt Coral pic and a question

    Thanks Daisy. It came on a rock attached. Could it need more rock or is the one it came on enough? Also where do they split at the base with another stem or more arms from main trunk.:notsure: Will the new need a rock??
  19. saltfin

    My New Colt Coral pic and a question

    Another with out who else - Dori
  20. saltfin

    My New Colt Coral pic and a question

    Can a Colt or any other corals be placed directly in the sand bed or are they better off on the lr? I'm thinking of copods, bristles and so on. I have 260watts PC about 20" above top of sand bed. What is the best height for the Colt to be placed for that much light? Should a Colt always be...