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  1. saltfin

    Man - Just can't win!!

    Thanks Bang I also had checked Old Castle..... Mine has been cultured for 2 weeks and in my main tank setup last Sat. with a bag of Bacteria sand and all my old lr, etc. Hoping no spike.
  2. saltfin

    Man - Just can't win!!

    Kistheeze - I physically went to 8 different places realized it was tough to find in my area no one ever heard of it then iI called about 15 other places from SandBlasting to Rock Quaries to HD to BS you name it. Wore me out. I paid the price. Maybe I needed Mid-west down.
  3. saltfin

    Man - Just can't win!!

    After all the research on aragonite sand. The main lfs sold CaribSea Aragonite 30# bag=$27.95 Finally bought it from another for $25.50 Just saw it today in a store i never use $18.95 Of course I bught 2 bags hurting my feelings twice as bad. Gotta shop those prices!!!!!!!!
  4. saltfin

    Bought a new house!

    Wellllll, I was able to close off my register and just set my tank over it no problem. If you really miss the air - probably won't just cut in a new duct run and grille like Kip suggested.
  5. saltfin

    Dumb Question: OK to drink RO/DI water?

    You do know what a juman is right?? Sorry Human. How does that stuff happen anyway!
  6. saltfin

    Dumb Question: OK to drink RO/DI water?

    Your question doesn't seem so dumb. I just talked to someone at my lfs Iknow Iknow But he stated the RO/DI he sells people could not drink due to so much removal of chem. While he decided he was no chemist he though the Culligan RO/DI everyone drinks must have correct chemicals added back...
  7. saltfin

    Bought a new house!

    Easily relocated - ???? Is it a floor register cut into your subfloor and a carpet with a hole cut out:notsure:
  8. saltfin

    Dumb Question: OK to drink RO/DI water?

    Holly Smoke my Culligan water Says RO/DI on the bottle and we've probably drain 10,000 Gallons. I guess were Dead:D
  9. saltfin

    Bought a new house!

    Oh Goody - Something I might be able to help on. Please remember this is just my opinion!! I've had fish since 1970 you do the subtraction. I would stay away from the Sun room no matter how neat it would seem to have it there. You are asking for aglae bloom due to sunlight if nothing else...
  10. saltfin

    From CC to Aragonite no more UGF-Wow

    New setup is complete Well.....Saturday took 6 hours straight but tore down old 75g setup rebuilt tank support header so I could add sump and ref tanks later below my main tank. Went very well like I planed. I wrote down every step in advance. I wanted very much to reuse the same water I...
  11. saltfin

    First Tank Pics

    Looking good. Let the fun begin:D
  12. saltfin

    First Tank Pics

    CasinoBob I think it didn't come up.:D
  13. saltfin

    Quick - Important water reqmts.

    Crazzy lfs PH=8.2 Ammonia=0 Nitrite=0 NitrAte=0 I knew that I guess I thought I'd get all the info. Gotta buy the Kits. Ugggg.
  14. saltfin

    Quick - Important water reqmts.

    Oh Retired
  15. saltfin

    Quick - Important water reqmts.

    Cincinatti, Ohio Janet time Right?? Just a thought:D
  16. saltfin

    Quick - Important water reqmts.

    I'm still listening - Thanks
  17. saltfin

    Quick - Important water reqmts.

    cincyreefer: I probably really shouldn't have even mentioned Floride since I use RO/DI I'm sure it doesn't come in there - I'm just trying to get me a check list together prior to ripping my tank apart tomorrow removing UGF and CC to go to aragonite and remodel. Starting softies. Gotta...
  18. saltfin

    Quick - Important water reqmts.

    Thanks Bang I'm learning.
  19. saltfin

    Quick - Important water reqmts.

    Thanks Kip and daisy. I value all opinions - pokem in the brain storage barrel - shake it around and pull the avg. of what I believe. I learn by experience as well:D Great Board:yes: