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  1. saltfin


    Excuse me waterfaller1 What are your lower left mushrooms called. sorry for interupting.
  2. saltfin

    Temperature of your tank anyone ?

    By the way your fish only could be perfectly happy at 74 Deg. or anywhere up to 80 Deg. Their metabolism is just faster or slower. I like them driving along at 78.:jumping:
  3. saltfin

    Temperature of your tank anyone ?

    Good Morning: What size tank and kind of lights-just curious. IMO your temps are ok but I'm wondering why you have a varing temp. - Lights off 77 then on after a while 79? Being winter at the moment our house is about 74 making my heater do the work to 78. My 260 watts of light are PC and...
  4. saltfin

    What are the most colorful corals?

    I know I here you. You look like 130w/29=4.48watts per gal. While that sounds good it is flour. and maybe doesn't reach the bottom of the tank in power. Looks like you are doing great though. I recently bought some Coralife compact fluorescent with 2-65w 10,000k and 2-65w 50/50 actinic for my...
  5. saltfin

    What are the most colorful corals?

    microman2k Mornin, Just wondered are you talking about High light or medium. If Medium to low which are the most colorful. Curious toooooo !!
  6. saltfin

    undergravel filter

    sweetpea4044 That's what I'm about to do. I'm 75g FOWLR with a couple simple polyps. I'm tired of looking at cc and sand looks great. The UGF would someday develope a possible case for nitrates and I don't want to use it with the sand nor look at the 1" tubes anymore. I think to advance...
  7. saltfin

    feeding a sallylightfoot

    Sallies are really neat. I never did anything special. Sometimes I'd drip in mysis shrimp with tank water mix and formula 1. Believe me he'd come runnin. He molted 4 times and we always got to save the skeletons aside to watch him grow. I'ts fun to watch them jump out at passerbys to say BOO.
  8. saltfin

    New Neon Dottyback ??

    Thanks - I appreciate any info. But how about the Bristle Worm problem. My lfs said he would have them taken care of in a couple of weeks.
  9. saltfin

    ? on my clown and anemony

    Anemone's are fantastic! Alot of us are reading this thread and shivering with info. and know your concern. Please read up on the Anemone requirements. You gotta forget them unless you really understand what they need. Good Luck!
  10. saltfin

    Did I hypo too quickly? Lost a fish

    I've been thru this too. Probably was the nitrites. Just 1 fish will drive up a newly setup QT in a days time, in 2 days probably burning them pretty good, by day 3 ans so on they will die if you do not change 50% water on daily basis. Sorry. Keep a Qt up and running for emergency. Took me...
  11. saltfin

    Bristle worm problem

    I also have heard the panty hose thing. However I bought a Neon Dottyback to eat the B worms. Anyone with more info?? My Yellow polyps are disappearing and I think it is the B worms. Could be wrong.:rolleyes:
  12. saltfin

    New Neon Dottyback ??

    Do Neon Dottybacks eat Bristle worms? If so how fast? I haven't found much info on them. I just added on last night. When I read only one per tank is that 1 Neon Dottyback or do they mean 1 Dottyback. Is the rule sorta 1 fish of the same shape?
  13. saltfin

    Blow off LR with powerhead?

    Except for my Maroon Clown remodeling from time to time I don't see much change in my lr except maybe coraline coming and going. I even say it turn to half inch long hair then go back to just a coating. Amazing stuff!:notsure:
  14. saltfin

    Yellow Polyps question

    I put a lr with yellow polyps approx. 40 of them in my tank 4 days ago. I think someone is sneaking some. I have 2 Yellow tangs, 1 maroon clown, 1 Blue Hippo tang, 1 coral banded shrimp (she just molted and is really strutting around) a Mexican Turbo and 4 blue legged hermits. Could it be the...
  15. saltfin

    Plain and Simple Who's eatin em??

    I put a lr with yellow polyps approx. 40 of them in my tank 4 days ago. I think someone is sneaking some. I have 2 Yellow tangs, 1 maroon clown, 1 Blue Hippo tang, 1 coral banded shrimp (she just molted and is really strutting around) a Mexican Turbo and 4 blue legged hermits. Could it be the...
  16. saltfin

    Can you fill up a new tank with tap water.

    Are we havin fun yet. My water co. actually sent out a flyer saying "If you have pond fish or fish tank do not use their water". I discovered this after my fish were dying from to much metal. After I bought 33cent/gal water from Wal-mart I cleaned up the problem and quit killing and loosing...
  17. saltfin

    Wondering how much water flow is right??

    Thanks, I am changing out my lighting this Fri from 80w flour. to compact lighting 260watts. Do you think that much light will help my new yellow polyps grow/spread? I want to get some other low light corals as well. Any sugestions/info?? I use 10 hour days with only my blue 50/50 on for...
  18. saltfin

    Wondering how much water flow is right??

    Flow probably applies to all forums and I'll try this one too. Thanks. I'm wondering how much water flow my fish, inverts, soft corals, etc. (basically my tank) might like. I have a 75 gal long hex with coral sub but a corner of ls, 30 lbs. Lr and I'm starting some soft corals that 260 watts of...
  19. saltfin

    Going with the flow-What do they like??

    Sorry I missed.
  20. saltfin

    Going with the flow-What do they like??

    Flow probably applies to all forums and I'll try this one too. Thanks. I'm wondering how much water flow my fish, inverts, soft corals, etc. (basically my tank) might like. I have a 75 gal long hex with coral sub but a corner of ls, 30 lbs. Lr and I'm starting some soft corals that 260 watts of...