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  1. saltfin

    Salt buildup on MH bulb what to do?

    quote: [hr] Originally posted by 007 Hopefully you know to do all the above when the bulb has been off for several hours and is not even the slightest bit warm. [hr] Of course... that's a given. Sabby: Just thought I'd add this thought. I just wonder how many have done a water change...
  2. saltfin

    Tank set up yesterday - Aragonite sand not pre-rinsed...VERY MILKY WATER

    Originally posted by 007 aragonite sand is the best form of sand to use in an aquarium . . . :yes: I second that: I just did my whole tank with CaribSea aragonite sand sugar sized and it is white, no foamy water. It's great!
  3. saltfin

    Can I put my soft corals directly

    Ok Do kee Thanks
  4. saltfin

    Can I put my soft corals directly

    Can I put my soft corals directly into the sand if I want to?? Colt, Mushrooms, Yellow Polyps - etc.:notsure:
  5. saltfin

    weird night in the reef for me

  6. saltfin

    weird night in the reef for me

    Melody - You've changed:D
  7. saltfin

    From CC to Aragonite no more UGF-Wow

    Probably my favorite is with the new colt
  8. saltfin

    From CC to Aragonite no more UGF-Wow

    Left end
  9. saltfin

    From CC to Aragonite no more UGF-Wow

    The Right end
  10. saltfin

    From CC to Aragonite no more UGF-Wow

    Sure - Thanks for yur help - now I just gotta get workin on those corals:D
  11. saltfin

    Pure Caribbean Aragonite vs Caribsea Aragamax Select

    Something to help the clouding is to sift your hands through say a fourth of a bucket full and really stir up - this will cause clouding and actually some thick foam you can spill out and do again to clear. Doesn't take long-dump out all water then put sand into your tupperware cont. or...
  12. saltfin

    Pure Caribbean Aragonite vs Caribsea Aragamax Select

    Listen to the 007:joy: He guided me:jumping:
  13. saltfin

    Pure Caribbean Aragonite vs Caribsea Aragamax Select

    Hi Pursuit I just went through the entire thing. From cc to ls. Did a big search the whole nine yards. To answer your question I was also concerned to end up white and as cheep as possible. I have a 75g with 260watts PC = 3.4w/sf lighting I went with Caribsea Aragmax Select oolite sugar size...
  14. saltfin

    Ca Caused a Super Molt- Kip-007-Bang-Anyone?

    I might just rig me up a jug and air line for dripping I think the high flow area is the best as well for immediate dispursal. Til then I'll pour in very slow over time. I an FOWLR with only 10 Frilly Mushrooms on rock, 30 or so Yel Polyps on rock and a new colt on rock but placed alone in sand...
  15. saltfin

    Ca Caused a Super Molt- Kip-007-Bang-Anyone?

    Thanks 007 75Gal tank probably about 70 actual gal or a bit less due to sand and lr displacement. I probably should calculate better someday water vol. When people talk about vol. is it actual or nominal?? Seachem's Reef Advantage Calcium correct? Yes add the powder to RO water . . . NOT...
  16. saltfin

    Ca Caused a Super Molt- Kip-007-Bang-Anyone?

    thanks for the help
  17. saltfin

    Ca Caused a Super Molt- Kip-007-Bang-Anyone?

    That's the way I understand it as well. That's why no test kit. Takes a while to get all them and feel confident on color readings. My readings always seem - KINDA- Like Nitrate on chart is a light gray but my bottle seems clear gray. Ca is really hard with the start-end chart. :notsure...
  18. saltfin

    Ca Caused a Super Molt- Kip-007-Bang-Anyone?

    Seachem Reef Calc - but mine also is the one with additives I believe. I'm bring up my sg from 1.022 to 1.023 over 4 days aswell. All other factors remain the same. Iodine I haven't monitored - but I have no way of adding at this time- No kit or additive.
  19. saltfin

    Oh Paging- waterfaller1

    Thanks for the reply. Your machinery is way past me at the moment. I'll go there over time - That's kinda what makes it not only affordable but fun and the study learning time is fun. Very progressive. Read my Ca Super molt post. I hope I'm not going to fast on the water qual. upgrade. I'm...